Friday, September 20, 2019

Another pause...

Another pause...

My closest friend here at the retirement community where my wife and I live just died. It wasn't really that unexpected but the cause was. When he and his wife moved here my wife and I were asked to be "Good Neighbors" and to help them get assimilated into the activities. We hit if off with them right from the start. But, shortly after their arrival his wife had some heart problems and the cancer he had that had been in remission, returned. She eventually had a pacemaker to help with her heart and, after another round of chemo, his cancer went back into remission. About two weeks ago, during a check-up, his doctor was concerned about his weight loss and had him go through a series of tests. After spending a few days in the hospital he returned home and we got to visit with him for a short time. He was optimistic that the tests would identify the problem. However, yesterday he had a heart attack and died. That was totally unexpected.

They have four children and we've offered to have one of them stay with us during the period of time leading up to the funeral. I'm all for it but doing it changes a lot of the things I do daily including being able to work on Fancy Panties. Nothing has been firmed up concerning the arrangements other than I'm picking up one daughter and her husband at the airport. I've just finished rearranging the room they'll be sleeping in and am presently cleaning up my office to make it "acceptable" (according to my wife) which is a real pain in the ass. So, hopefully, I'll be back next week. 


oldblue said...

My condolences on the loss of your neighbor and also on the upheaval in your living arrangements. There are times I would rather be faced with a motel bill then the change in my routine way of life.

Pantymaven said...

OB... as the somewhat crass saying goes.. "it is what it is..."