Friday, February 07, 2014

MORE GOOD TIMES... August (Part 120h)

MORE GOOD TIMES... August (Part 120h)

I was up early, before Elle and the kids, the next morning. Saturdays were always busy at the landfill and I wanted to get right in and out. Normally, Elle would collect the trash from all the household waste baskets but she hadn’t so I made the rounds. When I got to the downstairs bathroom I noticed the foul smell again. I picked up the little plastic pail we used for trash in there and found the source of it. I poked around and found a clumped up ball of what looked like damp toilet paper. I squeezed it and found it to be soft but not mushy. Curious, I peeled the paper off and found a pair of panties. They had a sort of light brown color to them and as I shook them out recognized them as being the ones I’d seen the day before belonging to Jo. The smell told the story. I surmised that she’d had diarrhea in them and had tried to wash it out but without success. Giving up, she wrapped them in toilet paper and discarded them. Even as bad as they looked (and smelled) I knew they weren't going to the landfill.

By then I could hear the kids and knew they, and Elle, would soon be downstairs. I made a hasty retreat to the garage and hid the panties in the new bump out area. I knew I had to figure a way to get them washed out and clean before the stain and smell became permanent but that wasn’t the time to do it. I loaded all the trash and debris from the garage project into the station wagon and, with the dress from Judith in hand, headed East.

Judith laughed when I told her about Elle trying on the dress and saying it wasn’t designed for everyone. I paid her for the panties I'd had her put aside and headed back home, all the while thinking of how to get Jo’s panties clean. At home, Elle was doing her weekly wash. The soap powder she used was on the counter and when she wasn’t looking dumped a little into one of Kaye’s plastic cups. It took some doing but I managed to make up some soap water in the watering can out in the garage and dumped the panties in to soak. Every so often I’d go over to it and shake it up a bit as I finished nailing all the pieces together for the bump out. When Elle went in to make lunch I was able to take the panties out to check on them. They weren’t pristine white but the smell was gone and I felt the washing was a success. Drying them was easy as I had a plastic jug in the trunk of my car and draped them over it. I knew in the heat they’d dry quickly. Their next stop was into my "stash".
                                                            Formfit Rogers

That reminded me that I really had to retrieve the box with my "stash" from my father’s garage. I’d been super lucky that he hadn’t stumbled on it as he continued to clean out his garage. I’d hidden my box in a cardboard box that my father had written ”SAVE“ on it, in crayon, knowing that he would. He’d moved it a few times and I had a mini heart attack when I’d gone looking for it and found that it’d been moved. Now, with Jo’s panties plus the pair from next door, it was a good time to do it. A while back I’d written about finding money in the cedar closet of the Northwest bedroom when I’d been painting it. The money was found behind a drawer built into the base of the closet. I’d thought about moving the stash into that space a time or two but, like so many other things, I’d put it off.

We’d been invited to go to a party but Elle had declined because her parents had company and couldn’t take the kids. When she did I didn’t think much about it but, as the afternoon progressed, she started having second thoughts. As I’d written, on my way back from downtown to get the screws for the shutters the previous day, I drove past the ”panty house“ and had seen one of the daughters sunning herself in her backyard. I ran the idea of asking her or her sister to come over for a few hours by Elle but she thought they probably had sitting jobs since it was so late in the day. I told her that the worst case was that they couldn’t make it and jumped in my car. Their father (the electrician) was by his truck when I pulled up. We chatted a bit but, looking at my watch, got to the point of my visit. He sent me on up to the back door where I was greeted by the older girl. I’d spoken to her a time of two when arranging for her father to do the electrical work for me so it really wasn’t all that awkward. I’d carried a positive attitude with me and just flat out asked if she could baby sit for us. She started to wrinkle up her face but then called out to her sister who seemed to appear out of nowhere. She turned away from me and the two of them seemed to engage in some serious negotiation. The older one then turned back to me and asked what time she was needed. It was funny because I had no idea. Embarrassed, I told her I’d call back in a few minutes.

We knew the older girls would have no problem but, with Kaye being such a ”mommy’s girl“, that might be a bit of a problem. When Susan arrived she was in a sun dress which sort of surprised me. She’d been in short shorts when I had talked with her and I was hoping she’d be wearing the same thing when she arrived. The older girls were actually happy to have a new "playmate" and dragged her off to the screened in porch. Elle was holding Kaye and ”selling“ the idea that she would have fun with the visitor but she was having none of it. It was time to go and when Elle put her down she started crying. Susan came over to try and talk with her and, to do so, squatted down in front of her. Kaye had a death grip on Elle’s leg with her face buried in her skirt. Susan sort of duck walked to get closer and as she did I got a few flashes of white. I remember thinking how glad I was that she had worn a dress. I had to drag Elle off the porch but as we drove down the driveway we could see Kaye in Susan’s arms.

The party was at the house of a friend of Pat’s and the lady was another who was going to be doing alterations for Pat. I knew some of the others from a combination of church and having worked in town as a boy. For me, it was fairly boring but Elle felt it was worth the time. Nothing of real interest (at least to me) took place. For Elle, she learned that Pat really wanted to get a bridal business going in the area and had shared some of her ”vision“ with Elle and the other ladies present.

We didn’t stay all that late and when we got home spent some time talking with Susan. The girls, even Kaye, had been good for her and she said she really had fun with them. She told us was going to be a senior at school, was a cheerleader, on the yearbook staff and hoped to go to college to become a pharmacist. I sat there listening and marveling at how pretty she was. Peggy had been a ”cute“ pretty but Susan was a natural. When she smiled I could see her as a model. She had ridden her bike over but I wasn’t about to let her ride it home in the dark. We put her bike in the back of the station and when she climbed into the front set she ”flounced“ the skirt of her dress. I got just a glimpse of her panties because the dome light wasn’t all that bright but I couldn’t help but think that if it had been daylight I would’ve had a decent ”peek“.

To be continued...

1 comment:

oldblue said...

I should have known, you scored the pic and the panties. I give up and admit you are the luckiest and most resourceful guy who ever lived the panty lovers life. I have a feeling the new babysitting girls are also going to be a source for some adventures. Don't ever give up on the writing.