A blog to describe my lifelong fascination with women's panties and the women who wore them.
Monday, December 21, 2009
I was in weekly contact with my grandfather. I remember getting a few brief letters from him and always a $20 bill enclosed. It was very much needed. Driving back and forth to school each day was adding to the gas bill and the fact that I now had to pay for my food seven days a week was really putting the ”hurt” on us. As we got into the early part of May Dr John would have me come over a few days a week to clean up his yard. I don’t remember how much I made but anything was better than nothing. I’d also been in contact with AJ and he was racing some of his horses in Delaware. The local track was going to open the stable area around the 1st of May and racing was to start in mid month. His plan was to ship the horses that weren’t ready to race the first week in May. He wanted to know when I’d be ready to work full time and even though I didn’t know my exam schedule I did know that all exams would be over on the 29th. I told him that I’d be willing to give him all my free time prior to that. He said he could work with that.
Harry shipped all the horses he planned to race to the track on May 1st. He was way behind in training due to the poor conditions at the fairgrounds track which he used. The only horses he wouldn’t ship were the 2 year olds. Clyde would be in charge and Harry would go up whenever he could. I was to continue to go to Harry’s on Saturdays to work with the two year olds. Once I knew AJ’s and Harry’s plans I became very anxious to get classes over with and to really start with my career.
April had actually finished up pretty calmly for us. Elle’s pregnancy continued without much in the way of problems. Actually, my life was boring. The first “excitement” for May came on a Friday night. Elle had gone to bed and I was finishing up the draft of my Public Finance term paper when the phone rang. It was around 10pm or so and it was one of Elle’s sorority sisters. There was a group of girls from the sorority who went by the nickname of the “PG’s” which stood for party girls. They were all seniors and, as such, had some privileges that the others didn’t. They were allowed to skip the Friday night dinner meal and were also allowed to stay out until midnight, even though it was still considered to be a weeknight. Their usual routine was to go to a little bar called the Old Tavern which had pizza. Usually, the girls would have some beers, eat and then go to the movies. Then, some might go back and have a few more beers before returning to the sorority house. On this particular night they changed their routine and made it a real party night. They skipped the movie and just stayed at the bar. Instead of beer they decided to make it a real Italian night and were drinking cheap red chiante wine. One of the girls got really drunk and ended up throwing up all over herself. The call was to see if they could bring her over to get her cleaned up and to get some dry clothes before they returned to the sorority. I wouldn’t say yes but did go get Elle up for her to make the decision since they were her friends. Of course she said “yes”.
A little while later there was a knock on the door. I thought it would probably be a group of the girls but there was only one, Maddie, at the door. She asked me to help her get the drunk girl, Mary Elizabeth, into the trailer. As soon as I opened the car door I could smell the vomit. I’ll tell you this... there is nothing I hate more than that smell. But, what could I do. Mary Elizabeth was semi conscious because she kept asking where she was. I dragged her out of the car and propped her up against the car. She had a long dark coat on but it was unbuttoned and I could see the “damage” all down the front of her blouse and basically what would be have been her lap. The smell was bad but there was some wind to help keep it down.
Once we got her in the trailer it was straight to the bathroom. The way the trailer was laid out the kitchen and bathroom were split right down the middle which meant the width of the bathroom was only 5 feet. Maddie had helped me get her to the bathroom door and then it was up to me. Mary Elizabeth wasn’t all that big but she, as drunk as she was, was a handful. I had to sit her down on the toilet. Elle had taken her coat when we came through the door and immediately started to take off her blouse. She told me to leave and to get Maddie. That was fine with me as the smell was getting to me. When I walked back into the living room Maddie was gone. When I told Elle she said she needed help.
By then she had the blouse off. The next step was to get her pants off. Elle undid the button and zipper but I had to pick Mary Elizabeth up so Elle could pull them down. Basically, I was front to front with her and her breath really reeked of vomit. I wondered just how I got into this situation. I had to turn her around so Elle could get behind her and pull her pants down. As soon as she did I heard her give off a big sigh. I asked what was wrong and she sort of laughed and told me that Mary Elizabeth had wet herself while sitting on the toilet. She said her pants were still warm. Now, as much as I liked wetting, I was in no mood for it on that night. I was fighting to keep myself from throwing up and even when I sat Mary Elizabeth back down on the toilet I had no interest in seeing her panties. I just walked back into the living room.
Somehow Elle got her to stand up so she could get her panties off and could wash her up. Elle called to me to come into the bathroom from our bedroom and to wash the soiled clothes out. I remember taking a deep breath before I did and held it as long as I could. I let the water run on them and would duck back into the bedroom to get some fresh air and do it again. I had no interest, at all, in looking at a naked Mary Elizabeth. I ended up wringing the clothes out by hand and then just opening the door and dropping everything outside the door. As I did a car pulled up and it was Maddie. She’d gone back to the sorority and gotten clean clothes for Mary Elizabeth.
By then it was around 11pm. Maddie thought it would help if we got some coffee into Mary Elizabeth. By then she was somewhat coherent. By the time they left to go back to the sorority I think we had three cups of coffee into her. She was wobbly on her feet and Maddie said that there would be some girls waiting to help get her into her room without getting caught as being drunk. I hoped so what with all the work we put into getting her cleaned up and somewhat sober.
To be continued...
Thursday, December 17, 2009
Coming home to Elle every night was both good and bad. It was good in that I loved being with her and that she was totally focused on her studies. The latter part made me do the same. However, that part was boring. Living with the T’s there was always conversation with someone but after we ate supper and finished the chores then it was right to the books. What saved me was in reading An American Tragedy. I found myself so engrossed in it that I’d still be reading at 2am even though I had to be up at 6am and on the road by 6:30am. As promised I called Babs when I reached what I considered a critical point.
In my minds eye there were three critical parts to the book. The first was when the main character was introduced and then his assimilation into society. After I’d finished that part I called Babs and Elle and I were invited over to the house. Babs had told me to bring the book with me and after some chit chat she took the book and found a few passages that she read to us. The first was a description of a house that figured prominently in the book. After reading it she asked if it sounded familiar. It certainly didn’t to me but Elle’s face had one of those “maybe” looks to it. She then announced that it was now one of the prominent fraternities on campus. She flipped a few more pages and then read some more. The description was of one of the sororities. She did the same thing a third time and it was of another fraternity. I was amazed as was Elle. I vaguely remembered reading about the houses but now wanted to take Elle down town to see them and to see if we could find some more. When we left I could see that Babs was pleased.
After getting through the next critical part (a murder) I again contacted Babs. She was tied up at the time but gave me one very interesting tidbit... on my way both to and from school each day I would go right past the house where the murdered girl had been raised in.
We were baby sitting at Dr Johns when I was reading the third critical part. Before Dr John and Babs left she promised that when they returned that she’d have something really special for me. That third part was the murder trial itself. I remember Elle and I were eating lunch with the boys when Babs returned. She was carrying this approximately 2’x2’ scrapbook. We finished up and then she put the book on the kitchen table. She explained that her mother loved to clip and save things from the newspaper and that the trial had been the most sensational thing that had happened in this town in her life. The scrapbook held every article that had been written on subject from start to finish.
Babs then told us that after the book had been published that there had been some vague charges that some of the book had been plagiarized. She pointed to the scrapbook and told me that I could borrow it and that I should do some careful study of what was written in the newspaper and what was written in the book. I tried to press her for more but all she did was smile.
That night, back at the trailer, I stayed up until around 3am. I couldn’t believe what I found. There were pages and pages where the book had the exact same words as the newspaper. I couldn’t wait to get to class the next day.
The class was right after chapel break and I, as usual, skipped chapel but didn’t go to the “coop“ for coffee with my friends either. I headed right for the ”Hook’s“ office. He was one of those people who rarely smiled and often had the look of someone who was totally bored with what he was doing. I went in and was greeted with one word... ”What?“ I refused to be intimidated and walked over to his desk with the scrap book. I’d put markers in it to mark the passages that I wanted to show him in both the book as well as the scrapbook. I quickly flipped to them and stood back as he poured over the material. It didn’t take long for him to look up at me and ask where I’d gotten the newspaper clippings. I told him and he responded with a comment that I’d never expected from him. ”Good job!“
In class he had them turn to a page in the book and then he had me read from the scrap book. I only read for a few minutes when I could hear a ”buzz“ and the guys were shaking their heads when they realized what they were seeing. Long story short... Over the next week the class discussion took on a whole new direction and the ”Hook“ looked at me with a whole new perspective. I couldn’t wait to finish the book and to see if I could find any more examples of possible plagiarism. It was actually exciting.
