Saturday, August 21, 2010

SETTLING IN... but still more changes (Part 61b)

I was on the job bright and early the next morning. The park chores seemed to take forever. I soon had a good idea why the previous guy had been fired. It was late afternoon before I was ready to start on my first resident job. I’d asked Dick if he could be a ”buffer“ between Ben and I as I definitely had the feeling that he didn’t like me. Everytime he spoke to me his voice had a 'bite" to it. Dick gave me a job ticket for one of the ”transients“. They were people who trailed their units behind their vehicles and traveled from trailer park to trailer park usually during the Summer. In this case it was a woman in an old Airstream (a very expensive travel trailer) who was spending the month there. However, there were all sorts of rumors about her with the one that the men tried to promote that she was a ”hooker“ holding forth in first place. Mac had helped perpetuate the rumor by saying he’d seen her in the bar just outside the airbase gate. One thing was for sure and that was that no one ever saw her before 5 pm. I’d taken notice of her unit because one morning I’d seen both black and red lingerie hanging from her clothes line. It was somewhat funny because in spite of the fact that I’d been in dozens of stores that sold lingerie I’d never seen red or black things displayed.

My job ticket said that the drain for her ice box (yes... you read it right) was plugged up and that no one was to knock until after 4pm. As I approached I thought of Mac. He probably would have s**t himself if had to walk up to her door. I didn’t have a clue as to what she looked like. I’d heard everything from ”hard“ to ”common“ and anywhere from 50 to 70 in age. The woman who answered my knock was none of those things. The first thing I noticed was that her skin was snowy white like it had never seen sunshine. I was never good with guessing the age of middle aged women but as I introduced myself I was sure she wasn’t 50. I also took notice that she was wearing a nylon see through robe and there was no bra under it. I know my eyes had to have bulged out of my head seeing that. Because the trailer was so small and had few windows it was fairly dark and I couldn’t make out if she was wearing panties or a panty girdle. I’d become a little familiar with that item while I was still at the racetrack and had made that one shopping trip to the mall. In any case it was certainly an eye opening visit.

I was only there for maybe 15 minutes. Of the time I was there I only got to see her for a few minutes as she disappeared to the back of the trailer. I, somewhat naively, asked why she didn’t want anyone working there until after 4pm. She, haughtily, stated that she was a singer at one of the nightclubs out on the South shore. By the time she finished up and got back to the trailer it was usually 3 to 4 am and that she needed her ”beauty rest“. She never even came out when I was finished. But I left with a feeling that I knew more about her than anybody else did.

When I got home I found Elle in her new skirt. I thought she might’ve been a little bit excited about me earning money but she wanted to show off her handywork. It was made of a very light cotton material with a really muted floral pattern. When she walked out of the bedroom she stopped right in front of the door. Without a slip I could see the outline of her panties. I thought it was pretty sexy. I followed her into the bedroom and when she took the skirt off I grabbed her and kissed her with my right hand between her legs. They were just a bit damp and as warm as it was out it well could’ve been sweat. I chose to think not and wiggled my fingers which was my signal to have her give me a squirt. Thankfully we didn’t have a rug on the floor where we were standing. She didn’t get upset when I wiggled a finger inside both pair of panties. I could’ve taken her right there but the two year old walked in saying she was hungry. I persuaded Elle to leave the wet panties on but she wanted a dry pair of cotton ones over the top. I was really surprised at how willing she was to make supper without shorts or a skirt especially with the windows open and the curtains pulled back. I sat there all through supper with a bulge in my pants. As soon as the kids were in bed... so were we. After we finished I remember lying there and thinking that it was a pretty good day. The end showed how well we reacted to each other when we each had a good day. I was looking for more of them to come.

I suppose it was naive of me to think I was going to get daily ”free shows“ but I did. When it came time for doing work for the residents that next day it had started to rain. That precluded any wash line ogling and severely limited my personal viewing. When I logged out for the night I was somewhat surprised to have Dick waiting with a pay envelope for me. He asked if I was willing to be put ”on call“ for emergencies within the park. I’d be paid $2 and hour when I responded. I explained that on the weekends we were often away visiting our parents but that if I was home I’d be willing to do it. Then he really surprised me by saying that if I wanted the ”skirt“ for under the trailer he’d give it to me for his cost... and I could work the cost of it off over time. Of course I said ”yes“.

When I got back to the trailer I was pleasantly surprised to find Carol, my sailing friend Buddy’s wife, there. She was about to leave and after she did Elle told me that she'd made a special trip just to make sure Elle wasn’t still upset about her ”accident“ from the previous Sunday at the clubhouse. I’d avoided any mention of it hoping that Elle’s embarrassment would have waned by the weekend. When Elle told me about the reason for the visit I was a little leery of the outcome. However, Carol had made some good points and convinced Elle that she was not an ”outcast“ and hoped that we would join in a bowling party that had been planned for Saturday night. The first thing I thought of was money. It would cost money to bowl and eat and drink. Elle volunteered that she thought it would be fun and since we wouldn’t be at or in the clubhouse that the memory of her ”accident” would be diminished. I hadn’t yet looked at the envelope that Dick had given me. When I pulled it out of my pocket I saw a $20 bill and a $10 bill. I’d figured on $25 at the most. Pleased with what I saw I told her that we’d go. More importantly I knew I had a crew for Sunday’s races.

To be continued...

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