Tuesday, July 26, 2016

FINISHING OUT THE YEAR... Barbara (Part 145g)

FINISHING OUT THE YEAR... Barbara (Part 145g)

Elle made sure I went downstairs at that point and I settled in watching Ed Sullivan on TV. Elle was soon there and I asked how it was going for Barbara. She laughed saying that Kaye was trying to let her climb in bed with her. It wasn’t too long after that I saw Barbara making the turn towards us at the foot of the stairs. She had on Elle’s short robe, the one without the sash. She had one hand clasping the front of it closed  but it wasn’t enough to prevent me from seeing her panties. Thankfully, I was reclined in my chair so  she couldn’t see just how much ‘attention’ her appearance had generated.

I don’t think I’ve mentioned this but I’d noticed on quite a few occasions Barbara would sit in a yoga position... on the floor, a chair or sofa. On this evening she chose the sofa and immediately pulled her legs up and feet into her crotch. I mention this because with Elle’s short robe there wasn’t enough material to cover it completely. Elle was on one end and Barbara was on the other so Elle didn’t have the view that I did... thankfully. I had to be careful though so Elle didn’t pick up where my gaze was focused. I’d shift my eyes from the TV to Barbara and back. Finally, Elle asked Barbara if she was interested in Ed Sullivan and when she said she wasn’t, suggested that they move to the living room. I had about 3 or 4 minutes of enjoyment before they left.

The next morning it wasn’t Elle’s alarm that woke us, it was the noise coming from Kaye’s room. Sitting up in bed I got a glimpse of Jean and Kaye on the mattress where Barbara had slept. They were sort of flopping all around on it but I didn’t see Barbara. Elle rolled out her side of the bed and headed in that direction without a robe. I grabbed my pants and followed. Barbara was still there but Anne, Jean and Kaye were all on top of her and trying to tickle her. Elle told our girls to stop and as they did and untangled themselves I saw something I didn’t expect to see. Barbara was lying on her side and the T shirt she used to sleep in was up under her armpit exposing part of her breast... and that wasn't all. The plastic panties that encased the ”package“ that Elle had prepared for her to sleep in was totally exposed... and was wet. As soon as Elle saw it she told me to ”disappear“.

I don’t know if Barbara ever knew that I’d seen her that way. She was on her side and facing away from the door. When the girls got up and off her they were standing next to her so, as I made my way down the stairs I hoped that they’d blocked her view. As strange as it probably will seem to you, I really didn’t get any excitement from it. I was actually disappointed that she hadn’t made it through another night, dry.

I’d been putting off replacing the screens from the first floor windows with the storm windows. I hated doing it because it meant having to wash the windows first... a job I hated. The weather continued to be unseasonably warn so I had no excuse. Elle got the idea of going up to the school and playing a little tennis with Barbara. She and her sister had played with Elle and I right after they moved in but hadn’t done it since. I was out in the front yard when she came by to tell me they were all leaving for the school. I wondered what she’d chosen to wear under her slacks but she was too far away for me to know.

I remember the noon siren going off and being hungry and they hadn’t yet returned. I’d gotten all the screens off and was about to put them up in the rafters of the garage but needed help. When I saw the station wagon headed down the road next to John the farmer’s house I decided to stop and wait for them. As soon as the wagon pulled up everybody piled out but Elle. I went over to see why. She gave me a disgusted look for a brief second and I knew what that meant. The question I had, but knew better than to ask, was ”How bad?“ So, I took a different approach and asked if Barbara knew about it. She nodded affirmatively.

She’d worn ‘dribble panties’ but the ‘damage’ was more than the smiles of the day before. Barbara was with the girls as I walked with Elle up the path to the house. In most cases like this I’d have to pry the information as to just what happened from her but she surprised me by volunteering it. She knew the school would be open because the voting machines were being installed so had figured she’d have use of the rest room in the girls locker room. It turned out that was where they were ”staging“ the machines and it was off limits to everybody but people from the elections board. By then we were at the back door and Barbara and the kids were following us. I let Elle go in first so I could get a look at her backside and it was bad. Elle went right upstairs to get washed up and changed. I wondered what reaction Barbara might’ve had seeing Elle actually have her problem but there was no way I was going to bring it up.

Since this was going to be Barbara’s last night with us, the discussion at the supper table concentrated on who’s room she was going to sleep in. There was some animated discussion among the girls but Barbara came up with the solution... a game night. Each of the kids was to pick out their favorite game. Since Kaye wasn’t old enough to understand rules it was agreed that Barbara would help her. The idea was to play each game once and to keep a record of who came in first, second and third... then add the points to see who had the least. Elle made sure to tell them that after it was decided who was the winner there would be no more discussion on the matter.

I thought, for sure, that Anne would be the winner. Her favorite game was called Mirror Mania. She had figured it out early on after we got it and neither Jean, Elle nor I could beat her. This would be the first time Barbara (oops, Kaye) saw the game but she picked up the concept right away and beat Anne. The game Kaye had picked out was Candy Land which she pretty much knew how to play. But, it’s a game of luck, not skill, and Barbara (Kaye) won meaning she’d be sleeping with Kaye once again. I liked that... for two reasons. One, it meant I didn’t have to move the mattress and two, there was a the distinct possibility of having a reprise of the morning activity and some more peeks.

To be continued...  

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