I continued to work for Harry on Saturdays. His nephew, Levi, and I became good friends especially after Harry allowed him to work with the horses. His mother, Stephanie, was doing more and more work for Harry and Vi including being the one to pay me. I’d go to her trailer before I left to get my money. On one Saturday she’d stopped by the barn to tell me that my money was on the kitchen counter and if she wasn’t back by the time I was ready to leave I was to just walk in and take it. I really didn’t like the idea but she’d given me permission. I actually hoped that Levi would be at the trailer but he wasn’t. When I walked in I saw her laundry basket on the counter but didn’t see my money. I picked the basket up and saw the money right under it. As I manipulated the basket and tried to put it under my arm I managed to knock some of the laundry onto the floor. When I put the basket back and bent over to pick the stuff up I saw a pair of rosy pink panties. I can’t tell you how tempted I was to just stick them in my pocket but, because I respected her so much I didn’t. I'm pretty sure I felt that if she missed them that she'd know where they were. On my trip home, I was kicking myself for not checking the label. I actually couldn’t believe that I hadn’t done that as it was usually the first thing I did when I’d get my hands on a pair of panties.
To be continued...
Tuesday, December 15, 2009
When I arrived back at the trailer on Friday afternoon I found it empty. There was a note on the table telling me that Dr John’s wife, Babs, had picked Elle up in the early afternoon and for me to go over to their house. Dr John had been asked to fill in for a colleague at an equine disease conference on very short notice. In spite of that she had been able to have almost everything in order for us (read that as Elle) to make it as easy for us as possible. She had enough food in the refrigerator, with cooking instructions, to take us through to Sunday afternoon when they would be back. The only thing that didn’t get done before they left was to take the laundry out of the washing machine and to put most of it in the dryer. Elle had waited for me to do that as their laundry facilities were in the basement. Elle didn’t like going down a flight of stairs since she really couldn’t see the steps because of her protruding tummy. So, I was assigned the duty.
I’d say that by that time we’d been there to baby sit at least five times. On one of the first times there I’d given some thought to going “exploring”. The problem with that was the house was a ranch type with the master bedroom just off the living room. That, and their bathroom, were the only rooms at that end of the house. There was never a reason for me to go in that area and with the feeling that Elle was watching me every time I got up from a chair, decided it was best not to pursue any thought of “exploring”.
Babs was a tall, trim woman with somewhat wide hips. I didn’t find her particularly attractive but really liked her as a person. When I headed down into the cellar Elle told me that Babs had left a list of the things that shouldn’t go into the dryer. As I read the list I saw a word that made my heart start to pound... underwear. I reached into the machine and pulled out a wad of white cloth. It was a mix of sheets, pillow cases and underwear. I quickly rooted through it looking for the “prize” and it didn’t take long to find what I was looking for. I felt the soft nylon and guessed that it was a pair of panties. When I did I gently separated it from the rest of the pile of cloth. I spread them out on the top of the dryer and the first thing I noticed was how much larger they were than Elle’s. They were plain white with no embellishments. The next step was to look at the label. It read Munsingwear. The name was not foreign to me as I had, at one time, had some T shirts made by them. But this was the first time I’d ever seen the name in lingerie. What really had my attention though was the feel of the wet material. I knew that I’d felt something very similar to it but couldn’t come up with what or where it had been.
I knew I couldn’t take too much time as Elle would be calling down to me before long. As I finished sorting it all out and distributing it between the dryer and a drying rack that stood right next to it I found one other pair. It was exactly the same as the first. I did take the time to look at the size and found it was a 7. As a trudged back upstairs I was trying to remember where I was when I’d felt that almost sensuous material. I couldn’t.
I spent the rest of the weekend trying to figure a way to slip into the master bedroom but the only time I felt I had a chance was when Elle was taking a shower on Sunday morning. I made it out to the living room and was trying to summon the courage to make my foray into the bedroom when the kids came flying out of their room. It seemed like an omen that it just wasn’t going to happen.
For some reason Elle got along with the boys better than I did. Even though she wanted to spend time studying she did give attention to the kids. I had a ton of reading to do for my literature class and, surprisingly, found myself engrossed in the tale. I was reading when Babs walked into the house and, to make conversation, asked what I was reading. I told her it was Dreiser’s An American Tragedy. The look on her face was worth a picture. With her coat still on she rushed over to the chair I was in and sat on the ottoman in front of me. She was all excited. Of course I had no idea why. She started to talk, rapidly, and since I had no idea of where she was coming from, sat there and stared at her. She calmed down when Dr John walked in and when she started talking to him I got the drift of why she was so excited.
The “Hook” had told the class very little of the background on the book other than to say it was loosely based upon something that had actually happened. That was it. In class our discussions had focused on Dreiser’s writing style as compared to the other authors that we’d previously read. Listening to Babs was truly a fascinating experience. Not only had the story actually happened but a good bit of it had taken place in the town we were in. That excited me and I started asking questions. Initially, she answered them. But then she realized that it wasn’t a good idea to get ahead of where I was in the book. When that happened she made me promise to come over and to visit with her as I progressed through the book. I willingly said I would. That discovery gave me even more impetus to read the book.
To be continued...
Friday, December 11, 2009
MARRIED... Spring(ing) into the future (Part 50d)
The guy at the body shop had promised that he’d have my car finished so that I’d have it to drive back to school on Monday. After Dee and Art left I spent the afternoon reading the assignment that “The Hook” had given the Contemporary Literature course to read over the break. I was upset at the amount of reading but more upset that he’d threatened a quiz at Monday’s class. It was hard to concentrate on the material as I was worried about getting the car back. It was just before Elle was going to start cooking (it was her turn with Josh and Beth due over around 6pm) when the phone rang. The car was finished and I quickly ran over to ask Josh to give me a ride to go pick it up. When we pulled into the place there was the car right out in front looking all spic and span. The door looked perfect. It wasn’t until I got out of Josh's car that the realization came to me that I’d delivered the car to him without taking my tools and, almost more importantly, my panty “stash” including the new Gotham Gold Stripe ones I’d bought only a few weeks earlier. If Josh had been studying my face at that moment he would have seen it as red as a stop light. I couldn’t believe that I’d been that stupid. As much as I wanted to check the trunk of the car I didn’t want to do it in front of the body shop guy or Josh and, reluctantly, had to wait until I got home. The body shop guy opened the drivers door to show that it did work and that the window went up and down. I thanked him and took off, wondering what I’d find, if anything at all when I got to look in the trunk.
I was holding my breath when I put the key in the trunk lock. As the trunk lid opened I could see the tool box was not where it usually was. My heart dropped because the panties had been stuffed in the left rear corner and were hidden by the tool box. Josh, thankfully, had gone to get Beth for dinner as I almost dove into the trunk itself. I reached in and found both my “stash” box as well as the bag with the new panties. As I relaxed and started to breathe normally again I saw Josh and Beth headed my way. I shut the trunk and went inside with them, relieved.
With all that had been going on I had pretty much forgotten that it was my birthday. As we all walked into the trailer I could see that Elle had made some decorations and that I was in store for a party. I thought It was a nice end for the week and weekend. But, I had one more thing to deal with. Elle had been after me to start thinking about coming home each night. Even though she had a relatively easy pregnancy it had been a long lonely Winter with me gone four nights each week. She just wanted company as well as to have someone right there in case of a problem. She was quite persuasive and I told her that this would be my last week staying with the T’s. I wanted to give them some advance notice and not just walk out on them. She agreed and that made her quite happy. Happy enough that she let me have some “fun” that night.
I can’t say that Mrs T was all that surprised when I told her my plans. What it did do was put some added pressure on all of them as Joanne was spending all her free time getting her seedling plants started for her business. As much of a “greenhorn” as I’d been at the start I’d adapted fairly well even though I didn’t really like what I was doing. When I told Joanne it was a lot different. I don’t think she was ready to cry but she was obviously surprised. It wasn’t that I wouldn’t see her anymore because I’d still see her at the mentoring program I was involved in as part of Dr F’s educable program. That made her feel a bit better and I told Mrs T that I’d still drive her home after class and that way I’d be able to see her as well. It didn’t take long for me to start feeling bad as well. These people had taken me in and made me a part of their family and I was going to miss them... a lot!
