Tuesday, July 25, 2006


I haven't said anything about kids from my neighborhood. Although I
didn't spend as much time with them as in previous years, I still did
spend time with them. I told you about the sailing program and that
kids from the east end of our beach community participated. I became
friendly with them through that program and did spend some time with
them, primarily in July. Through my friendship with them they became
integrated with the kids from the west end. That's not to say they
didn't continue to spend time amongst themselves because they did.
But all in all, the community became more homogenous.

The grandfather of the two girls who sailed was an inveterate card
player. One rainy day he taught them how to play poker. It wasn't for
money or anything, just the idea of teaching them a new card game. I
was lucky enough to be there when it happened. The problem with it was
that the girls parents thought it was "awful" and basically told them
not to play it. You know what happens when you tell a kid NOT to do
something. They go out of their way to do it. Before I'd gotten
friendly with them they'd cleared out a small area in the woods north
of the bungalows they lived in. It was similar to what my group had
done in the woods a mile away that I'd described before. This one
wasn't nearly as big but was adequate for them. Once told not to play
poker they headed for the clearing. As I said, initially it wasn't
played for money. One thing led to another and as they mixed in with
my old group, word got out about it and some of them joined in. One
of them was a "toughy" from the city, John M. He insisted that they
play for money.Most of the kids didn't have much money
available to them so they resisted. Finally, one night John
suggested playing "strip poker". After he explained it, the girls
weren't interested and left. Strip poker amongst a bunch of guys is
no fun so we ended up not playing anything. However, after John left,
the rest of us went and found the girls. We found out that they were
intimidated by John. They were excited about the idea of playing
amongst ourselves. There was a relatively secluded area just down the
beach where they lived. Armed with a pack of cards we set out for that
place. Everybody was nervous, not just the girls. BTW: Babs O. was my
age and her sister, Mary O. was a year younger. No one would ever have
known they were sisters had they just walked up to them. Babs was a
mousey, shy little thing with straight brown hair. Mary, on the other
hand, was blond and vivacious with a touch of the devil in her eyes.
The rest of the group consisted of David , Billy L and me. All three of
us were the same age. The game progressed nicely until Babs lost a few
hands in a row. She was now forced to show her underwear. Even though
she wasn't anything to look at, just the thought of seeing a female in
her bra and or panties had an "effect" on me. We were sitting indian
style so I was pretty much able to keep my bulge hidden. Babs hemmed
and hawed, not sure weather to take off her blouse or her shorts.
Finally she chose her shorts, reasoning aloud that when she wore her
bathing suit it wasn't much different. In my mind I totally disagreed.
I have to say I was disappointed. She managed to get them off without
standing up and also managed to keep herself pretty much covered up. I
don't remember how I or the boys were doing but when Babs lost again
she was visably upset. Her sister convinced her to stay and to strip
off her top. Again, she managed to conceal her "vital" parts. Then it
was Mary's turn for bad luck. But in her case she seemed to have no
qualms about taking off her shorts and showing us what was underneath.
She was wearing pink rayon panties that had stripes woven into the
materal. (I'd seen them on the washline before and had even tried to
look at the label. I just didn't know who they belonged to) When Babs
lost again she said she wouldn't take anything more off. I think it was
David who suggested that she be required to get up and walk one time
around the circle. For some reason that alternative was acceptable
to her. I was surprised and happy for the opportunity to see a
girl walking around in just her bra and panties. She was wearing a
non-descript pair of cotton panties so that part wasn't very exciting.
By then it was almost dark and we decided to head home. That night
became the catalyst for many more strip poker games that summer.

