Tuesday, March 05, 2013

THE NEXT PHASE... at home (Part 106a)

My grandfather had been really pleased at my going to work for a local bank. His health continued to fail over the Winter and that, combined with the weather, had prevented him from going to visit my grandmother as often as he had in the past. I hadn’t been as judicious in visiting with him while working at the other bank but the new job had me just down the street from him. During those first weeks at the new job I made a point of walking down the street to have lunch with him and I could see his spirits picking up with each visit.

Another person who was excited about my new job was Elle. Being back working locally (about seven minutes away) was a great help to her because it meant I could help in getting the kids washed and dressed in the morning and could get Jean, our oldest off to school before leaving for work. Psychologically it was a help as well knowing I was near in case of an emergency. She’d decided to resubmit her name for substitute teaching in January. She knew it would take time to move up on the list to be called in to teach but right after we got back from our trip she started getting calls. A pleasant surprise was that the per diem for substitutes had been raised twice since she’d last taught. It was now up to $26.50. That meant her net pay was $22. Another positive was that her mother had changed her mind (somewhat) about baby sitting and agreed to come if Elle were to get called on Tuesdays or Thursdays. If she was called on the other days there was a lady in the park who was babysitting her grandchildren. Elle was able to persuade her to watch ours for $5 a day as long as it wasn’t every day of the week.

The baby, Kaye, was turning one on the last day of March. Her godmother, Dolly, had corresponded with us asking if she could join in on the birthday celebration. The 31st was on a Wednesday which precluded her from being there on that day as she was away at college. My mother, who regularly corresponded with Dolly, suggested that we move the party to the Saturday following allowing her to attend and that way we could also celebrate my birthday at the same time. To keep my grandfather “in the loop” it was decided to hold the party at his house. On Kaye’s actual birthday we had a small party with Elle’s parents joining us for supper. If you read some of the very early posts you know there was some “history” between Elle’s parents and my grandparents so it actually worked out well.

On that Friday I left the bank heading for the train station. That was the day that I'd met and talked with Mala in the parking lot so I was a bit “up tight” when I arrived. The train was on time (for a change). I even got lucky and parked close to the coach that Dolly was on so we connected right away. I could almost recognize her from the short skirt she was wearing. Seeing her face it was obvious that she’d gained some weight while at school but she was the same smiley, vivacious girl that I remembered. As soon as we arrived home Elle served supper knowing that the older girls would “attack” her wanting her to play with them. Elle figured that this way Dolly could relax a bit before providing “entertainment” for the girls.

As soon as Elle let them leave the table the girls had Dolly on the living room floor playing one of their board games. Elle set about clearing the table and washing the dishes while I was saddled with keeping the baby from interfering with them. Now semi ambulatory, she was into everything, especially the lower cabinets. They didn’t have those nice baby proof locks back in those days so we had to strategically place the dining room chairs in front of them. We did designate one cabinet in the dining room for her toys and I got down on the floor to guide her in that direction. As I lowered myself down I looked into the living room and got an eyeful. Dolly had her back to me and was on her knees sitting on the calves of her legs but just as I looked she got up to move a game piece and I got an absolutely perfect view of her panty encased rear. It only lasted for a few seconds. However, I didn’t have to wait long for the next one either. I had the perfect position.

As I remember it I got four or five looks before Elle appeared behind me. As soon as she saw Dolly’s backside she called out to her letting her know she needed to be a little more modest. She also gave me a gentle kick to let me know she knew what I was doing. Dolly quickly changed position and lay on her side but her mini skirt barely covered her panties. To negate that Elle picked the baby up and motioned for me to take a seat so that I was no longer in position to get any more peeks. The girls wanted Elle to play a game with them so I got the baby back. However, to fit Elle in around the game board Dolly moved to her left which, from my seat, gave me an uncontested view of the crotch of her panties and one cheek. As long as I wanted to look it was there for me to see. As you can imagine I had a pretty serious bulge but the only one who could know was the baby and she didn’t care.

We had set 8pm as bedtime for the girls when they were younger and even though they were now older Elle insisted that we continue with it, especially with Jean having to get up early for school. When Elle called for the girls to get ready for bed they complained loudly wanting to take Dolly into the patio room to show her their “house”. Elle had arranged some of their things to create a play kitchen and a bedroom for their dolls. Dolly sprang to their defense saying that there was no school the next day and that they could sleep as late as they wanted. It wasn’t what Elle wanted to hear but she backed off saying that if they brushed their teeth and got their pajamas on they could have a little longer with Dolly. They still fussed but, again, Dolly spoke up saying that she’d join them and would also get ready for bed. She also promised that she’d read them a story if they didn’t fuss.

To be continued...


oldblue said...

Sounds like a great time for the kids and a better time for Dad. I can't wait for the pajama games to start.

badside said...

Imagining Dolly's panties has brightened my day! ;^)

Pantymaven said...

OB... Dolly was "a piece of work!"

BS... After the day I'd just had she sure made mine! :-)