Wednesday, August 04, 2010

MOVING ON... a change of pace (Part 60c)

Once Tom and I started in on the fence two other people showed up to help. Tom, of course, was ”in charge“, having built his only a few months before and was familiar with the process. One was the guy stationed at the Air Force base and he wanted to be called Mac. The other, Jim, was an Army veteran who worked in the maintenance department of the local highway department. I couldn’t believe how quickly it all went. By lunchtime we were all through with the exception of putting the left over supplies under the trailer. The wives of all three had gotten together and made up lunch so we ended up with a picnic in our newly fenced in yard. I’d met Mac’s wife, Elise, and had enjoyed a panty peek at the time. She didn’t disappoint as she wore equally short shorts and I got quite a few views as she chased her little one around the yard. Jim’s wife was a tall, solidly built (not fat by any means) girl from Germany who he had met and married while stationed there. Dina had a round, friendly face but her clothes were almost matronly in comparison to Elle and the other two women. Tom’s wife, Lois, wore a pair of white shorts and although I didn’t get to see her panties I got a number of very good VPL’s (visible panty lines). As we sat around and chatted I had a very good feeling about our new location.

After everybody went back to their respective trailers I set up the wash line and Elle took off for the Community Hall where the washing machines were located. She had two days of diapers to get done and our little washing machine wasn’t up to the task. Before she left she put our underwear in it and told me to watch it. I knew that with my being around it meant there were more of Elle’s panties than usual. I had assumed that she’d use the dryers for the diapers so when the underwear was done I took it outside and started hanging them on the line. I don’t remember how many pair of Elle’s there were but I know I was surprised by the number. I knew if things stayed like they had for the past few days there would be a lot in the days to come.

With the heat of Summer all windows were open all the time. Jalousie windows were the ”rage“ at the time and if there was one advantage it was that if it rained you could just tilt them a bit and still have open windows. That evening we had a thunder storm which upset our oldest. Elle took her into our bed to comfort her and I sat in the living room with the lights out. The lights in Tom and Lois’s trailer had been dimmed all evening and as I sat there I noticed them get brighter. I could see Tom carrying their older child and then Lois carrying the other through the living room. I sat and watched for a while and then I saw Lois walk back into the living room in just her bra and panties. I could only see to about mid hip but it still was ”stimulating“. The lights went out a short time later. I went to check on how Elle was doing with her charge and found them both sound asleep. As much as I would’ve liked to carry on with the ”stimulus“ that Lois had awakened in me I decided to let them sleep and make up for it in the morning.

Before I could even think about following through with that idea the phone rang. It was my mother... and it was only 7am and on a Sunday to boot. She wanted me to bring Elle and the kids right down to their house as JT, one of my old childhood friends from when we lived in the city, had stopped by, unexpectedly, the night before. He had gotten secretly married and was finishing up a whirlwind tour to New England to introduce his brothers to his new wife. He had taken the ferry across the sound and had to go right through the town where my parents lived. JT had always been a favorite of my parents and he decided to stop by and see them. When told that I was only 10 miles away he wanted to see me as well. He’d had no intention of staying over but my mother, persuasive as ever, won and they did.

I certainly wanted to see him and was tempted to go without Elle and the kids. But I knew my mother would have a ”fit“ if she couldn’t show off her grandchildren. With a lot of hustle and bustle we got everybody ready and arrived around 8:30am. Walking up the path I could see three items hanging from the clothes line... a bra, pair of panties and a pair of men's briefs. My father wore boxers and my mother wore one of those one piece things that kept her all together and had snaps in the crotch so I knew they must belong to JT and his wife. Because Elle was right next to me I couldn’t concentrate on the panties like I would’ve liked. I was sure they weren’t nylon because with the early morning sun behind them they were just too opaque. As usual, I was somewhat puzzled.

I have to say that I was impressed with JT’s new wife. Sherri was very much like Elle... a ”girl next door type“. She was about the same height as Elle but her hair was light brown with just a hint of red. Her eyes were a bright blue and even though it was obvious she was nervous she had a nice smile. Just a bit more ”solid“ than Elle, she had a nice figure. I approved of JT’s choice.

To be continued...


Anonymous said...

Sounds like there's going to be lots of panty stories coming soon!


Pantymaven said...

Oh yeah!!! :-)