The last night I stayed there they had a combination birthday/good bye party. I was the one who should have been giving them, especially Mrs T, a gift but I got a shirt that Joanne had picked out at the B’s store. (The B’s were the people who went to the races each and every night during the season and with whom I’d visit in the grandstands whenever I could) There was a cake and even ice cream (home made) but the best part was that after all the chores were done we all ended up in the living room and reminisced about the preceding months. Mr T conceded that even though it had taken a bit longer than it should’ve that I was now a competent “hand” and would be welcome at just about any dairy farm. From him that was glowing praise. It was way past the time that Mr and Mrs T would head for bed before they went upstairs. Joannne stayed with me but didn’t say much. She tried to say something but had trouble getting the words out. She soon followed them and I remained just wanting to relax before going to bed.
I could see the hall lights go out and figured that Joanne was now in her room. I turned out the table lamp beside me and just sat there telling myself to get up. My eyes had become accustomed to the almost darkness (there was always a low wattage light on in the kitchen that drifted into the living room) when I saw something in the opening at the foot of the stairs. There was no mistaking that it was Joanne with her long blond hair. She had on a long bathrobe and when I called to her she responded with a “Shhhhhsh” and started towards me. She made it about halfway from the foot of the stairs to where I was when she stopped. Of course I had no idea what she had on her mind so just sat there looking at her visage.
I was about to speak when she, ever so slowly, took hold of each side of the front of her bathrobe and, continuing to move her arms slowly, spread them out exposing her body clad in just a bra and panties. I didn’t know what to expect but I knew that it wasn’t right, especially with her parents upstairs. Again, I was about to speak when she quickly closed her arms across her chest covering her body with the robe and turning and headed back upstairs. The shock of what had just happened didn’t allow me to really enjoy the sight that I’d been allowed to see. In all honesty I was thinking of all the good things that the T’s had given to me and I didn’t want to do anything, in thought or deed, to go against the trust that they had shown in me. When I finally went upstairs I couldn’t sleep.
The next morning I was told by Mrs T that Joanne didn’t feel well and wouldn’t be going to school that day. I was relieved, to say the least. I still hadn’t come up with even the faintest idea of what Joanne had in mind the night before. As curious as I was I also knew that it wouldn’t be smart to pursue it with her. I chalked it up as another mystery of life.
To be continued...
Tuesday, December 08, 2009
MARRIED... Spring(ing) into the future (Part 50c)
At John’s house I found out just what he’d done to soften at least my grandfather up to allow the meeting. As I’ve previously written, there was mutual respect between the two in spite of a major age disparity. In my grandfather’s eyes, John was very respected in any number of professional fields and was willing to listen to him when he spoke. What John had done was to challenge my grandfather and asked him if he judged people before actually meeting them. Of course he said “no”. John then proceed to “scold” him saying that was exactly what he and my grandmother had been doing with Elle. He asked my grandfather if he’d ever even met Elle and when he said he hadn’t John had him where he wanted him. All I can say is that it worked. At least at that point in time it appeared that it had. But, there still was the hurdle of my parents to overcome.
When we left John’s house he told me that he’d call after he’d talked with my father. To be truthful, I was more afraid of that meeting than I was with my grandfather. In my grandfather’s case there had never been a confrontation but with my parents there had been. John couldn’t guarantee anything but encouraged me to make the effort. He said that the situation with my parents was a little tougher than the one with my grandparents. He did suggest that Elle accompany me.
Elle will admit that she was more frightened over meeting my grandparents than the one with my parents. She’d only ever seen my grandparents from a distance and heard nothing but bad things about them, especially my grandmother, from her mother for her whole life. As we walked across the street to my house she was encouraging me. It didn’t hurt.
It was like deja-vu. My parents were in the exact same places in the kitchen as they were the night I told them we were married. The biggest difference this time was that there was a frown on my father’s face and a look of disgust on my mother’s face as we walked in. They were aware of our meeting with my grandparents and, according to John, pleased with the outcome. But, they had their own agenda. The long and the short of their current problem was that I’d gotten Elle pregnant and were greatly disappointed in me... and Elle. That was it. There wasn’t much to say so we left. I hadn’t expected much and didn’t get much.
We left to go back early Monday morning. The trip was brutal as we had rush hour traffic around the city and once past it Elle had me stopping fairly often. Once back and having a chance to go through the mail I found the check from the insurance company. I headed right down to the body shop and set it up to have the repair done that weekend. At least I’d get in three days work.
During the week Elle got a phone call from one of her former roommates, Dee. Her fiance was home on leave and she wanted to spend some “alone” time with him before he went back to his base. Staying at home her mother had been keeping close tabs on her complete with curfews. She wanted to know if we could put her up that Friday and Saturday. It would give her a lot more freedom than living at home. Elle knew what she was really asking for and how could we say “no” what with Elle being pregnant before marriage. Dee had insisted that Art would fend for himself and that she'd be sleeping with us. I had doubts.
Dee and her fiance, Art, arrived early Friday morning. I’d dropped my car off at the body shop and was back at the trailer by the time they arrived. I got an idea and asked if Art could drive me the 20 miles down to Harry’s so I could at least earn some money. Dee thought it would be a good idea because it would give her some time alone with Elle to get caught up. Art was a good guy and I know he was a bit embarrassed about the situation. I remember him assuring me that Dee would be sleeping at the trailer each night. I really didn’t want to get into it and don’t remember saying much, if anything. All I knew was that I was going to make some money on a day I thought I wouldn’t make anything.
Saturday was another beautiful Spring day and after Art gave me a ride to work Harry, Clyde and I got to train almost all of the horses in the stable. Harry was way behind because of bad weather (too much snow) making the track unusable on too many days. When we were done Clyde volunteered to drive me home. I was exhausted and happy to find that Dee and Art weren't there. I remember going to bed early. Early the next morning I heard someone in the bathroom and since Elle was still beside me figured it must be Dee. Elle had said that she and Art were going to early church as Art had to be on his way to his base by noon. I was up as soon as I heard Dee leave the trailer. Even though Dee was nothing really to look at she had a pretty trim body and I have to admit that I had noticed a nice panty line on her Friday night. I was hoping that her bags were still in the bedroom. A quick peek showed me more than I was expecting.
She had two bags with her and the smaller one was lying open on the bed. What really caught my eye was what was sort of draped over the front edge... a pair of panties. But before I touched them I made a quick trip back to my bedroom to make sure that Elle was still asleep. Finding her cutting Z's I returned to the front bedroom. I made sure I noted just how the panties were lying and picked them up. My first interest was to see who made them so I looked for the label. They were inside out so that part was easy and I saw a familiar name... Kayser. But I noticed something in the crotch... dried cum... and a lot of it! The panties were an off white and the cum stain was really evident. I remember standing there laughing to myself because Elle had made a big thing of how Dee was such a "proper girl".
Dee's bag was one of the hard sided Samsonite kind that was popular at the time. On the bottom half, all around the sides, there were pockets. Knowing this I decided to fish around in them hoping to find the panties she had worn on Friday. It didn't take long before I came up with them. White, with some lace, the waist band told me they were also made by Kayser. The first thing I looked at was the crotch and although not stained like the other pair it was obvious that there was some dried cum around the leg elastic. Finding it brought forth another smile.
I heard water running in the bathroom so quickly stuffed the panties back into the little pocket and carefully put the other panties back the way I'd found them. Then I quickly stepped back into the living room and grabbed a book and sat on the couch, just before Elle appeared. I remember her asking why I had a smile on my face and I also remember not telling her.
To be continued...
Friday, December 04, 2009
MARRIED... Spring(ing) into the future (Part 50b)
We left bright and early on a bright sunny Saturday morning. Traffic around the city wasn’t as bad as I usually experienced on Friday nights even though it was Easter weekend. Elle was miserable because, even with more stops than usual, it was almost impossible for her to be dry. Even with plastic pants she would leak through. I had her sitting on multiple bath towels trying to keep the car seat relatively dry. When we arrived at her parents house it was just about dark and she was of no mind to go visiting, especially to see people who had a hostile opinion of her. That meant going on Sunday... Easter Sunday.
I called John and explained the situation. He said he’d take care of it and when he called back it had been decided that we’d do it about mid afternoon after my grandparents had had their Easter dinner. One of the reasons for the lateness was that my parents were eating with them. John, although very close with my parents, didn’t want my parents around when the meeting took place. In fact, he told me that he didn’t think my parents even knew about the projected meeting. All I could do was hope that was so and wait for the time to arrive.
