Wednesday, August 15, 2018

ANOTHER YEAR... More adventures (Part 168r)

ANOTHER YEAR… More adventures (Part 168r)

I knew it was Lynda because she identified herself right away. But, listening to her, it was hard to tell. Normally, her speech was very controlled. On this occasion the words seemed to just tumble out. I tried to interrupt after hearing her for a short time but she seemed to not hear me. Finally, I sharply said “STOP!” There was dead silence for a few seconds and then I told her I had the money. There was continued silence for a few seconds before she, still excited, asked if I was kidding. I didn’t respond to the question but chose to tell her what had probably happened when she was at my desk. Then I heard a repeated “Thank God! Thank God! Thank God!… my husband would’ve killed me if it was lost.” Then I had to listen to a number of repeated thank you’s finished off with “I owe you so much! I don’t know how to repay you!" along with another “Thank you!”

She was still at home and that was another problem. I had the money and she needed to get it to her husband. The bank was a savings bank and not a commercial bank. We had no capabilities to wire money. After thinking about it for a short time I saw Bret walking towards his desk. His father was the manager of a branch of a regional commercial bank located just down the street. I called him over and threw an ‘off the wall’ question at him asking if he thought his father could execute a wire transfer for one of our customers. He was hesitant but finally said he’d call his father. Long story short, with a lot of co-operation and a fair amount of time, I got the money to his father and the wire was sent. When I called Lynda to tell her I actually thought I detected her crying.

As far as the rest of the day was concerned, Mae had called in to ask if she was needed. When I told her she wasn’t she said she’d go to the branch to see how they were doing. I told her to call Betsy first because the last I knew Jerry hadn’t come in. She said she would and hung up. By then Hobie had arrived and, much like me, was concerned about the pile of snow in the back parking lot. Bert, the president, had elected not to come in but Hobie, after talking with me, called him to report on the situation. I wish I’d been able to listen to both sides of the conversation but just listening to Hobie gave me a good idea of what was being said. Trish was currently dating a guy who worked as a lineman for the phone company. He’d bought a plow for his truck and was looking to make some money with it. She knew how upset I’d been about the parking lot and asked if I wanted him to stop by. I told her that my hands were tied and that ended the conversation. However, when Hobie was finished with the call he turned to me and told me to find someone who had “half a brain” to see what could be done with the problem. I immediately went to Trish. It was like I’d given her a present.

Even though there were no cell phones back then, with Chaz working for the phone company and Trish knowing how to reach him, he was there around noon. He was big… 6’5”, and solid. Even though I was thin, weighing around 160 pounds, I had big hands. When I went to shake his hand it swallowed mine up. He’d already seen the problem out back and said he wasn’t sure how he’d tackle it but would be back that night. To me, that was progress. Joanie and Laura had made it in by then and, because of the street conditions and that they walked, had worn casual pants. It only took a few seconds to see a VPL on Joanie as she stowed her things under her desk. I was happy to see the unmistakable crotch line of the Sans Soucie panties. Joanie, almost always, wore skirts and dresses so this was a pleasant surprise. When she did wear pants they were usually dark and made of wool… not very good for viewing crotch lines. I was about to go out to get lunch when Joanie stopped me to let me know Betsy had called from the branch. Even though I was very hungry I stopped to call her back. She wanted to let me know that when Mae arrived to find that Jerry still wasn’t there she volunteered to drive over to his house to get him. Hearing that I just stood there shaking my head. Then, when Betsy told me the reason Jerry hadn’t come in was because his car had been plowed in when the town plowed the roads I think my jaw dropped to my chest. I could picture the look on her face as she told me of his excuse. She told me Mae was so upset upon hearing that she jumped in her car and went to his house and drove him in. I found it kind of funny because Mae’s brother-in-law lived right next door to Jerry. I had a feeling there was more to the story but let it go at that.

Business (lobby traffic) picked up in the afternoon but it was still slow. The tellers who’d made it in all proved up without a problem so I rewarded them by letting them head home early. Bret, knowing I hadn’t been home since coming in Monday morning, volunteered to stay until 5pm. I got home while it was still daylight so got to see some incredible snow drifts while on my way. The one that had stopped me the night before was about 1/4 mile wide. John, the farmer neighbor had done a nice job of clearing the snow from my driveway. He piled it up in the back yard so the kids could have a safe hill to use their sleighs on rather that using our driveway which was dangerous. I’d called Elle to let her know I was on my way and as soon as I walked in the kitchen I knew she’d been baking. With my overcoat still on I went looking for the finished product. It was my favorite cake, devils food with a sugar icing drizzled over the top. As hungry as I was I would’ve settled for just the cake for dinner. After shedding my coat and saying hello to the kids Elle called me into the dining room. I had no idea why but as soon as I stepped in found out.

She stopped just inside the door and unbuttoned her slacks. They were a mousy brown corduroy and as she unzipped them I finally took a look at her crotch… and it was definitely a different color. My hand, almost automatically, went for her crotch. It had been a while since I’d had a feel of wet satin nylon and the first touch had my member at full attention. She let me rub for  maybe 30 or so seconds and then backed away. As she did she told me she was just about to use the toilet when she saw my car pull up to the garage. As she zipped the pants up she said she was going to try to hold it but couldn’t so peed through her panties on the toilet. That put a BIG smile on my face. When we walked back into the kitchen I asked if she was going to change and it was her turn to smile. She told me to get her a towel and to put it on her seat. I was really liking this and had some positive hope that it would eventually lead to something good.

Dinner went well. The kids were all excited to tell me about their ‘snow hill’ and how much fun they’d had. When Elle brought out the cake I was convinced that all was well again. When we were headed upstairs to bed (or other activity) and Elle asked if I wanted a picture I knew it was.
She stopped at the toilet before heading up the stairs...

To be continued...


oldblue said...

All's well that ends well!

Pantymaven said...

OB... but it did take some time!