Wednesday, September 26, 2012

NEW GROUND... with some shocks (Part 99b) 

Background: Basically, The man was mentally deficient (today’s PC terminology) but my mother called him “retarded”. In the 30’s and 40’s and even into the 50’s it was common for people classified as to be institutionalized. In his case the family didn’t want to do that to him and pretty much kept him “under wraps”. That’s why I seldom saw him in the time period when I delivered newspapers to the house. The family felt he was “harmless” and gave him menial tasks to keep him occupied. Peggy got married right after high school which was right before the beginning of WWII and quickly became pregnant with Norma. Right after the war started her husband joined the Navy and Peggy lived with her parents and siblings. When the war was over he returned and, using the GI Bill, got his college degree while working at his father-in-law’s business and continuing to live with her parents. During that time they had two more kids with the youngest being Bobbi. In the late 40’s he and another man started a hardware store. With money tight Peggy had to go to work there leaving the kids with her mother and her brother. It was somewhere around that time that Norma started having “puddle problems” (my mother’s term). When she was in her early teens it came to light that Peggy’s brother had been “playing with her” (again, my mother’s words). My mother said that it was right after that when the family stopped coming for the Summer but no one knew why. The brother was then “put away”. It was a few years before they returned but they weren’t all that social when they did. That was why my mother hadn’t seen much of Peggy for a while. In any case, with the death of the mother and father there was no one to come visit him. Peggy and her sister Ali refused to have anything to do with him and he became severely depressed. My mother said that the method of suicide that he used wasn’t disclosed. When they were informed of the death it dredged up a whole host of “ghosts” which had now pretty much dissipated. My mother said that she’d visited with Peggy only a few days earlier and she was “back”.

During this whole discourse I never said a word. I waited for a few seconds to digest it all. The part that I got hung up on was the “playing with her” bit and hesitated to ask my mother about it. You have to remember that in the 50’s and 60’s no one ever heard the term “child molestation”. When I did she hesitated herself.

The shortened version: What the man did was to take Norma into the bathroom when she had to pee and as she did he put his finger up into her vagina. He was smart enough to scare her into not telling on him. But, over time, she got to the point that she couldn’t face going to the bathroom so she’d end up wetting herself to avoid it and him. After it all came to light and he was put away Norma went through years of therapy. I was speechless. After a brief pause it was my mother who spoke and asked me my thoughts on Norma. With only a minute or so to digest this whole scenario I told her that in the time I’d spent with her I’d found her to be perfectly normal with not a hint of past problems. It was just about that time when my father appeared and asked if I was going to finish what I’d started. I looked at my watch and was shocked to see that my mother and I had been talking for almost an hour. In looking back on it as I write this I’m pretty sure that was more time alone with her than I’d spent, in total, since I’d quit racing the horses.

I went back to my chore with an occasional glance at the neighboring beach. I was somewhat surprised that Jeanette was still in shorts and a blouse as nice as the weather was. It was a beautiful day for swimming especially for the kids as the wind remained calm and the waves were relatively calm. When I saw Jeanette bringing her son, Danny and his toys up the stairs I hailed her. Having just talked about Norma I was curious as to weather she and Jeanette had remained in contact. Before I could ask she thanked me for fixing the window. I think I blushed as that comment reminded me that I had a pair of her panties in my pocket. She told me that Norma had come for a visit a few days earlier. As she was telling me she dropped some of Danny’s toys and when she bent over to retrieve them I got a nice DP. Knowing that the panties I had in my pocket were bikinis I was a bit confused. I did recognize the waist elastic as being that of the Lollipop brand and it took a few seconds for my memory to click in reminding me that I’d seen a DP the day I’d taken her and others sailing. It was obvious that she wore both bikinis and briefs but I remember wondering why. One thing I did glean from the conversation was that she thought all Norma’s family would be out for Labor Day weekend.

That little piece of information got me to thinking ahead to possibly asking Bobbi if she’d sail with me. I decided that I’d make a stop at Peggy’s on the way home to check it out. If I could get an answer early enough I’d have a whole week to “sell” Elle on it. When I made the turn up the driveway (about 300 feet) I stopped and took my first real peek at Jeanette’s panties. The Lollipop tag was still "fresh" which indicated they were fairly new. Also, there was only a minimum of staining. They were a size 5 which surprised me a bit as it was the same size as Elle. Maybe it was because that in her tight short shorts her butt looked bigger than Elle’s. I was a bit surprised by the size of the crotch but I liked it. Large crotches made for better VPL's. In any case I stuffed the panties under the seat and headed down the driveway. There was a little hill halfway to the houses and when I got to the top I saw their clothes line with some items blowing lightly in the wind. I was anticipating a few panties and I thought I was rewarded only when I got there they were three pair of what were obviously Peggy’s.

To be continued...

1 comment:

badside said...

That's horrible what happened to poor Norma. Surprised you could have such a conversation with your mom, but that's a good thing.