Monday, June 18, 2018

FINISHING THE YEAR... Odds & ends (Part 167p)

ENDING THE YEAR… (Odds & ends (Part 167p)

Thanksgiving had been late that year and the first of December was the first day of the following week. The store marketing gurus had not yet sprung “Black Friday” on the public and the Christmas season didn’t kick off until after December arrived. The Chamber of Commerce was all set to go with the decorations for the village and the stores were pretty much ready for the shoppers. At the bank, I’d been able to get money into the budget for decorating the exterior and lobby this Christmas and had the garden shop promise they would have it all in place that week. That was about all the excitement for early December. I’d also been given the hint that we’d have a more formal Christmas party this year rather that the last minute affair in the lobby as we’d had in the past. In anticipation of just such a happening I made a tentative reservation at one of the small restaurants in town. Michael the restaurant across from the stock broker’s office, had made a ‘pitch’ but it was too much, both in money and for the kind of affair that had been discussed. As far as I was concerned all I needed was the “OK” from Bert, the president.

Elle had taught eight days right before Thanksgiving and was to be paid the Friday of the first week in December. We’d decided that it was like ‘found money’ and would spend it on Christmas gifts. Money had been tight at Christmas time for a few years and the kids had pretty much to suffer with clothes in place of toys. An idea I’d toyed with for a few years was to give all the employees a half day off for Christmas shopping. I knew I had to wait for the right opportunity to ‘spring’ it on Hobie and Bert. But, when Elle and I were discussing our Christmas gift shopping for the kids it came to the fore in my mind. I vowed to pursue it the first opportunity I had.

As I’d previously mentioned, there had been a rumor circulating that J J’s secretary, Lynne, had been seen in town. The rumor proved to be true as she appeared at the bank one morning early in December. The real surprise was that she made it through the lobby and half way up the stairs before anyone noticed. Thinner, and with her hair colored, she didn’t look like the Lynne everyone was familiar with.Unfortunately, Trish wasn’t at her desk when Lynne walked in because I would’ve liked to have seen how she handled it. She went right to J J’s office and as Mary Carol, the switchboard operator told me later, closed the door behind her. In any case, I got a call from J J before noon telling me that Lynne was ready to come back to work. That wasn’t as much of a problem as was what to do with her replacement, “Upstairs Sandy”.

I was trying to be patient with getting any concrete information about the prospective new branch. I was hoping to get a call from Morris letting me know that a decision had been made and where the location was. He’d been forthcoming so far and I’d appreciated his candor. I’ll admit I was tempted to call him again but didn’t for fear that I’d anger him. He was being paid by the bank as a consultant and knew that if I angered him he could create a problem for me. And, I also knew that when it came time for the branch to open I’d probably be dealing with him when it came time to promoting it especially when it came to having a gift campaign. He’d guided me into making good choices when it came to the choice of gifts to offer for opening new accounts. However, waiting patiently for information that you know is coming is extremely difficult.

At the luncheon with Lynda she’d chided me with a challenge that “she wanted to see more of me” when it was over. In my mind there were two parts to that. There had been enough ‘signs’ that she liked me more than as a good customer of the brokerage. I was flattered but really didn’t have any desire to do anything to jeopardize my relationship with Elle. On the other hand I knew that when it came to my investing in stocks she was someone I felt I could trust, especially in the absence of my official broker, Stan. I was at the stage of ‘when in doubt… do nothing’.

Writing about Lynda brings up Woody… again. I was reluctant to take a somewhat aggressive position I trying to get some dialog going between the two of us. Knowing her to be young and a bit naive I was afraid that she might do something rash like resigning if she felt threatened. She had yet to get close to any of the other young girls and I didn’t feel comfortable in going to any of them to get an idea of what was on her mind. On a somewhat casual basis I’d queried Trish about how she felt about her. Her answer was that she was well liked and after speaking to Lauri got a good report of the quality of work. Like with Lynda, I was at the point of ‘when in doubt… do noting’ and that was what I did.

One interesting thing that did happen was when “Big B” showed up with his new girlfriend, Lydia. I have to be truthful and tell you that she was not much to look at… and added to that was she really didn’t have much of a personality. And… she also came with ‘baggage’ in the form of a hyper active 5 year old daughter. When Elle and I’d chatted right after “B” had visited us and given us the surprising news about having a girlfriend we’d come to the conclusion that anyone who would accept a 330+ pound man wouldn’t be a stunning beauty. But, we had hope that she’d at least come across as a nice person. After she and “B” left we both shook our heads and knew the life that he’d led was about to come to a crashing halt. In the hour of so they were at the house I saw something I’d never seen before while with “B”… an almost silent man. She dominated him to the point of completing his sentences. What made that so strange was that she’d only known him for a few months. After they left it was Elle who commented that it would never work. I had to agree.

We’d not been very social like we were back when we first moved into the house. Almost all our friends (the “group”) were experiencing the same thing with multiple kids who seemed to just keep coming. So, when an invite came  to resurrect the group it seemed like a good idea. The caveat was that we had to find enough babysitters to make it work so a number of dates were listed as possibilities. With Christmas soon upon us it was decided to make it a seasonal themed party. We had the largest house so, unfortunately, we were to be the hosts. Elle managed to get the others to agree that if we were hosting then we wouldn’t have to provide anything, including to alcohol. I accepted the idea without reservations but was soon to find out that it wasn’t that way at all.

To be continued…

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