Tuesday, January 31, 2012

SUMMER... Looking to the future (Part 85b)

I really struggled with the boxes on the subway trip back to the train station, partially crushing them as I tried to get money out of my pocket for the fare. The only safe way to carry them was one on top of the other and using both hands. I know I must have looked pretty weird. On the train trip in I had entertained a thought to just do a walk through Macy’s but I decided against it choosing to stay at the station. I was able to get a bite to eat without any further damage to the boxes. While sitting there waiting for 3:40pm I was able to sneak a peek and a touch into one of the boxes. I couldn’t wait to get home with them though and couldn’t help but wonder what I was going to do with all of them.

As soon as I got off the train and into my car I had the cover off the top box. It’s hard to explain the sensuousness of the nylon satin tricot material. Each panty had a tag attached to the waist elastic that read “Narcissa”, the name the fabric maker, J P Stevens, called the material used for the panties. As I sat there trying to figure out what to do with them I remembered that just the day before I had Elle wearing two pair of them and I’d really enjoyed the feel of them on her. Driving home from the station I decided that I’d take the new size 5’s and make up pairs of them and hope that I could get Elle into the habit of wearing the pairs daily instead of the cotton panties. In my mind wearing two pair would/should catch any of Elle’s “dribbles”. The next step would be in convincing her.

Rather than “attacking” her with my idea right off the bat I took a laid back approach. I left all the panties in the trunk of the car and, even though my stomach was growling for food, walked in and asked if she wanted to go hit some tennis balls. The look on her face was one of pure shock. Fortunately, she insisted on feeding me first and hearing about the test. I even changed into the dreaded “whites” as a hopeful added “plus”. It was easy to see that the offer had put her into a very good mood. I made the suggestion as to which outfit she should wear and, without hesitation, she pulled it out. While she was doing that I grabbed a pair of fancy panties which she added without comment. A very good sign.

There were more people than I would've liked to see but we didn’t have to wait for a court. My hope of seeing some ladies was dashed as the last of them were finishing as we arrived. One area we did get lucky about was that there was a young mother there with her two kids waiting for her husband to finish. She offered to watch our two so we had a fair amount of uninterrupted time on the court. I knew I was getting better at it when Elle yelled at me not to hit the ball so hard. When the lady called out that she was leaving Elle decided to call it a day. The husband was with her and we exchanged greetings before leaving. I’d sneaked a few peeks at him playing and was a bit envious. The lady wasn’t bad to look at either. I remember picturing her wearing a dress like Elle was wearing.

Before bed I managed to sneak two pair of the new Plymouth panties into the house and into Elle’s panty drawer for use the next day. We had a good, cuddly, night and as I dozed off felt that, for a change, I had a really, really good day. I couldn’t wait until the next week and to hear from Mrs K about the result of my test. But, there was still a big sailing weekend coming up.

I helped Elle get dressed the next morning and managed to get her to wear two pair of the new panties without her knowing that they were new. My plan was to stick around and to be as helpful to Elle as I could be hoping for a ”reward“ or two. Elle was on to me as soon as breakfast was over. Every time she walked past me I had my hand up her shorts feeling the satiny finish of the new panties. My first ”reward” came as we were preparing to go grocery shopping. I knew she hated doing it with the kids so volunteered to do it for her. As soon as I did she gave me one of ”those“ looks which told me she knew want I wanted. I was in the kitchen going over the list when she walked in and rubbed up to me. My hand was between her legs in a flash and the feel of the wet nylon satin gave me an instant hard-on. My first ”reward“ of the day!

She did ask if I would mind if she put on dry panties and clothes while I was gone. The way she said it told me that I’d get more ”rewards” later so I told her to go ahead. The only thing was that I wanted her in the new Plymouth panties. She asked me to watch the kids as she washed up. As soon as she walked into the bathroom I was out to the trunk of my car and grabbed two more. I was actually in the bedroom in her panty drawer when she came out and she called me out on it. I know I was blushing when I said I just wanted to pick out her panties. I remember her giving me another “look” but this time with her hands on her bare hips. I’d just stuffed the new panties into the drawer when she walked in so pulled them right out and walked over to her and had her step into them. I gave her a hug, rubbing my hands over her satin covered bottom, and then left with a smile on my face.

To be continued...

Sunday, January 29, 2012

SUMMER... Looking to the future (Part 85a)

I refused to drive into and in the city even though it meant getting up around 5:30am to catch the train.. The last two times I’d taken it the weather was much cooler. By the time the train got there my shirt was wet with perspiration and it wasn’t from nerves. Mrs K had called me the day before and, again, told me that the test would be easy. I’d been calm up until the time I walked into the test site. The test was administered by the State Civil Service Commission and was open to any state resident. For some reason I expected to see a crowd of people but there were only about two dozen. I was also surprised to see but two females.

