Saturday, July 02, 2016

TIME FOR THE "CHANGE"... Here goes nothing...

TIME FOR THE “CHANGE”... Here goes nothing...

As I wrote in the post titled “PAUSE” a while back, circumstances have caused me to change the way this blog will be presented in the future. Up to now I’ve written it in pretty much of a continuous time line... days... weeks... months and years. I no longer have some of the source materials that I’ve used to do that, soooooo...

As the last part ended there were any number of open items or ‘subjects’. Although I don’t have the detailed notes to bring them to a conclusion I still have my memories of them to work from. What I’ve decided to do is to list them in what could be called a “Table of Contents”. I’ll try to address each of them as best I can but not necessarily in the order they’re listed. It maybe a little confusing because the situations I’ll be writing about may not be in the order that they actually happened. For instance, Gina. I’ll start with her right from where part 143z ended and will take her to an ending. I’ll try to get in some of the situations that were created during that time that I hope you’ll find interesting. As a bit of a tease there’s one part with her story that I think will be VERY interesting for you. I hope you’ll bear with me for a while and, if you have any suggestions I’d certainly appreciate them.

 Now to the  TABLE OF CONTENTS: (Not in order of presentation)

New branch
Hiring of branch manager
Polak Joe
Martin/Sabrina (Lisa) wedding
Bachelor party (stripper)
Barbara (staying with us)
Bill and Phyllis (neighbors)
Return of retirement money
plus anything that I remember as I go along...

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