Saturday, March 05, 2016

WINDING DOWN... Summer (Part 140o)

WINDING DOWN... Summer (Part 140o)

I decided to dedicate the weekend to getting some of the house painting done. The second floor needed attention and that meant working from a ladder, not my favorite place. I really had to force myself to get focused. Early Saturday morning Barbara appeared at the kitchen screen door wanting to know if she and some new friends she’d met at school could use the back yard to practice some cheering. Even though her father and I’d cleared some of the fallen tree away from her yard there wasn’t any part of their lawn clear enough to do what they wanted. Of course Elle said it was OK. I’d been in the cellar getting paint when Barbara arrived and all I saw was her walking back to her yard. She had on what Elle called a playsuit... a pair of blue plaid short shorts with a halter top attached. Under the halter was a sleeveless top. When Elle told me what was about to happen I gave a brief thought to changing my mind as to where to paint... but didn’t.

I had the ladder up against the house and the paint can opened when Barbara, her sister and three other girls made their way thought the opening in the hedge and into our yard. I recognized one of the others as being the younger sister of Susan (from the ’panty house’ in the neighborhood) who had done some baby sitting for us. The other two were strangers to me but one was wearing a pair of white knit shorts that, to me, looked a bit small. As she walked towards me I could see a ‘camel toe’ and that got my attention... in two ways. I knew that Susan had talked about going to college to be a pharmacist so asked the sister where she’d decided to attend. She said she was at the University of Connecticut so she could be somewhat close to home. I remember looking at the girl and seeing a resemblance. By then my kids were now outside and pestering them to cheer with them. Elle then joined the group and herded our kids over to the lawn swing to get them out of the way telling them that they would be watching a show. I knew I wanted to watch it as well but couldn’t.

As I said,  being on a ladder is not one of my favorite places to be. I could hear the girls laughing as they tried different things. One thing I learned from listening to them was that Mo and Barbara had taken some kind of gymnastics at their previous school and had used some of what they’d learned in their cheering routines. They were trying to show their new friends just what to do and, from the sounds they were making, not making much progress. I made a few attempts to turn my head far enough to see just what it was they were doing but it was no use. When I’d gotten done what I could with the ladder where it was I had get down to move it. I was hoping to see some activity from them while I was off the ladder but they were huddled together on the ground working on just what they were going to do next. I got to see a bit of a DP (down pants) from the one girl I hadn’t really gotten a frontal look at but that was all. It was while I was up on the ladder again I heard Elle suggest they all go out to our front yard where they would actually have more room to do the things they were trying to do. That didn’t make me very happy because now, when I went to move the ladder, I wouldn’t get to see them at all.

All in all they were probably in our yard for an hour at the most. I was just finishing up with the painting I had to do using the ladder when I saw them leaving through the hedge. I could turn my head far enough to see that. The next phase of painting for me had me standing on the roof over the patio. I’d been looking forward to having my feet on something solid and was figuring on this section being fairly easy to work on. I’d been painting for a bit when I heard Elle’s voice through the open window. It was hard to see her through the screen. She stood there not moving for a few seconds before I heard her say “Well????” with a questioning tone in her voice. I had no idea what she wanted. Finally, I could see her hand pointing to her crotch. Making a concerted effort to see it I could make out a small stain. I could feel something starting to come to life as I asked her what had happened. All she’d say was she’d laughed too hard but added that if I could take a break she had something for me.

I didn’t know exactly what she had in mind but since she offered I wasn’t going to decline even if it wasn't convenient. I had to get down off the roof plus my hands were covered with white paint so I was a bit concerned that I was taking too much time. She was still upstairs but no longer in the hallway. I found her sitting on the toilet but she still had on her bermuda shorts. Walking up to her I shrugged my shoulders as if to ask why she was sitting there. She just gave me a silly smile and opened her legs up as an invitation. There was no hesitation on my part and I didn’t have to wait to get what I’d come for.

I was on my knees in front of her as I rubbed her crotch. The length of the legs on the bermuda shorts was too much for me to even think about trying to get inside so I had to be satisfied to just feel the warm wetness of the shorts. I remember mentioning to her that she didn’t seem to go all that much. She told me that when she’d leaked it caught her a bit by surprise as it hadn’t been all that long since she’d been to the toilet. I certainly wasn’t complaining as I'd take anything she was willing to give.

She had things to do and reminded me that I did too. As she stood up I had a vision of a picture. Of course she said “No!”, complete with the exclamation point. But I wasn’t about to give up. I wanted more from my investment in the new love seat out in the garden so tried that angle. It didn’t work but it did put a thought into her head. I had mentioned that the original fountain had crumbled and there was a void in the middle of the garden. After saying "No" a second time she asked if I’d seen the bird baths at the store the night before. I hadn’t... she had! I didn’t know what it was going to cost but as I ran down the stairs I knew I was going to get my picture.

I went back to my painting until the noon siren went off. I was ready for a break. While we ate she said that she had some errands to run and, with a big smile, said it would be no trouble to go pick up the bird bath while she was out. I wasn’t sure I wanted her to be picking this thing out without me but I really had to get back to the painting. The only way knew I’d have some control was to give her some money and tell her that would be it. Because of the storm we hadn’t done some of the things that would’ve cost money so I had more cash than usual. Actually, that was a problem in itself because all I had were $20 bills. I remember taking a deep breath as I handed one to her.

To be continued...


badside said...

I give you a lot of credit for getting things done despite all the bad weather. At least you got a reward for the bird bath and love seat! Too bad you couldn't enjoy the cheerleading practice.

Anonymous said...

Oh, what a lovely picture and day!
Btw, you have me thinking about halter tops and tiny shorts now, darn you!

oldblue said...

I choose the close-up over the long distance shots from the ladder. Win some lose some.

Pantymaven said...

BS... glad to see you're back!

sara... That it was!

OB... Why choose? :-)