Elle and I went to church and then had a nice Easter dinner with her parents. I can tell you that they, especially her mother, weren’t behind us as far as the meeting was concerned. We arrived at John’s house around 2pm or so and he briefed us on what he had scripted for the meeting. All Elle and I could do was sit and listen... and hope that it worked.
When we walked into the “sitting room” (what they called the living room) my grandfather was at his desk and my grandmother was in her usual place on the sofa. She was pretty much crippled with leg problems so she spent most of her time knitting while sitting on the sofa. John, with his wife following, walked in first. They greeted my grandparents with Elle and I standing in the doorway. After a minute or two John’s wife stepped back and he proceeded to introduce Elle with me standing right behind her. I had her right hand and I could feel it shaking. John then proceeded to tell my grandparents about Elle, stressing that she was an outstanding young woman. He told of her school awards both in high school and in college. He told them that she was in line to get her teaching degree, with honors. He told them about her extra curricular activities and how she’d worked each and every Summer to help pay for her education. He then took her by the hand and led her over to my grandmother.
I dearly loved my grandmother but she had her “moments". She was very stubborn and it was hard to get her to change her mind. She looked up at Elle and if she said anything at all it was mumbled. Next, John led her back to my grandfather. He was exactly the opposite. He took her hand in both of his and then proceeded to tell her that she not only had an impressive ”resume“ but that she was pretty as well. I couldn’t see her face but I know she had to be blushing mightily. Then, even more surprisingly, he proceeded to ask about the pregnancy and how she was handling it. It was during this part that my grandmother finally looked up from her knitting. John, picking up on the interest that my grandfather was showing Elle by asking about the pregnancy, piped up that the baby would make them great grandparents. I’m not sure that my grandmother had ever taken the time to think the situation through to realize that the baby would make her a great grandmother but she was obviously interested in that. The first words I heard from her were to tell Elle that both her mother and grandmother had been great grandmothers. That seemed to please her.
With things going well, John and his wife took leave and, as he left he was able to tell me to stop at their house on our way back to Elle’s parents. I wasn’t surprised when Elle asked where the bathroom was. I led her to it and asked if she was OK. She smiled so that told me everything was going well.
By the time she returned my grandfather had already started in with me. It was like I was being ”grilled“ as he wanted to know how I was doing in school. When I’d come home to go to Summer school he wasn’t pleased at all. When I’d first left for college he had made what I had considered a ”bribe“ in that if I graduated in four years that he would buy me a new car like he’d done for my father upon his graduation. I can’t tell you why but I never really took that as a promise. In fact, I think this was the first time he’d brought it up since my going away ”pep talk“. I know I’d long forgotten about it. So, when he heard that I was doing well (better than any other semester) and he reminded me about it I was really taken back.
That's when Elle walked back into the room and he wanted to hear more about what she wanted to do with her education. He wanted her to sit down but I was sure that Elle was at least somewhat wet. The furniture in my grandparents house was old... very old. It was also very uncomfortable. The last thing I wanted was for her to put stains on it and undo all the good that been accomplished. I jumped in and said I’d get one of the kitchen chairs (wooden) for her. My grandmother asked why and I told her that with the pregnancy Elle really needed a straight back chair after she’d been standing for a while. With no objection, I proceed to get one of the painted ones for her. That eliminated a potential problem. We spent almost an hour with my grandfather really involved with both Elle and I as we talked about the future. I told him I was committed to going into the harness racing business and that as far as I knew I’d be working for AJ starting in May. I remember him smiling when I told him that. He was also surprised and impressed when I told him that I’d kept my fingers in the business by working for Harry on Saturdays.
We stayed until I saw that it was getting dark. My grandmother took Elle’s hand and, looking her straight in the eyes, told her to take good care of herself and the baby. My grandfather went one better, insisting that he give her a hug and a kiss on her cheek. I got a hug and a handshake... but there was a $20 bill in his hand when we did that. As we walked down the hill to the car I remember wondering why we had to go though all those years of ”dancing” around my grandparents.
To be continued...
Tuesday, December 01, 2009
MARRIED... Spring(ing) into the future (Part 50a)
That Saturday was the first day of Spring. I remember it being an absolutely beautiful day. We’d had a week with much melting of snow and without rain so that Harry had been able to get the training track into shape. When I told him that I would be missing a few days to go home I thought he’d be a little upset. However, he fully agreed with the thought that it was time to end the standoff. He was very supportive and I appreciated that. In talking with him I was able to convince him to relent on prohibiting his nephew, Levi, from working with the horses until he graduated from high school. From what Levi had told me he was in no danger of not graduating and he’d already been promised a job by Harry for the Summer. It made no sense to me to turn him away especially when Harry was short handed anyway. I was the one to tell Levi and when I did I found out that it was his birthday. He couldn’t have been happier.
When I made my trash collection later that day I got my fill of washline panty peeks. There was one trailer that I’d singled out after seeing the woman going between her car and the trailer during the Winter. The woman was in her 30’s with long blonde hair and appeared to be attractive from the few times I’d seen her getting in and out of her car. Each and every Saturday I’d checked her clothesline with absolutely nothing to see. But, on this Saturday my patience was rewarded. Even though the whole line was filled with wash, her panties were on the side facing the path in the back. That meant that I could get a nice close look without it being so obvious. They were mostly what I would call “common” with nothing to make them stand out. But there were at least six pair and they looked so nice just blowing gently in the breeze. After seeing them I now wanted to see just what she looked like without being all bundled up in a Winter coat.
When I got back home and stopped at the trailer I saw Mac (the guy who had been in the head on crash a few weeks earlier) cutting through the yard. I hadn’t seen him to talk to since the accident and after exchanging pleasantries he asked about the big dent in the car door. I told him what happened and then he asked what I was going to do about repairing it. I told him about the deductible part of the insurance and told him there was no way I could come up with $100 right before the baby was due. He then told me that he’d bought a car to replace his wrecked one from an auto body shop and he told me he thought the guy would “work with me“ and that I should stop in. Since I was back at my school during weekdays the only time I had was on Saturdays. Mac seemed anxious for me to talk with the guy so I asked him if he thought the guy was still there. He suggested that we take ride down there. I told Elle where I was going and headed downtown.
Mac did all the talking (thank goodness!) and told him my plight. The guy looked over the damage and told me, point blank, that I needed a new door and that he really couldn’t do much to help me. We were about to leave when he stopped me and said that if I was willing to waive a guarantee on the work that he thought he could jury rig something to repair the door frame (which he assured me was broken in two) and just put a new ”skin” over it that he’d do the work for what the insurance would pay for. It took me a bit of time to realize what he was going to do was to write up the estimate for a new door but then just fix the broken one and accept whatever the insurance paid. When I agreed he told me that It would be advisable to continue to use the passenger door to get in and out of the car as he didn’t know how long the repair to the frame would hold up. At that point I didn’t care. We had a deal.
The problem was going to be actually getting the car fixed. The only available time would be during the week of Spring Break and I was already going to be losing a few days work at Harry’s with our trip home. It was just something else I had to deal with.
To be continued...
Friday, November 27, 2009
There was very little traffic on that road, especially at that time of morning. The first two cars that came by did stop and when they saw my car in the field they couldn’t believe it made it down there without touching the side of the hill or without flipping. The guy who originally stopped suggested that we go back to the gas station and see if the owner lived in the house right behind it. Just as I knocked on the door it opened. I was greeted by an old man with a beard down to his mid chest and it was his gas station. I told him my plight and he said the nearest wrecker was in the town where I went to college. He said he’d call and the guy who had stopped said he had to get going. I thanked him for his help and I still remember his parting words... ”Good luck but you probably won’t need it because you have a guardian angel hovering above you.“
It took almost two hours for the wrecker to get there. When it did the operator said he’d have to call the State Police to shut down the road for him to pull my car back up the hill. What a process!. There was about 15 to 18 inches of snow on the ground and when the car was being pulled up the hill it acted like a snowplow. It took a good 15 minutes to get it to the top. Once over the edge and back onto the road I saw the big dent in the middle of the drivers door where I'd hit the mile marker. I was going to try and start it but the the wrecker operator told me that there would be snow packed up tight under the hood. He was right. I opened the hood and saw nothing but snow and the cover for the air cleaner. The wrecker towed me back to the gas station where he, I and the bearded old man pushed, poked and beat as much snow out of the compartment as we could. When I finally tried to start it I was actually surprised that it did.
