Saturday, July 16, 2016

FINISHING OUT THE YEAR... Barbara (Part 145b)

FINISHING OUT THE YEAR... Barbara (Part 145b)

Elle seldom stayed up as late as the end of the news so I didn’t expect her to stay very long when we sat down. The first time I looked at my watch it was past midnight... and she was still going strong. The reason she’d been shaking her head earlier was that she couldn’t believe what she’d found out about Barbara. The most shocking thing to me was that Barbara didn’t wear any kind of protection to bed. Elle told me all she wore was a T-shirt and panties. What her mother had her do was to take a beach towel, fold it in thirds and then lay it over a flanelized rubber mat with the bottom sheet over them. It made no sense to Elle (nor to me) and it prompted her to tell Barbara about her bed wetting and how she handled it. I knew she had no intention of sharing that with her so it told me how shocked she was upon hearing that. Elle said she showed Barbara what she wore to bed (her “package” made up with sanitary pads, multiple ribbed cotton panties and a pair of plastic panties) and to suggest that she try it. She told me Barbara was a bit reluctant but was finally persuaded. Elle also told her about her alarm clock system and told her she’d come in and wake her up when she got up. Elle said that prompted Barbara to give Elle some of her bedwetting history. At one time her mother had bought an alarm system to wake her when it detected signs of moisture. She told Elle that it was a failure as she was a deep sleeper and by the time she heard the alarm it was already too late.

Elle said she asked Barbara if she'd ever been to a doctor to find out a reason for it and that it brought forth a laugh from her. She told Elle that her sister, Mo, wasn’t toilet trained until she was almost ready to start school and that had prompted their mother, Phyllis, to take them both to a specialist to see if there was something wrong with them. According to Barbara the doctor accused Phyllis of not trying hard enough with them. That turned their mother against doctors for anything other than when they were obviously sick and with a fever. Mo finally overcame her troubles but Barbara didn’t. Elle said that Barbara told her it wasn’t from not trying. One of the things her mother tried was to not let her drink anything after supper but that she became dehydrated a few times and that created other problems so they stopped with that idea. There was more but I’m surprised that I remembered as much as I did.

By the time we made our way upstairs it was almost the time for Elle’s first alarm to go off so she woke Barbara up for the first time. When Elle came back she told me that Barbara wasn’t kidding when she said she was deep sleeper. I’d become so accustomed to Elle’s night time alarms that when one would go off all I’d do was just roll over and go back to sleep so I never heard the 4am one. At the seven o’clock one Elle made sure I got up because there was a lot going on that day. Because she’d spent so much time with Barbara and then explaining her situation to me she hadn’t finished preparing for her 4-H group meeting later that morning so she had a lot to do and not much time to do it. She told me that I’d be the one to drive Barbara to work. My plans for the day were somewhat flexible so that wasn’t a problem... at least at that moment.

Barbara was actually awake when Elle went in at 7am. She’d made it through the night, dry, and was happy about it. Elle suggested that Barbara go downstairs to take her shower while she got the girls up and going. I was still lying in bed waiting for Elle to tell me her plan of attack. She decided to go make breakfast for everyone and then be the last to shower. All the tree leaves were down by then so my main focus for the day was to finish raking them out of the shrubbery. Because it was a dusty and dirty job I opted to shower after I’d finished. So, I went downstairs to eat and sat at the table with the newspaper. Barbara was next to appear and as soon as I saw her I said “Good morning!“ She turned her eyes from me and kept on walking over to the stove where Elle was making scrambled eggs. I thought that a bit strange but didn’t dwell on it. When all my girls were downstairs and seated at the table Elle brought the bowl of eggs over but Barbara lagged behind. Elle got her to join us but she was very subdued. I started to say something about it but Elle put her finger to her mouth to tell me to be quiet. I just shrugged and ate my eggs.

Barbara had to be to work by 9am. It was only a little over five minutes to get to the village so I told Barbara we’d be leaving at around 8:45am. The look she shot me told me she didn’t expect that and she corroborated my thought by turning to Elle and asking why she wasn’t taking her. Elle explained but it was clear that Barbara wasn’t happy with the answer. The girls had finished eating by then so Elle suggested that they take Barbara into the living room to play games until it was time for her to go to work. They were happy about that but Barbara was still upset about the change in plans. I was hoping to speak to Elle about Barbara’s attitude but she’d already ducked into the bathroom to shower. I was really puzzled because right from the time I’d first met her I’d been impressed by her cheerful and bubbly demeanor. Everything had been going well until Barbara had gotten up. Something had happened and I wanted to know what it was.

Barbara was wearing a pair of chino pants and a white blouse and as I went into the living room to fetch her I could see she was close to giving me a DP (down pants). The hem of her blouse was right there at her belt. I hesitated for a few seconds before getting her attention and my patience was rewarded. She leaned across the board game they were playing to move her marker and there was a nice, bright white panty elastic. I’d not had a chance to ‘inspect’ the clothes that she’d brought over but was almost positive they were Lollipop cotton panties. As I’ve said before... it didn’t matter how many times I’d seen the same thing it was still interesting to me.

To be continued...


oldblue said...

Interesting, I suppose her attitude is brought on by being embarrassed by her problems.

Pantymaven said...

OB... very insightful! See the next post.