Wednesday, March 21, 2012

SUMMER... August, sailing (Part 87k)

JR had no interest in babies or the females that were there. He got me to leave the group by saying he wanted me to check something out on the boat. I remember looking under the deck but I don’t remember actually changing anything. I really didn’t know that much about JR’s other interests so I asked him what they were. At his age mine were cars (street and race), girls (primarily Elle) and sports (mostly hockey). The only one he mentioned was sports as he played on his high school baseball team. I prodded him on other interests and he admitted that he and his father were model train enthusiasts. My brother and I had, at one time, a rather large layout so I finally had something other than sailing to talk to him about. We both had Lionel trains which gave me a little more credibility. By the time they called us to race the second race we were really into it.

The prevailing Southerly had come in as expected and we had to really ”work“. Although JR’s father was heavier than I was, being almost 20 years older and not in good physical shape, he couldn’t use his added weight to help in windy conditions. I, on the other hand, was in good shape and could really get outboard to hold the boat down in the stronger wind. In spite of another poor start we managed to eke out a third place finish. He was really excited because, by our calculations, he was second in the standings.

When we arrived back at the shore we were both surprised to see Denise in swimming. There were three or four women who were just bobbing around. JR yelled something at her and she just waved him off. We had the boat out of the water and on the trailer when she came out of the water. I‘d been pretty sure that she didn’t have any clothes other than what she was wearing when she got in the car. I distinctly remember her pulling her blouse out and off her breasts. Although never disinterested in a female’s upper half, it was the lower part, especially when wet, that had my undivided attention. Unfortunately, the fact that her shorts were a bit baggy prevented me from seeing the VPL I was hoping to for but I could see the outline of her panties as she walked past us. I had to wait until we were leaving to get what I really wanted. My car was a two door so that meant she had to bend over to get in the back. Although she got in on the passenger side I was there to get the view. Her shorts had somewhat dried by then but there was still enough dampness to make for a memorable VPL.

Once in the car I asked what had made her decide to go swimming. ”Ants“ was her answer. When she and the others had picked out a spot to settle they didn’t see the ant hills that were there. After lunch they had stayed in the same place and she said she fell asleep. When she woke up she felt something funny on her arms and legs. It was a whole bunch of tiny ants crawling all over her (and a couple of the others). They tried to brush them off but discovered that they had crawled up into their clothes. She said someone suggested that they go drown them by going swimming. She was the only one without a bathing suit. I was glad that they had.

Back at Jr and Denise’s house JR invited me in to see his train layout. We headed for the basement and Denise went upstairs. I have to admit that his train layout was far superior to the one my brother and I had. I was impressed. I stayed far longer than I’d wanted and when I got to the car I remembered that JR’s sails were in the trunk and needed to be hung out to dry. I lugged them to the back yard and was greeted with the most pleasant of sights... panties on the clothes line. There were three of them there with one of them having a very distinctive crotch. I knew I’d seen this type panty before but as I stared at them I couldn’t think of where it had been. There was no mistaking them as the crotch was totally different. Basically the same in front, the back wasn’t the typical half moon but was an inverted V. Thankfully, no one was there as I stared at them. I unrolled the sails onto the lawn while keeping my eye on them blowing gently in the wind. As much as I hated to I went to the kitchen door and got the attention of Denise. I told her I had to get going and to tell JR about the sails. It was perfect. As I stood there talking to her I could visualize the panties on the line behind me caressing her hips. A nice thought for driving home.

I’d not given any thought to racing the car that night but I had told Jim that I might go to watch. By the time I pulled up at home it was almost 7pm and I was in need of a shower and food. Elle was in a very good mood and that was the ”clincher” for me not to go.

She surprised me Sunday morning and asked if she could go with me. I’d told her that Ruthie had brought the baby and that got her attention. I told her we’d have to leave the kids with her mother as it was likely that JR’s sister would be going as well. The extra time to drop the kids off got me to JR’s a little late. He and Denise were waiting. I distinctly remember Elle commenting on how beautiful Denise was as we drove up. She was wearing a much better fitting short set because I remember thinking that it would have been perfect for her swim the day before.

To be continued...


badside said...

Clothes lines sure provided you with a lot of nice sights! Maybe they'll make a comeback, after all there's no greener way to dry your clothes.

Pantymaven said...

I doubt it. Around here a lot of the communities ban them (ours does). A few years ago I went up into the Amish country and they still hang it all out. I really enjoyed my "views" while there.