I had less than $10 cash on me and told the wrecker operator that I’d have to get the money got him once I was back at school. He wasn’t happy but he had all my information so he finally drove off. I figured I better give something to the old guy so put $4 worth of gas in the car and let him have the extra dollar. It was just after mid day when I arrived back on campus, I went to the Ad building first thing. I’d missed three classes and I was paranoid about losing my unauthorized ”cuts“. After showing them the bill for the towing of the car they agreed to make them authorized absences. When I showed up at the farm Mrs T was really upset when she saw the car. I assured her that I was fine but I refused to do what she wanted me to do and that was to call Elle. That was the last thing I needed to do at that time.
Everyone who saw the car wanted to know what happened. The door was stove in right to the frame rail. Because the door was no longer tight a fair about of air got in and I ended up using the towels that I kept under the seat for Elle to stuff in the openings. I knew that my father hadn’t canceled the insurance so I called his agent. I’d met Mr K a few times and when I told him what had happened I asked him to not say anything to my father until I got home in just over a week. He reluctantly agreed and told me that there was a $100 deductible with collision insurance. I had no idea what that meant. When he told me it was a shock. I was saving all I could to make the last payment to Elle’s doctor for the delivery of the baby and taking that much from that ”fund“ would a real problem. I also knew that driving the car that way was not good either.
When I got home and Elle saw the car she was upset but at least she could see I was OK. She also thought that the damaged car would mean that we wouldn’t be going home so she could meet my grandparents. No so. Even though I’d originally told Harry that I'd work the whole week I was off from school and going home would mean giving up some of those paydays. By then I knew we really had to do it. The situation was like a big boil just waiting to burst and left far too many unanswered questions for the future. I wasn’t looking forward to it but it was something that had to be done.
To be continued...
Sunday, November 22, 2009
At the very end of the previous part (48e) I told about my meeting an old family friend (John) in the city. He had told me that he was trying to ”broker“ a meeting between Elle, I and my grandparents and asked for me to think about coming home during the Spring break. He had made a point of calling me every few weeks to see how Elle and I were doing and to find out if I was making use of the ”heads up“ he’d given me about what was going on in the State political arena. He also used to call to push me towards taking him up on the offer to be a go between in a meeting with my grandparents. I’d told Elle about the offer right after I’d returned from the city and she’d responded rather coolly. I didn’t pressure her but with Spring break only two weeks away I knew I had to let John know our plans. John would usually call on Sunday nights knowing we’d be home. So, I sucked it in and tried to pin Elle down. I truly knew how she felt about being treated like she didn’t exist by my grandparents but I still loved them and wanted the standoff to end. We ended up agreeing to go but Elle was clearly unhappy and in bed she let me know by turning her back to me.
I’d leave for school around 6:30am but would get up around 5;30am to see what the weather was like. On that Monday morning I stuck my head out the door and even though it was still dark I could see it was very foggy. Because I travelled narrow back roads to get to school I decided to give myself a little extra time. Once on the road I found it hard to see more than a few feet in front of the car. As I approached town all I could see was a big bright glow as the fog diffused the street lights. Leaving town I ran up behind another car and was glad of it. I figured I could just follow him and let him do all the hard work. There were four distinct parts to the trip. The first was about 15 miles in length. There the road forked and most of the traffic usually went left. I was surprised to see the car I was following bear right but was happy about it. The second segment was about 8 miles and ended in a small town. My route took me to the left at the stop sign and, again, the car ahead went in that direction. The third part was about 10 miles and was the hardest part of the trip, good weather or bad. As I remember it we were doing only about 25 to 30 miles per hour at the most. There was another town that we had to go straight through. There wasn’t much to it with only a two pump gas/service station, a tavern and a building that served as a post office. On a road map it would be generous to call it a map dot. In any case we went on through the town and shortly after passing through the road made a fairly sharp right turn followed by a fairly sharp left turn. The fog was still hanging low but it was starting to get light. I was just following the tail lights of the car ahead when I felt the wheels on the right side of the car drop off the road a bit. When the car came back up onto the road I could feel the back end start to come around. Being around race cars as long as I had I knew enough to steer into the skid but it didn’t matter. The next thing I knew I was looking back at the lights of the town we’d just passed through. I’d done a 180 degree spin and was still moving when I heard and felt a tremendous ”WHOMP!“. I felt the car take a violent turn back to the left and then nothing. I knew instantly that the car was no longer on the road and I had the feeling of falling. I vaguely knew that this part of the road had been carved out of a small mountain and that off to the right was a big open field. As I looked out the windshield all I could see was blackness. It was then that I realized that I’d gone off the road and was now ”flying“ down the hill. Something made me duck my body off to the right and to lay down on the seat with one hand stuffed between the seat and the seat back with the other grabbing onto the underpart of the seat. No sooner had I done that when I heard and felt another ”WHOMP!“. Then there was nothing but silence. I sat up and saw nothing but white on all the windows. The motor was still running, the dash lights were on and the radio was playing but I just sat there. I don’t remember how long it was before I tried to open the door. It wouldn’t budge. So I slid over to the passenger side and tried that door. I was able to get it open about three inches or so but not far enough to get out. Next was to put the window down. As I looked out I could see those same lights from the town that I’d seen right after going into the spin except I was now looking somewhat upwards at them. I was decidedly below the level of the road. I shut the motor and lights off and climbed out the window to see headlights from the road above shining out towards me. They didn’t do much good because they were shining out into nothingness. Then I heard someone calling. I called back and let him know I was OK and then started making my way up the hill towards him.
It was the car that I’d been following. He’d seen my headlights disappear and knew there was no place to turn off in that area and so turned back to see what had happened to me. As we stood there talking I couldn’t believe where the car ended up. The road was about 25 to 30 feet above the field where the car now was. Neither of us could believe that it had made it from the road into the field without touching any part of the hill on the way down and hadn’t rolled over. It was then that I realized just how lucky I was because the car was a convertible. We looked around and discovered just what the first ”whomp“ was. There were no guard rails but only one single cement mile marker. When my car was completing the 180 degree spin it was about to go over the side but, with unbelievable luck, it hit the mile marker. The guy surmised that I must have hit it right in the middle of the car and with the weight of the motor in the front, the mile marker acted like a fulcrum causing the car to spin back to the left before going over the edge. At that point I didn’t care. Just the thought of what might’ve happened made my knees weak.
To be continued...
Wednesday, November 18, 2009
She made it out to the barn and we set about to finish up. All I wanted was a hot shower to, hopefully, ease my sore muscles. By the time we were about finished I accidently made the water splash her. She thought I did it on purpose so she pointed her hose directly at me. I remember ducking behind a cow but when the water hit the cow it sprayed all over. I tried to get her back but ended up hitting some of the empty milk cans that we’d just finished washing out and knocking them over. A couple of the cows were frightened and the last thing we needed was to have them trying to get loose so we stopped... at least for the time being.
I tried to get out the door before she did but she ducked out a different way. The outside barn lights were on (it was about 7pm) and I saw her running through the snow ahead of me. I caught up and tackled her. With heavy coats on it was hard to move around but she did try to stuff snow in my face. I could hear her giggling so I knew she wasn’t mad. When we got up she took off for the porch and, wanting to time it right for her to get her coat and coveralls off, I held back. As I approached she yelled for me to wait a minute. I didn’t answer but kept going, ever so slowly. The light in the windbreak wasn’t much and as I reached the steps I could see something sort of white where her stomach should’ve been. I was disappointed that I couldn't see more clearly. But, as soon as I saw her start to go through the door I ran up the steps and this time got a good view through the window. It only lasted a few seconds but I managed to get a good view of her rear end and crotch line of the panties.
She made straight for the stairs and the shower so I had to wait quite a while for my turn. When I finally got into the bathroom the warm water from the shower did feel good. I wasn’t ready for bed so got dressed and headed downstairs to watch some TV. A short time later I saw Joanne coming down the stairs in her bathrobe. I think she said something like “truce!” as she approached me. I was in a big stuffed chair and she settled in on the couch. We watched the TV until the program was over and then she leaned forward and, with a serious look on her face, asked if she could ask me some personal questions. I certainly wasn’t expecting anything like that from her and especially, the first question... “Do you think I’m attractive?”
If I could’ve done it over I definitely would’ve had a different answer. Because of the shock of it I shot back a quick “Yes... very!” I had no idea where she was coming from with a question so out of the blue and, in the few seconds after my answer I was afraid I’d put myself into a tenuous situation. She sat there, on the edge of the sofa, looking straight at me. Within seconds I was perspiring.
