Monday, March 21, 2016

TRANSITIONING... to Autumn (Part 141g)

TRANSITIONING... to Autumn (Part 141g)

As you know it’s impossible to pee with a hard-on. I rationalized that I didn’t really have to go so put Barbara's clothes back on the seat and exited the bathroom. I’d made my way to the patio when Elle came out to ask that I mow the area in and around the wash line so that the mower exhaust wouldn’t stink up the towels when she hung them out. I wasn’t expecting her and hoped she wouldn’t see my bulge. It was a close call.

The back part of the lawn was finished when Elle came out to hang the towels. I was just about to go to the front lawn when I saw her also hanging the kids and her bathing suits. But she also hung out Barbara’s panties and shorts. I hadn’t given any thought to her doing that but it did plant a thought into my head. Mowing the lawn is a mindless task and as I finished up I kept thinking about Elle handling Barbara’s panties. I was almost positive that even when Barbara’s mother was using our clothes line that Elle never paid any attention to what had been hung up on it, especially the panties. I wanted to know if she’d noticed the double panel across the back... but knew I couldn’t bring the topic up without giving myself away. So... I spent the time trying to come up with a way to bring them up... but I couldn’t think of one.

With the Fall season almost upon us we were experiencing much cooler evenings and nights. As I’d learned when painting the house the weekend before it was best to stop painting around 4pm so the paint could set up before the dampness that came with the cooler temperatures set in. It was almost the same with clothes. Elle got her wash out on the line before 3pm and as we ate dinner I asked if she was going to bring it inside. She kind of hesitated before saying she’d leave it out because it wouldn’t be anywhere near dry. I was disappointed as I hoped that if she did I could come up some way to bring up the double back on the panties. It wasn’t to be.

Sunday turned out to be another beautiful day. I promised Elle that I’d go to the 10am church service even though it meant not getting back home until it was close to noon. She wanted me to go with her and the girls as it was their first day of Sunday school and the re-introduction of the 'meet and greet' after the service. As I’ve written before, my choice was the 8am service as it would leave me with most of the day free. BUT... with no more sailboat racing I didn’t have an excuse. By the time we got home it was actually afternoon. As we drove up the driveway I saw Barbara’s shorts and panties on the line and as soon as I did my mind started churning again. However, I still didn’t have a plan. That was frustrating.

There were two things I hoped to accomplish during the afternoon. Most important was getting the rest of the South side of the house painted. I’d only been able to get the second story done while on vacation and it was now a priority. The other project was getting the two Sunfish put away for the Winter. Elle felt that even with the chance that there would still be some nice weekends to come there would be little chance to take advantage of them. She felt school activities and other things the older girls were involved in would just make it too hard. I’d called ”Big B“ to give me a hand but hadn’t heard back so started in with the painting.

Timing is everything in life. I’d just started in when the phone rang. Walking into the kitchen I saw Barbara’s shorts and panties neatly folded and sitting on the end of the counter. After getting ”B“ to agree to come over around 5pm I headed back outside. I asked Elle if she had an old towel I could use to wipe up paint spatters and she threw me the towel she had in her hands. I had to lunge for it and caught it at the end of the counter. As I did my arm knocked Barbara’s clothes to the floor. The panties fell right there at my feet and, instinctively, I bent over to pick them up. When I stood up I was holding them and suddenly it came to me that I had my ‘opening’ to talk about them with Elle.

Elle was down at the other end of the counter by the sink. I stood there holding them and after a few seconds she asked what I was doing. That was what I’d been waiting for. I stood there kind of moving the panties around in my fingers and finally asked if she’d noticed anything different when she’d washed them. She gave me a quizzical look and started walking towards me. In the few seconds it took for her to get to me I’d managed to get the double panel between my fingers and handed the panties to her. At first she didn’t see or feel anything. I didn’t want it to be too obvious so said something about how they just felt so soft. She took them over by the open door to get a close look at them. Then, she made the discovery. I remember looking at her face and saw the puzzled look before she stated the obvious... there were two panels on the back of them. Trying to act surprised I said something like ”you’re kidding!“ and took them back from her to see for myself. When I did I took the opportunity to look at the crotch. There was some yellowing but it wasn’t as bad as Elle’s cotton Spanky Pants that she now only wore to bed. I still had the idea that Barbara had some sort of ‘problem’ going back to when I’d seen twice as many of her panties on the wash lines as her sister. Elle continued to stand there with the semi puzzled look still on her face. I was hoping she’d say something but it was me who asked what the purpose might be. She didn’t have an answer and that made two of us.

I thought the conversation, as limited as it was, was over at that point but Elle took the panties back and looked at the label. That was a bit strange as Elle had never paid attention to labels as I was responsible for all of her panties. I knew what she was doing but asked anyway. She was familiar with Lollipop panties as that’s what all the kids had worn since we’d visited Addie’s store (near where the service bureau was located) and actually, I’d bought some for her but she seldom wore them as we both preferred the nylon satin panties. She really surprised me when she said she really liked the feel of them. I smiled to myself before telling her to ask Barbara where she’d gotten them. I knew she wouldn’t know but at least it would start a dialog that might get an answer.

To be continued...      


badside said...

Excellent way in to talk about the panties. Now Elle is recruited in the quest as well!

Pantymaven said...

BS... That was my plan... but it took a long time for it to develop.