Wednesday, June 13, 2018

FINISHING THE YEAR... Odds & ends (Part 167n)

ENDING THE YEAR… Odds & Ends (Part 167n)

This was the week that Elle had been asked to substitute teach at a school she’d never been to. The fact that she’d had well over a week to prepare and had her mother and friends lined up to take care of Kaye made it much less stressful than usual. She'd described the experience as “refreshing” in that the principal was “laid back” and there was nowhere near the pressure to perform that she usually experienced. That proved too be a direct benefit to me in a number of ways. Even though it was brand new school to her she found a ‘welcoming committee’ waiting for her. Beth, Cliffy’s pregnant wife, was the school secretary and had organized the other teachers to be there when Elle arrived. It was a small school, seven classrooms, but there was severe overcrowding which presented problems for the staff. However, they didn’t want Elle to have to worry about that and she was given a tour of all the ‘necessary’ things, one being where the bathrooms were located. However, as they say, “accidents happen” and with Elle’s condition, even with planning, they did. In spite of our having been together, dating and married for about 14 years, she was always reluctant to tell me about them. Right after “B” had gone she told me that she’d had “an accident” at school. I, naturally, was interested but in those cases didn’t want Elle to be embarrassed so was a bit concerned. She went on to say the principal had stopped in to see her at the end of the day just as she was headed for the bathroom. She told me she she’d already ‘leaked”, which was her ‘warning’, but she was too embarrassed to tell him she really needed to use the ‘facilities’… and, while standing behind her desk, proceeded to “go a lot”… enough for it to run down her legs. (she was wearing a skirt) She said she was more concerned that the principal could see her blushing more than anything else. What pleased me the most about her telling me was that she was completely at ease as she did. I had more than a bulge by then and she knew it. But, what was the most shocking was when she said she had a “funny feeling” after she did it. I asked what she meant by “funny feeling” and I remember her sort of shrugging her shoulders and having an impish smile… but not saying anything. Interesting, for sure.

It was about 4:30pm on Friday when Joanie told me that Elle was on the phone. At that time of day I knew she was at home and could only think there was something wrong. I’d told her any number of times not to call me at work unless it was really necessary. “There’s a basket of fruit on the picnic table!” Is what I heard. The only thing I could say was that I hadn’t ordered it. My mother would sometimes send gift to the kids but a basket of fruit was beyond that. Intrigued, I had her go get it and bring it inside. I asked if there was a card or anything but the only thing she could find was bow with the words “Harry & David” on it. I remembered my grandfather getting fruit from that company at Christmas but that was all. It was something to ponder on my way home other than the strange way females think or panties.

I’d received a call from Judith, my friend who owned the boutique store back in the town where I started my banking career. She’d donated some clothes to the church Thrift Shoppe right after the focus had been changed as to just what clothes would be offered. She’d left a message for me to stop by the boutique as she had some more things to donate. It was timely as Christmas was only a month away and I knew I had to start thinking about some gifts for Elle. I decided I’d do it while on my ‘landfill run’ as I’d be halfway there. The place was typical Judith…. clothes packed in so tightly that it was hard to see what was on the racks… and this was after she’d expanded the space. There was no way I was going to peruse all that she had but I did remember that I’d gotten Elle a robe there the first year I’d been in banking and I also knew she no longer had it. So, to save time I asked Judith what she had in the way of robes. She led me to the back of the store and explained that she had an addition put on out back for storage and had opened what had been her storage area up to hold lingerie and sleepwear. I hadn’t even gotten all the way into it when I saw what I was going to get Elle… a really fancy, plush, full length robe. It was way more than I wanted to pay but knew it’d buy me a lot of pictures and ‘extras’. While she was boxing it up I, as usual, took a look around at the panties. Her primary lingerie label was Van Raalte and I just loved the large crotch area of the panties. They made for fantastic VPL’s. It was almost like an addiction. As soon as I saw the robin’s eggs blue of a Van Raalte box I knew I had to have some… more.

The clothes Judith donated were pretty much as I’d expected them to be… not the type people shopping in a thrift shop would be looking for. When I delivered them, most were rejected for the offering tables but, surprisingly, a couple of the ladies who’d volunteered that day found some things they liked and made a nice donation to the shoppe. The minister was there when I stopped and so asked him how much they’d made since the reopening. He didn’t know exactly but I heard words that pleased me in that we’d prepaid our anticipated heating oil bill for the Winter.

Back at home I could see there was activity at the house next door. I peeked through the hedge and saw an older couple with Andy, the realtor. My first reaction was positive in that someone was looking at it. It quickly turned a bit negative because Elle and I’d both been hoping for a young family with children. Andy saw me peeking through the opening and called out asking if I’d found a surprise. That caught me by surprise and I think all I did was stare at him. He jumped in and quickly solved the mystery of the fruit basket. It had been from him as a thank you for investigating the attic and in noticing the missing soffit vents. Elle and I’d decided not to do anything with the fruit until we knew it was meant for us. That cleared the way to ‘attack’ it. Andy proceed to introduce me to the couple he was with and gave me a good indication that these were the people who’d be buying the house. They lived in the city and had been looking for a house in the area so they’d be able to spend most of the Summer with their children and grandchildren. A lot of people did that in our area but most were on or near the water. I was curious at to why they would pick a landlocked dwelling but chose to keep my mouth shut. My guess was they were in their early 60’s so, using both Elle’s and my families as a reference, figured their kids would be about our age. Trying to put a positive ’spin’ on the situation, I figured that we’d get a few months of ‘activity’ with people our age and who had kids of their own that might match up with ours. Walking back through the hedge it came to me that the house would still be empty most of the year but rationalized that it was still better than it had been for quite some time. I told Elle about the people and she immediately went up to the second floor to see if she could see the people from Kay’s bedroom window. She couldn’t but did return with some hope that there might be more to the story than we had.

To be continued…

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