It took about a minute before I realized that she wasn’t coming on to me. She was very serious and obviously uncomfortable. It took a couple of abortive attempts for her to to get out the next question which was to ask what it was that I thought made her attractive. If you’ve read my posts about Joanne you know I was always concerned about her low self esteem so the question really had me on the “spot”. Without going into all the “dancing” I had to do to get to the heart of the question it originated from being rebuffed by Freddy from the educable class. She had a crush on him and he showed no interest in her and she was hurt by the inattention. I tried my best to explain some of the possible reasons for his inattentiveness but all I did was to get myself in “deeper”.
I was afraid that Mr and Mrs T would arrive right in the middle of our “discussion” and kept my ears attentive to the sound of a door opening. Joanne kept asking what it was that attracted me to Elle and since Elle and I had grown up together it was hard to relate that to her situation. She wanted to know what she could do to get his attention. I told her the same old stuff about not “pushing” and to let the relationship grow slowly. It was obvious that that wasn’t what she wanted to hear. Then she hit me with a real “bombshell”. I truly thought that she was completely naive about sexual matters. Certainly, we’d never even come close to the subject when we were together. So, when she asked me what “excited’ me about Elle I was shocked. I feigned ignorance as to what she was asking and she responded, somewhat knowingly, about what happens... and she pointed to her crotch area. I was embarrassed. I really was.
I seriously wanted the conversation to end and at that point was hoping her parents would arrive back. I tried to get off the subject but she wouldn’t let it go. In an effort to derail her questions I offered up that I really just enjoyed being with Elle but that seeing her in her bra and panties ”turned me on“. I’m not sure I used those exact words but it stopped Joanne’s questions... for a few seconds. I don’t remember how she phrased it but what she wanted to know was that if she showed a boy her panties would it make them like her. At that point I was sorry that I’d mentioned it. It proved that she was still very, very naive and I was worried that I’d opened a ”Pandora’s box“. I did my best to explain that Elle and I had dated a long, long time. I lied when I told her that I didn’t get to see Elle that way until we were married. Even with hearing that she still seemed to be intrigued by the idea that letting a boy see her panties would, for lack of a better term, ”excite“ them. In any case, the conversation ended there and she went on up to bed. When I finally went upstairs I couldn’t go to sleep, worrying about what Joanne and I had discussed and how, in her slightly ”slow“ mind, she was processing it. I really wished I could’ve had the whole conversation back.
Tobe continued...
Sunday, November 15, 2009
Living with Joanne and the T’s...
It didn’t take long for me to figure out that being a dairy farmer was NOT high on my “wanna-be” list. Even though I’d spent time at the farm and had spent almost a week living there a couple of years back I’d never participated in any of the work that had to be done. I’d agreed to do “chores” to pay for my room and after a few days knew it wasn’t “my thing”. The smell of the milking barn was overpowering. My main chore was the cleaning of the milking equipment. It was fairly easy but it still was the kind of work that I didn’t like. Even though both Mr T and Joanne showed me how to do it without getting wet I somehow managed to be wet when I was finished. I’d learned from Joanne that leaving my good pants in the kitchen and just working in the coveralls that the T’s provided saved my clothes. It meant that I was in only my underpants for the few seconds it took to get my pants off and then out into the wind break on the porch where we hung the coveralls. They were god awful cold when you put them on. I was thankful that Mrs T didn’t embarrass me by looking my way when I did my “strip”. Since I did that chore after supper Joanne was usually upstairs doing her homework for the educable program and I didn’t have to worry about her seeing me.
With all the snow we had the cows ended up staying in the barn on many nights. Unlike horses, they didn’t have their own stalls with hay in them that helped with keeping the smell and mess down. With cows, they stood on a cement pad with their heads through a hoop. There were two rows with the animals angled in and sort of facing each other. There was a trench like thing in the middle between the two lines of cows and to clean up their mess you had to use a water hose with more than normal pressure. Joanne was sometimes recruited to help out with that chore and when she was her mother would have her do her “strip” with me standing in the living room. Out in the barn, with her on one side and me on the other, we would point the hoses towards that trench. It would channel the water and cow slop to a pit just outside the building. It seemed there was no way we could do this job without getting splattered with the slop. Thankfully, it wasn’t something we had to do each and every night but when we did it meant taking a shower as soon as we came inside.
One of the things that I was privy to while staying there was the plight of the dairy farmer when it came to the price of milk. Being an economics major I was able to grasp the situation that independent farmers were in when it came time to negotiate with the milk processors. Mr T had been working on creating a co-operative with other local dairy farmers in order to strengthen their position in price negotiation. Their big meeting came during a mid week and because Mrs T was an integral part of the development of it she asked Joanne, the hired hand and me to pretty much take over the whole milking process for the day. They didn’t expect to be home until well past dark. I was NOT happy about it but there really wasn’t much I could say or do what with all the nice things they had done for me. I had to cut my classes for the day, something I really didn’t want to do. With only three unexcused cuts per course I was counting on them for emergency purposes. But I did what I knew I had to do.
I was truly a fish out of water. Initially, I was more of a hinderance than a help. Both Mr and Mrs T were there for the start of the morning milking and they left while it was in process. I just knew it was going to be a very long day. By the time the second milking was over that afternoon Joanne and I were both exhausted. We both knew we still had to clean the equipment and barn floor but decided to get something to eat. When we finished feeding the cows Joanne suddenly bolted out the door. I didn’t know why and followed close behind her. I remember yelling for her to wait up for me but she was running by that time. When I got to the porch and wind break I saw her going through the door and into the kitchen. When I got to the door it was closed but I could see Joanne putting her jeans on through the window. I got to see just a peek of the white of her panties as she pulled them up to her waist. As I saw her walk away I stripped out of my coveralls and opened the door only to find her standing right next to the door there and laughing at me as I tried to cover myself with my hands. I was a bit upset but as soon as I got my pants on I laughed as well. I told her that she didn’t play fair and we both laughed.
After eating neither of us wanted to go back outside. My arms and back were aching and I was, at last, warm. When we finally got up from the table Joanne wanted me to go first. I told her there was no way... that she’d gotten her “thrill” for the day and it was now my turn. She didn’t think that was a good idea and with a smile on her face went upstairs. I told her that if she wasn’t out in the barn in ten minutes I would come back in and would carry her out get. I remember her laughing and, more or less, daring me to try. (At that time she probably weighed close to what I did) It was the “loosest” I’d ever seen her.
To be continued...
Thursday, November 12, 2009

MARRIED... Winter woes (Part 49h)
It wasn’t until I drove into the downtown area of the town where we lived that I thought about looking at the panties. I parked under a street light so as to get more light than the dash light gave off. When I opened the bag it was the first time that I’d actually touched them. I pulled them all out and spread them on the front seat. If someone had walked by and peered in they would've thought I'd just stolen them off a wash line. As I held one and studied it I felt a bulge growing in my pants. They were beautiful. They were definitely the fanciest panties I’d ever seen. I remember looking at them and envisioning Elle actually wearing them. I knew it would be at least another three to four months even though Elle hadn’t put on that much weight. She was now wearing maternity panties that offered up nothing, especially as compared to what I was holding. The quality of the panties, starting with the waist elastic having a "tab" over where the elastic was sewn together, to the placement of the lace inserts and the finishing touches of the satin ribbon just had me totally "excited". If I wasn't out in public I certainly would've "relieved" my excitement. In any case it got me to thinking about what I could/would do when I got home.
Elle was six months into the pregnancy and, although not expressing much in the way of discomfort, had cut back in the love making department. In spite of being told by her doctor that there was nothing wrong with doing it she just got it into her mind that it wasn't right. In a way her thinking reminded me of how, when she was with me, she would refuse to pull her panties down when she knew she had to go and would end up peeing through them. In her mind that would've been "getting naked" and her mind wouldn't let her do that even with me. Irrational? Yes... but I accepted it and actually liked it. This new idea was also irrational and I certainly didn't like it.
It wasn't that I was cut off because she would let me "play" by "plugging in" in the "spooning" position. With her wet panties and the smooth nylon I could "get off". At the same time she'd let me play with her "button" and that seemed to satisfy her. As I started for home I had visions of being able to do just that. Not utopia but at least it was something.
