Tuesday, September 17, 2019

AND THE HEAT GOES ON... & on (Part 175a)

AND THE HEAT GOES ON… & on (Part 175a)

One thing I was anxious to do was to broach my idea of having Elle start wearing the bikini panties I bought a while back while in the city. After having her friend, Aurelia, loan her a pair and getting a half hearted “I’ll think about it” answer when I asked if she’d wear them I’d been trying to find a way to ease into making it happen. It came to pass the next morning as she returned from her shower. I’d laid a pair of the satin bikinis along with a pair of regular full briefs along side of the clothes she’d picked out for the day. When she walked in and saw them she stopped for a few seconds, looked at them and made a ‘face’ and then picked the bikinis up. She never said a word and I stood and watched as she put the full briefs over them. I finished getting dressed and as I headed out the door told her to give them a try for a few days. All I got for an answer was the same ‘face’ she made when she first saw them. All I could do then was to wait until later to find out her decision.

That night I didn’t ask when I got home. She was in a good mood and told me about both hers and the kids day. I’m not the most patient person and decided to make a non verbal inquiry. As she served the dinner to the table I ran my hand over her backside and could feel she still had the bikinis on. I’m sure she knew what I was doing but she didn’t react… which was good sign. After the kids were in bed I finally asked and she made a ’non committal’ face but added that she’d wear them for the rest of the week. When I made an attempt to ‘play’ by asking for a “squirt” she just shook her head. It was typical because she liked to be in complete charge. I knew I would have to wait… but it was better than a “No!” However, what the exchange did provide was an answer to a question I didn’t have the nerve to ask… What did Martha think of the Sans Soucie panties? It was that she liked them enough to have offered Elle the money to pay for them as they had the factory applied price tag on them. Elle said she told Martha she’d  speak to me about it first. Hearing that I could almost picture her talking to me about it while wearing pair of them.

There was little to do on the race car (for a change) so it gave me more time to be home. The only thing about that was it rained three days in a row so I couldn’t do much outside. Getting home early on Wednesday paid off in that Elle allowed me to enjoy some ‘play time’. She was in the bathroom when I walked in the house and called to me. I saw her sitting on the toilet and panties around her ankles so wondered why she called for me to come in. Then she stood up. That’s when I saw the bikinis. She let me pull the full briefs up and then get a feel of the satiny wet material. While I was rubbing she whispered that she hadn’t meant to pee through her panties but had forgotten that they were on. She was smiling as she told me and, for sure, I was too. But, I didn’t ask if she’d continue to wear them choosing, reluctantly to be patient.

She volunteered on Saturday morning that she would continue to wear them if I had any more. I’d only grabbed a handful and it turned out to be but four pair. Now I was back facing the dilemma of how to get more with exposing when I kept them. It had been a week since her mother had bailed me out by showing up to watch the kids while Elle shopped. I told her there were a few more pair and then she walked on out of the room. Whew! As she did I came up with the idea of digging them out the next day… if everything worked out. All in all it was positive.

The races were rained out that night but not until we’d driven all the way to the track. We ended up getting sucked into a giant party. We’d started the idea of having food after the races and it had spread so there were probably eight or nine cars who were now doing it. Someone said we should just have a party for ourselves and… well, we did. If I’d had a way to get home I would’ve gone… but I didn’t… so was stuck there until we were kicked out. We were pretty much soaked by the time we headed for home and, because I chose not to drink I got to drive the hauler back to the garage. It was an awesome experience to drive something that was so big and to be so high up in the air as to be able to see over the cars in front of us. It was close to 2am by the time I climbed into bed.

For me, back when I was younger and racing my old sailboat, the first weekend in August was the hi-light of the Summer and something to really look forward to. There were ten sailing clubs in the area known as the “East End” with two of them being honest to goodness yacht clubs having members with big fancy power and sailing yachts. One of the clubs sponsored the biggest racing event of the Summer and I’d done quite well when competing there. However, once I sold the boat and gone to the much smaller Sunfish I had no desire to compete. Since many of the other members of our sailing club loved going there  our Sunday series of races was suspended for that giving me that Sunday off. In spite of a number of choices with what to do with the time, I was still feeling buyers remorse about buying “Big B’s” sailboat so suggested that the whole family spend the day on the water. Anne, the middle daughter was ecstatic as she was up for anything having to do with sailing. Jean, the oldest wanted to spend the day with one of her school friends but agreed to go. But it was Kaye, the youngest, who put up the most ‘noise’ saying she wanted to stay home and play with her new friend from next door. Elle always hated to ‘foist’ off our kids on friends and neighbors, especially on short notice. It was just after the noon siren when the discussion took place. Just as Elle was about to head in the neighbors direction, Mattie popped through the hedge. I was in the process of loading the gear we needed for our excursion into the station wagon so didn’t hear the conversation. After a few minutes Elle walked up with a silly grin on her face. I couldn’t imagine what that was all about but she explained that our kids had been invited to go with Mattie, Martha and their kids for ice cream at the newly opened place where they also had miniature golf. Elle said she made a quick decision not to mention it to Jean and Anne but it was OK for Kaye to go. The reason for the smile was she never had to ask and the problem was solved. What I found interesting was that when we got in the station wagon to leave the older girls never asked where their sister was.

To be continued…


oldblue said...

Forgot she was wearing them? Oh that minx!

Pantymaven said...

OB... her excuse was that when she hooked her thumbs into the waist elastic of her full briefs and pulled them down she didn't feel or remember the bikinis. I thought it was pretty funny but took advantage of it...