I'll not bore you with any more but two. After a while word got out
about what we'd been doing and the kids from the west end started doing
the same. The differece was that the girls would cheat by putting on
extra clothes. It was near the end of the summer and Barbara J. (I
described her as the girl who kind of distanced herself from group
activities but stll was on the fringe. Her father was the Polish
representative to the United Nations) decided to have a party at her
house. I remember being surprised that her parents weren't there. In
any case, one thing led to another and someone suggested strip poker.
To my utter amazement Barbara went along with the idea. There were
probably 10 to 12 kids there. We broke into two groups with one playing
at the dining room table and the other on the front porch. In writing
about it now I think the most surprising thing was that Barbara
orchestrated the whole thing and got everybody to play along. I have no
idea why that happened. In any case I remember her telling everybody
that they could have no more than 5 articles of clothing to count. She
made everybody identify what the 5 items were. I think she even limited
the nunber of hands we were to play as well. I was sure that some of
the girls would pull what Babs had tried when faced with exposing their
underwear. I was correct but what I hadn't expected was the peer
pressure from the others. The two I remember were my future wife and
Barbara herself. When my future wife had to choose which to take off,
blouse or shorts, she also chose her shorts. When she did, her brother
grabbed them away from her to prevent her from just putting them back
on in the next hand. When he did, she kind of leaped out of her chair
towards her brother fully exposing her butt. From where I was sitting I
got a great view of her panties. I was hoping to see pee stains but
only saw her backside. I already had the hard-on in anticipation
of seeing her take her shorts off but this was almost too much.
She sat back down, pulling herself into the table to avoid having
anybody else see her. I'd got mine and that's all that counted. With
Barbara, she chose to take off her blouse. Even though she'd been well
endowed when I'd seen her in the wet blouse at my house the two summers
before, now she was unbelievable....and she knew it. I honestly think
she enjoyed showing heself off. Unfortunately, the game pretty much
ended there.

The next day all the guys could talk about was strip poker. We all
wanted to play again. when we approached some
of the girls, primarily my future wife, they
weren't interested because they said they weren't going to get naked.
With Barbara overseeing it the night before they felt the game was
under control. We pleaded, begged and pleaded some more. Finally we
gave up. I'm not sure if it was that same night or the next one, but a
group of us were on my back porch reading comics. I looked up and saw
Barbara walking across the lawn towards us. When she got about 15 feet
or so away she motioned for us to come over to where she was standing.
I honestly had no idea she was there about playing strip poker again.
It seens as if some of the girls kind of liked the excitement of it
all, especially the chance to see a boy naked. So, they approached her
to see if she'd organize another game. Their idea was that the girls
would be allowed 2 more articles of clothing than the boys AND, that
they would not have to strip beyond their bras and panties. Needless to
say... we were ready! The problem was where to play. Barbara's parents
were home as were all the rest of our parents. The only place we could
come up with was our clearing up in the woods. Unfortunately, in spite
of our enthusiasm and desire, it was too dark to even think about it
that night. But man, we did think about it all night and all the next
day! We gathered for our bike trip to the clearing about 6:30pm which
would give us approximately two hours. The final tally was five guys
and three girls. My best friend couldn't go because his cousin (girl)
had come for a vist. He was dying as we bicycled up the road. The girls
consisted of Barbara, Jane and my future wife. I couldn't believe she
would go...but I was sure happy about it. Without boring you with the
trivia, two of the boys were buck naked before any of the girls got
down to bra and panties. The first girl was Jane, and much as Babs had
done in the first game I'd participated in, managed to slip off her
shorts pretty much hiding any view of her panties. She also
successfully covered her chest as well. I was down to my underpants
when Jane lost again. It was almost dark and she was calling for the
game to end. The last thing she wanted to do was to get up and parade
around the group. But what had happened was Barbara had managed to
sneak her clothes out from behind her. When we all agreed to stop, she
reached for her clothes and didn't find them. Barbara then held them up
and dared her to come and get them. Well, it got pretty funny when she
started chasing Barbara around. We got to see a LOT more than if she'd
just calmly gotten up and walked around us. What made it more
interesting was that Barbara was also down to her bra. When Jane caught
up wth her she was like a tigress. She went straight for Barbara's bra,
grabbing it in the back and giving it a hard yank. It pulled apart and
Jane kept ahold of it, pulling it away from Barbara. That did it. My
future wife, Jane's best friend, now jumped into the battle. The five
of us, all in various states of undress, cheered as they went at it. It
lasted but a few more minutes as Jane and my future wife got Barbara
down on the ground and took Jane's clothes from her. We kept yelling at
them to pull Barbara's shorts and panties off but they were satisfied
with just getting Jane's clothes back. When they got up off Barbara, it
was the first or one of the first times I'd ever seen breasts without a
bra. I knew then that I wanted to see more.

There were other minor sightings during that summer but not worth the
mention. Beth, the ugly, fat summertime visitor and panty wetter
did not come for her annual visit to her Grandparents and that
made for a "dry" summer. But, all in all, it was quite a memorable one.

To be continued...

1 comment:

ross said...

I continue to admire the intricate detailing of your memories...Thanks.