There was something else on my mind... what to do with the panties. As Elle transitioned from her regular clothes (including panties) to maternity clothes we'd boxed the regular ones up and put them in the front bedroom closet. I had made a point of being the one to box up her panties and it gave me a chance to do an actual count. As I remember it there were over 60 of them with the majority being the Carter's Spanky Pants. Another thing I remember was that I'd bought her the majority of them. The first idea I had was to put the new panties in with the old. My problem was in finding a reason to go into the boxes. It seemed that I was never alone in the trailer. I finally decided to put them in the trunk with some of my "treasures" (the panties I'd collected over time... when I moved from the fraternity I decided they were better off in the car than in my room at the T's). I took one last look and feel of them before putting them in the box I had hidden behind my tools. I then thought of how I'd give them to Elle after the baby was born and started to get excited all over again.
To be continued...
Monday, November 09, 2009
I was greeted by a haughty middle aged woman who looked like she hadn’t smiled in years. I don’t remember her words but the effect of them were like ”What do want in here?“ Because of the tone of the greeting I was taken aback and don’t remember what I initially said. I do know I did mention Gotham Gold Stripe. Still looking at me as some sort of a trespasser she headed for the rear of the store. Even with lights on it was fairly dark. There was a glass and wood counter with a back lit display behind it. As I approached the counter I saw a number of mannequin legs with stockings displayed on them. The lady reached under the counter and pulled out three small, thin boxes and laid them on the counter. They were a medium brown with a gold stripe running down one side of the top. I wondered if the Gotham panties came individually boxed. I quickly found out they didn’t. What the lady pulled out was a pair of nylon stockings. I didn’t know how to tell her that they weren’t what I was looking for. I remember her draping one over her arm and as she did I saw this lighter line running down the rear seam of the stocking. It took a few seconds to understand that it was the gold stripe the they were named after.
By now, what with the less than friendly welcome from the saleslady and wearing my heavy Winter coat I was perspiring profusely. I was about to leave but I managed to stammer out that I was looking for panties. Again, it was that look from the lady indicating that she didn’t want to be waiting on me. She put the stockings back in the box and then hesitated, looking at me with that same look. I was backing up when she asked me what size I was looking for. I stopped and told her ”size 5”. She walked down the counter a ways and then reached up for what appeared to be a drawer from the wall behind her. By then I was a good four or five steps away from the counter. I watched her put the container on the counter and heard her ask “Gold Stripe?” I nodded affirmatively but didn’t move any closer to the counter. I watched as she reached in and pulled a handful of white panties out and put them on the counter. Then she sort of flipped through them and then stopped and pulled one out. She looked at me with that sort of disgusted look and asked if they were what I was looking for. From where I was standing I could see they were, indeed, fancy panties. I stepped forward, now uncomfortably hot, and without touching them said they were. I was ready to say I’d take them just to be able to get out of there. But she reached into the container and pulled out another handful and almost the same motion pulled the top pair off and laid it out on the counter. There was something familiar about that pair and I finally moved up to the counter. A close look told me that they were close to the same panties I’d seen on the wash basket at the T’s. Now I was excited.
The lady found five pair of the really fancy panties and I said I’d take them all. I still hadn’t touched any of them. I guess I was afraid of what the lady might think. It really wouldn’t have mattered as I was probably never going to be in the store again but all I wanted was to get the panties and to get out of there. The price was 98 cents each. I had the $5 that the horse buyer had just given me stuffed into my pocket. I gave it to the lady and watched as she wrote out my receipt. As she did she looked up at me and made a comment about how the new Governor was going to make everybody pay more for their goods with his new sales tax. For the first time since I’d set foot in the store I didn’t feel intimidated. She’d just touched on the subject that was near and dear to my heart as it was the topic of my term paper that I’d been working on so diligently at school.
We ended up having a lively discussion on the newly proposed sales tax. I tried to explain that it was due to what the outgoing administration had left the new Governor but it didn’t do any good. She was a Democrat and anything I had to say to defend the reason for the tax fell on deaf ears. When I finally left the store I was even more energized about the topic. She’d given me the idea of how to present the paper, something that had been bothering me. With the bag of panties in my hand and the fresh idea in my mind I ended up forgetting all about the roast beef sandwich which had been the reason I’d stopped downtown.
I was back at the truck before I looked at my watch. It was well after 12 noon and I remember Harry telling me that the round trip should only take 4 hours. I’d been gone over three and I still had the whole way back to go. I put the panties on the front seat and started driving, worried about what Harry would say. By the time I got back I was famished. I lied when I told Harry I’d stopped to get something to eat and, of course, that took away any chance of getting a bite before finishing up and heading for home.
Because of worrying about what Harry would say when I got back I wasn’t thinking about the panties I’d just bought and left them on the front seat of the pick up. I didn’t think about them until I saw Harry driving out of the yard in the pick up. Within seconds I was perspiring all over again. I just knew Harry would see the bag and take a look. I worked myself up worrying about what I’d say when he asked me. From the moment that Harry drove out of the yard until he came back, those panties and what I’d say was all I could think of. I was mad at myself for not remembering to take the panties with me when I arrived back.
It was dark when he returned. Normally, I would have been gone by then but my late return had me doing the garbage collection later than usual. I actually took my time hoping that he’d get back and would just park the truck by the house and go inside. I was semi hiding at the barn when I saw him arrive. I quickly ran over and saw the bag on the seat. I opened the door, grabbed the bag and headed for my car. I didn’t even care that I hadn’t gotten my pay for the day. I just wanted to be out of there.
To be continued...
Wednesday, November 04, 2009
Working at Harry’s...
The almost constant snow made it very difficult for Harry and Clyde to get in the necessary training work the horses needed. It also made it difficult for me to do my garbage collection chore. The path behind the two rows of trailers in the park was too narrow to run a snow plow down it which meant that I had to walk from the front of each trailer to the back to get to the garbage cans. It made the process a lot longer but I did get to meet most of the residents. There were definitely a few of the females that I wanted to take a close look at their wash lines when the weather improved enough for them to hang clothes outside.
I had mentioned my brief meeting with Vi’s sister, Stephanie and her son, Levi in an earlier part. After getting settled in at the park Stephanie ended up working for Harry and Vi as their bookkeeper and also cashier at Vi’s monthly auction. What we could and couldn’t do with the horses was determined by the amount of snow and the weather in general. On one of the Saturdays where we couldn’t do anything I ended up over at the auction to help out. That’s when I got to learn and see more of Stephanie.
As I had mentioned, Stephanie was a VERY good looking woman. It turns out she had gotten married when she was only 17 and was now 35 years old. She didn’t look it though. On that day she was wearing a cowboy type shirt and a pair of very tight gabardine pants. It only took me about a minute or two to notice a very nice VPL (visable panty line). For the next few minutes I couldn’t take my eyes off her rear end. I was getting the items in order to be auctioned and she was setting up the table where the sale items would be paid for. All the lights hadn’t been turned on at that time but when they were I got a real treat. There was no mistaking that she was wearing two pair of panties. As I said in the first paragraph of this section, I’d not had much luck in viewing wash lines during this part of the Winter. But seeing Stephanie up close and knowing that she was wearing multiple panties made me want the weather to improve, and soon.
Levi, her son, loved the horses. However, Harry had made it clear to him that he would not be allowed to work with them until he graduated. He’d spent a couple of weeks visiting his aunt and uncle during previous Summers and been exposed to them at that time. I thought it was a bit unfair that he wasn’t allowed to spend any time on the weekends and during school holidays but that was the way it was. The only time I got to see him was when he would help his mother by doing some snow shoveling around their trailer. Selfishly, I was glad for the restriction because he certainly could’ve done all the things I was doing at Harry’s.
In looking back I’m somewhat amazed at how Harry never seemed to have any doubts as to my ability to take on a job at which I had no experience. He really put me to the test when upon my arrival one Saturday he told me I was to deliver a horse that he had just sold. Harry had a pick-up truck and a two horse trailer that he primarily used to bring his horses to the race track during the Summer. The only thing I’d ever trailered was my boat which wasn’t all that large. This thing was not only tall but was also heavy and wide. I had some serious doubts but Harry just told me to take my time.
Ironically, I was to deliver the horse to the town where my 2nd semester roommate from my junior year lived so I was somewhat familiar as to just where it was. The route that Harry had laid out for me took me right through my college town. For some reason the whole campus looked different this time. As I approached my destination I remember my old roommate telling me about this luncheonette that had the most fantastic roast beef sandwiches. As I drove through the town I tried scouting the place out and thought I saw it. I asked the man who had bought the horse about the place and he confirmed it. As to assure me that it was as good as I’d been told he gave me a tip of $5 and told me to use it to get my sandwich.
