Wednesday, January 28, 2015

APRIL... More of the same (Part 128d)

APRIL... More of the same (Part 128d)

Naturally, my first question of Elle after all the guests had left was what she had given to Ginger after she’d run upstairs. I knew it was going to “cost” me to find out so I was prepared. I’ve stated that we’d moved getting a new refrigerator to the head of our want/need list but I hadn’t made the commitment as to when we'd do it. That was what she wanted... to know when we’d get a new one. To have full access to the funds in the trust fund I knew I’d have to get and sign a bunch of papers but with being so busy hadn't made the effort. I told Elle I’d do it first thing on Monday and that was enough for Elle to open up.

Elle had gotten the “dribble panties” to Ginger right after we’d made them up and she'd liked them. They’d been pretty much perfect for her needs but, there were still times where Ginger had more than a dribble... and that evening had been one. When Elle spoke to her when she’d gone into the bathroom she’d offered to get her a pair of her own. When she ran upstairs she saw a pair of sanitary panties on her dresser and decided to let Ginger use them in stead. That was it. I was pretty sure I’d been right when I’d gotten my upskirt look at Ginger. I asked Elle if she’d gotten any response from Ginger and she shook her head negatively saying there had been no time to chat.

I didn’t find the information to be worth the cost of a new refrigerator so started “negotiating” for some pictures. She’d already agreed to one as a birthday present but I saw the opportunity for more. Elle tried holding me to the original arrangement but I knew I had the upper hand (and the money) so we bantered back and forth and she finally agreed to allow me six over a period of time. We’d pretty much cleaned up the residue from the party by that time and headed upstairs. With the kids at Elle’s mother’s house I was looking for some extended “amour”. Before turning out the last lights on the first floor I grabbed the camera and the tripod. I’d hoped that Elle hadn’t seen it but she did. When she did she reminded me it just the one as my birthday present.

I wanted something special so I set the camera up so I could get a picture of the two of us. I knew I was pushing her to her limit and didn’t want it to interfere with the “prize” for the evening so was willing to accept a somewhat less sexy picture than I'd conjured up. I stripped to my T shirt and lay down on the bed and Elle was down to her nightie and panties. I’d set the timer on the camera and told Elle to push the shutter button and then hurry over and straddle me. She clearly wasn’t too happy with the idea but I pleaded my case about it being my only real birthday present. Reluctantly, she complied.
Although what followed the picture was pleasurable it probably would have been better without it. What salvaged it, surprisingly, was that we both fell asleep. Elle had not put on her “package“ and woke up to find, what else, a wet bed. Before she could get too upset I was on top of her and this time it was much better. In the morning we both laughed about it as we stripped the bed sheets and made it up fresh.

Big ”B“ came Sunday afternoon to wish me a happy birthday and we spent some time formulating a plan of action for the racecar. The racetrack had a meeting scheduled Wednesday evening to go over the season’s schedule and rules changes. ”B“ would be on the road making calls so I said I’d attend. We looked at the car stored in my garage and with all my ”stuff“ stored on, around and in it we concluded we had to find a better place to be able to work on it. ”B“ said he had some ideas and we left it at that.

That evening I got a call from Bret. We were good friends and worked together well but it was rare for him to call me. He hemmed and hawed a bit before getting to the point. He wanted to know what I thought of the woman who’d showed up looking for a job on Friday night. That sort of shocked me. Other than knowing he had a fairly keen interest about panties we’d never even had one conversation about ”chicks“. He tried to back out of it but initially, wouldn’t let him. I let him off the hook when he said his wife had just come into the room. I knew I was going to have some fun with him the next day. But, the call did get me to thinking again about doing a background check on Gina the next day.

The first thing I did on Monday was to call Jay, my friend in the Data Processing department, to see if he could help to fill in the gap in Gina’s application. He seemed glad to hear from me at first but when I mentioned Gina’s name I could hear a change in the tone of his voice. He immediately wanted to know why I was asking. I simply told him that she’d applied for a job and it was almost a year since she’d worked. He seemed troubled with what he was saying or at least trying to say. The only specific thing he did give me was that it had been about a year since she’d worked at the County Center. I already knew that and needed more so asked one last question. I asked if she was fired and he said he didn’t think so. At least that was bit of positive news.

Still puzzled by Jay’s reaction to my call I went ahead and called Mrs K at the Civil Service office. She, absolutely, was excited to hear from me. We’d gotten along well when I worked for her and she was the one who told me I was capable of doing more than the Civil Service job could provide and sort of pushed me to leave when I had the chance. We chatted about where I was and what I was doing before I asked about Gina. I didn’t waste much time before asking if she’d left on ”good terms“. There was a silence before Mrs K, very slowly, replied that the answer would depend upon just who you were to ask. Knowing that she worked with money I specifically asked if there had been any problems in that area. To that she had an emphatic ”No“ and went on to add that the person(s) who had taken her position had been a source of trouble for the Treasurer's office ever since she left. I was trying to digest what I’d been hearing so, point blank, asked if she thought I should hire her.

Mrs K was always to the point so when she said that as far as her work was concerned she’d be fine... and went no further. By then I could sense she wanted to end the call and we did with her wishing me continued success. The results of the two calls had left me totally confused. I studied the application again and concluded that from an experience standpoint Gina would be a perfect fit for our teller line. The only thing to do at that point was to ask her why she left the County Center and hadn’t worked in about a year.

To be continued...


oldblue said...

Perhaps a love affair gone bad, by the way nice pic.

badside said...

You had a good birthday night! As for Gina, I'm formulating my theories.

Pantymaven said...

OB & BS... When it plays out let me know if you were right.