Wednesday, March 14, 2012

SUMMER... August, sailing (Part 87 h)

As I left the club my ”plan“ was to call home from my parents house when I put the sails away. The only thing was that they weren’t home. The next choice was Elle’s parents but as I headed that way I saw two cars parked out in front. I was still in my sailing clothes and full of sand from climbing under the boat and trailer and frustrated as hell. The last thing I wanted at that point in time was to be ”social“ with people I didn’t know. I still had to return Bobbi’s clothes and hoped that Peggy would let me call Elle. Before I headed there I finally took the time to inspect Bobbi’s bra and panties. The panties were a pale blue and the way they were mixed in with the other clothes the label was face up... Lollipop, size 16. I pulled them out and, naturally, took a close look at the crotch. There was a little discharge showing but other than that looked like they were brand new. Spreading them out on the seat they looked to be about the same size as Elle’s Carter’s size 16 Spanky Pants. I remember thinking that it was ironic that Bobbi was 16 and so were her panties. With her bra right there I took a look at that as well. Maidenform... 34B, just the same as Elle. The nametag brought a smile to my face as I remembered that the father of my roommate from my senior year at boarding school handled the advertising for the company. ”I dreamed I was .... in my Maidenform bra“ was their slogan.

When I knocked on the door, Ali answered. She had a bowl in her hand as she answered and invited me in. I saw Peggy sitting at the kitchen table and it was obvious that they were eating. I asked for Bobbi but was told that she’d gone to the movies. I explained that I was returning the clothes she’d left in my boat. Peggy responded that she wondered where she’d left them and laughed. She went on that Bobbi’s clothes turned up ”all over the place“. I asked if I could call home and was told to go right ahead. As expected, Elle was upset and she wasn’t interested in excuses. Going back to when I was working in the Data processing department we’d worked out an agreement that if I didn’t call by 6pm to say I’d be late I was on my own for supper. I tried to tell her that it really wasn’t my fault but she wasn’t interested. Something in the conversation gave Peggy the idea that I wasn’t going to get fed when I got home and as soon as I hung up she invited me to have some clam chowder with them. She said that they had just made it that afternoon. I’d not had anything to eat since I left home at around 10 am so I didn’t have to be coaxed.

We sat and chatted for quite a while. I found out quite a bit about Ali who I barely remembered from the days I delivered newspapers. She started working in a small clothing store owned by friends of the family when still in high school. She never went to college but continued working in retail. When her parents had died she took her inheritance and purchased a small women’s clothing boutique. She said she was presently in the process of changing it over to offer more children’s and junior miss clothing. It was almost as if a switch had been thrown after she said that. I remember her leaning forward in her chair towards me and anxiously asking how old my kids were. I told her they were four and almost three. She seemed to get closer when she said she could give me some ”real good deals“ on clothes for them.

I’ve never felt comfortable when being ”sold“ and she was definitely selling to me. I don’t know if I came across the way I wanted but I told her that Elle and I had pretty much met our kids clothing needs by buying them at a thrift shop run by our church. I remember her backing away a bit and after a few seconds she asked what about underwear saying that we certainly weren’t buying them used. She was right and I don’t think I said anything. With that she went back to her ”sell“ mode. She got up and, still talking, went into another room but returned quickly. She had a catalog in her hand and proceeded to ask me if the kids wore Lollipop panties and undershirts. When I said they wore Carter’s she wrinkled up her nose and stated, quite firmly, that Lollipop was better.

She put the catalog down on the table and opened it to a page listing girls panties and pointed to the price. She asked if we paid more than the price she was pointing to on the page and I didn’t really know. Still in her somewhat haughty tone she then said that if Elle and I drove in to her store, just to take a look, that she would sell us the kids underwear at basically her cost. If we’d been talking about panties for Elle I would’ve been excited. I hemmed and hawed a bit saying that I’d have to talk with Elle. Peggy, sensing that I wasn’t going to make a commitment, suggested that maybe I could take the catalog home to show Elle. It took Ali a few seconds to make up her mind but she picked it up and handed it to me.

Back in the car my eye caught the damaged hub lying on the floor. It was definitely a problem but the more immediate one was Elle. I hated it when she would cut off all conversation and I pretty much knew that’s what it would be like when I arrived home. At home, I brought the hub and wheel with me hoping that I’d get a chance to explain. I left it out on the picnic table on the patio but I did bring the catalog inside and put it on the dining room table. Elle was watching TV and basically didn’t even acknowledge me. I ended up taking a shower and when I came back into the living room Elle proceeded to get up and head for the bedroom without saying a word. Since I didn’t feel that I’d done anything that bad I decided that I wasn’t going to sleep on the couch. After watching some TV I headed for bed.

To be continued...

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