Parking in town in this part of the state was different from at home. Cars were angled in to the curb. With the trailer attached there was no way. I ended up having to drive to the edge of town before finding a place to park. As I walked through the town I was somewhat reminded of the town where my grandparents lived. All the stores were old with their doors between two display windows. The luncheonette was in sight when I looked into the window of a ladies dress store. It was like deja-vu because it was so similar to the store where I’d bought the Carter’s Spanky Pants for Elle many years before. I stopped and looked through the windows. As I did I saw a number of little plastic signs on the floor around the dress mannequin's feet. I immediately recognized two of them... Mojud and Gotham Gold Stripe. I couldn’t believe it. The fancy panties that I’d discovered in the wash basket at Joanne’s were made by Gotham. I didn’t hesitate for very long before I walked in.
To be continued...
Sunday, November 01, 2009
I got really excited about investigating the lead that my father’s friend had given me on my quick trip to the city. The professor of my Public Finance course was really helpful in that he got me an appointment to see the head of the Political Science department. Although a staunch Democrat, he pointed me towards some very “interesting” tidbits about the past administration that were helpful for my term paper. I was enjoying this course more than any other I’d taken.
The Contemporary Literature course was going as had been “advertised”. The reading assignments were almost unmanageable. The Professor was known as “The Hook”. In the campus jargon at the time a C grade was known as a “hook”. This Prof graded into a grid. By that I mean he would give only one “A”, and (usually) only one “F”. Then he would give out three “B’s” and three “D’s”. Everything else was a C, or, a “hook“. All his tests were essay type which gave him much discretionary latitude. It hadn’t taken long for me to fall into the ”hook“ area. That was fine with me because I couldn’t afford anything less and still expect to graduate with my class.
The only real problem I had was one of the Economic courses that I’d been told I had to take as a condition of being allowed back into the department as my major. It wasn’t the course but the instructor. He was part of a University exchange program with, of all places, China. He could hardly understand or speak English. The subject was Economics of Underdeveloped Nations and the college thought it would be a good course for him to teach. He may have been knowledgeable on the topic but, because of the language barrier, he couldn’t it convey to the class. It wasn’t just me. One of the other students was in line for the school prize in Economics and he got a grade in the 60’s on the first test. (I think mine was in the 40’s) When the class started comparing grades it was readily evident that we all had a problem. The guy who was in line for the prize ended up being the spokesperson who approached the instructor asking if it was possible for him to ”mark on the curve“. It’s funny now but it wasn’t at the time as he took each word separately and tried to interpret it. He couldn’t. Not even with examples on the blackboard did he have a clue. That was a concern but it was still fairly early in the semester.
My relationship with Dr F led me to be asked to work as a ”mentor“ in his pilot educable program. When getting the OK from the State Education department he also got permission to use non certified (by the State) instructors. But one of the conditions was that all of the kids in the program be tutored in reading, writing and basic arithmetic. Dr F asked me and four others taking courses in the Education department to fill that roll. The students were required to take three hours a week in what were called the ”remedials“ and each of us would tutor one day a week. It was actually fun. Joanne was one of my students and, on a comparative basis, the best of the bunch. She was taking a course in Home Economics and one in Horticulture. Because of having had both her pie business as well as the plant business, she had been forced by her mother to do some basic math. She was still slow but at least had had grasped the basics. Her reading was at the 6th grade level which allowed her to read a newspaper and basic instructions. With her as the best, the worst had to be Freddy who was taking courses in both the automotive field and along with Joanne, in Horticulture. I really liked him. He seemed to be a nice kid but he had absolutely no interest (or ability) in doing the remedial work. It was very frustrating to me as I had been told that he was an outstanding student in both the areas he was working in. I along with a couple of other ”mentors“ spoke to Dr F about him and he said he’d try and follow up on him.
The State Education Department sent a representative to audit the program after we were about two months into it. The lady was almost a cartoon character for an old maid school teacher. Long story short, Freddy was brought to her attention and she met with him, one on one. She told Dr F that she thought he had dyslexia. Dr F knew what it was but I nor any of the the other mentors had ever even heard the word. After conferring with Freddy’s parents he was tested and they found that when he looked at printed words he saw them exactly backwards from what we saw. As Dr F explained it to us it was almost impossible for Freddy to read. But, the problem didn’t interfere with his ability to use logic and to learn by watching others. In both the automotive and Horticulture subjects he was taking he was being shown how to do the work and then given the time to do it himself. It was an interesting and memorable experience.
To be continued...
Thursday, October 29, 2009
On a Friday night on one of the weekends we ended up baby sitting at Dr John’s Elle realized that she hadn’t brought her meds. After we’d eaten I drove back to the trailer to get them. It was just over a mile but when I went to make the turn down the road to the park the Police had blocked it off. I had to take a long circuitous route to get there and when I did I couldn’t immediately find what she wanted me to get. I was just about to call Elle when the phone rang. It was our neighbor, Martha. I could tell she was upset and had a hard time understanding just what she was trying to tell me. When she was finally able to make me understand it had been to tell me that she and Mac (her husband) had been in an accident. Mac had broken ribs and a broken left arm. They were both at the hospital and Mac was going to have to stay overnight. She needed a ride back to the park and had tried Vince and Trish and also Josh and Beth. Only Beth was home and since Josh had their car she then tried me.
I got to the hospital and was shocked to see her. Her face was all swollen and there was blood all down the front of her blouse and pants. Both her hands were bandaged up to her wrists. She told me that they’d been hit head on and as soon as she told me I remembered the Police and the road block just down from the park. She said that she saw the other car coming and had put both her hands on the dash. The impact had thrown her forward and when she did her face hit her arm and she ended up with a bloody nose. Both her wrists were sprained and she had a deep cut in the palm of one of her hands. All she wanted to do was to get back to the trailer and to get out of her bloody clothes.
I really don’t remember what we said on the trip back to her trailer. Once I got her inside I just wanted to get back over to Dr John’s house and Elle. I helped her get her coat, which was also covered with blood, off and was about to go out the door when she asked if I could do another BIG favor. I turned around and she was standing up with her legs sort of crossed. It didn’t take a rocket scientist to see that she needed a toilet. With both her hands bandaged she couldn’t figure out out to unbutton her pants and to get them down. I know I’d been in a few awkward situations before in my life but this one was the highlight.
She didn’t want to ask me but she also didn’t want to wet herself. I didn’t really want to do it but I also didn’t know how to say “no”. She shuffled into their bathroom and stood before the toilet. The only light came from the living room so it was semi dark. I undid her belt and the button and then just stood there. She started to bounce a little on the balls of her feet and that was a silent signal for me to continue. I found the zipper pull and took it down as far as it would go. Then I took the sides of her pants, up at the waist line, and gently pulled them down. Up to this point there was absolutely nothing sexual in my thoughts. But when I saw her panties I could feel the start of a bulge. But my job wasn’t done. I had to pull her panties down to her knees so she could sit on the seat. Believe me... it was hard.
As I’ve mentioned before, Martha was truly a “plain Jane”. There was nothing about her that appealed to me... Nothing. But with my hands on the waist elastic of her panties and looking down at her crotch line I was “hard”. As I pulled the panties down I looked up, right at her eyes, and then walked back to the living room while she went. When she called me back I walked in with my eyes locked on hers. I fumbled around a bit trying to get my fingers hooked into the waist elastic of her panties to pull them up, but I didn’t touch anything but her hips as I pulled them up. I realized that she had no way to wipe so it meant that her panties were now somewhat wet which helped to sustain my bulge. I bent over to pull up her pants but she told me she wanted to take them off. I helped her step out of them and then she asked if I could unbutton her blouse. I hesitated for a few seconds and then quickly got it done. There wasn't really much to see. I stood there as she walked into the bedroom in just her panties and bra. I thought I was finished but then she called me to come on the bedroom. She pointed to the closet and asked for me to get her bathrobe out. I did and helped her into it and then turned her bed down. I looked at her and all of a sudden felt very guilty for have raised up a “bulge”, especially under the circumstances.
After she climbed into bed I became concerned that she really shouldn’t be alone for the night. I said my “good night” and as I left the trailer I didn’t lock the door but went over to Beth’s trailer and brought her up to date on what had happened. I also told her I thought it would be best if someone could stay with her. She got her coat and I walked her back over to Martha’s. Then I headed back to Dr John’s and Elle. I couldn’t believe that it was almost 11pm. Elle was frantic thinking something drastic had happened to me. After I told her about the accident and my trip to the hospital (but not about my “good samaritan” deed) we went to bed but we didn’t go right to sleep. We were both too wound up.
To be continued...