We had two hours to complete the test and I found that Mrs K was right and that it was fairly easy. I was the first to finish and was done in less that an hour and a half. When I walked out I was “psyched” that I’d done extremely well. I’d not eaten anything of substance all day and even though my tummy was “growling”, my focus was on getting downtown and to find the place with the Plymouth panties.

The city subway system was like a maze to me. I was at a map of it when this middle aged woman asked if she could help. I told her the street I was looking for and I remember her giving me a strange look when she asked why I wanted to go there. I was already flushed from the heat but I know I blushed even though I didn’t give her an answer. Her directions were fairly straight forward and I only made one mistake before I found it. I don’t know if I really had an idea of what the area would look like but I was certainly not prepared for what I saw. I hadn’t realized that Orchard Street was in the oldest part of the city. The street was narrow and the buildings pretty decrepit. The street numbers on many of the stores were missing and a lot of them had brown kraft paper taped to the windows so you couldn’t see inside. The one I was looking for did have a barely readable number on the door but, from the street, I had no idea of what was inside.

I opened the door and was greeted by a series of naked light bulbs hanging from the ceiling. To my right was what at one time had been a store counter. There were probably 100+ boxes stacked on top. They seemed to be fairly thin and the thickness of some of the boxes seemed varied. There was an aisle to the back with a home made table to the left. The boxes on the table were about the same sizes but some were different colors and in the dim light I thought I could see printing and decorations on some. I stood there for a few minutes wondering what I had to do to get someone to notice me. There was a florescent light in the very back and I finally saw some movement. This short, older man with a big bushy mustache started towards me. “Waddyawant!” was what he yelled. I was so taken aback that I didn’t answer. As he got closer he waved one of his hands like he was angry with me and repeated himself.

At that point I was ready to turn and walk out. I actually started to turn when he said “Wait!”. I remember taking a big breath. I don’t remember exactly what I said but I did get across to him that I was looking for panties made by Plymouth. “Howmanyyawant!” I’d remembered paying around 69 cents each when I’d bought the first ones back when I was still with the horses back in Pennsylvania. On my way in to the city I’d figured I’d get six size 5 and six size 6 with the larger ones for later in Elle’s pregnancy. When I told him that he, impatiently, said “Dozens! Howmanydozens? Wedon’tretail”, all in one breath. I think I about choked when I heard that. I knew I wasn’t going to win him over and just as he was about to head for the back I stammered out that I’d take a dozen of each. He shook his head negatively and I thought I was out of luck. I remember thinking I was so close but it wasn’t going to happen. Then, in a complete reversal of character, he walked right up to me and asked what I was going to do with them.

It was like a second chance. I swear I don’t know where I came up with it but I told him my wife had started a bridal accessory shop from our home and that she thought the nylon satin panties made for a nice touch. I can tell you that I could feel the perspiration running down my spine about then. His head only came to my chin and as I looked down at him I felt he didn’t believe me. “Twenty dollars!” he demanded as he opened his hand. I still had that last $20 from the sale of my old sails folded up in my wallet. Another deep breath and I reached for it. As I was digging it out he walked towards the back. I saw him grab two gray boxes and head back towards me. I held the $20 out and he plopped the boxes on my hand, turned and headed for the back again. I swear it was the most bizarre experience I’d ever had up to that time (and still ranks right up there!).

Out in the street I found myself breathing hard almost feeling like I’d escaped. Now I had 24 pair of panties in two flimsy boxes that I had to get back home. At least there were no obvious markings on the boxes to let anyone know what was inside. After I gathered myself up a bit I thought about a peek inside but I needed to have some place to set the boxes down. There was nothing in sight. On the subway, as I made my way back uptown, I had a hard time keeping the boxes from crushing. I was really getting worried about the train trip home.

To be continued...

Thursday, January 26, 2012

SUMMER... My day of infamy (Part 84g)

I busied myself around the yard and played with the kids, trying to stay in Elle's “good graces” hoping that she’d calm down by night time. Dora came over and I watched as they went inside. That was OK by me. She was a woman who liked to talk about other people and that was something that had never really interested me. As I was to find out later she had some really startling “news”.

After she left Elle called me inside. She was bouncing up and down on the balls of her feet with excitement. Andy, our neighbor, had run off with another woman. All the time I thought he was working on a project with his bulldozer he was spending time with the woman. Dora didn’t know all the details but her husband, Jim, who worked with Andy, had known about it but kept it to himself. That explained why Andy hadn’t been around all that much and why I hadn’t seen his truck.

Even though we’d been friends since we moved into the park Elle and Lil never got that “close“. Elle really missed Milly, the lady who’d lived there, next door, before selling to Andy and Lil. They did a lot of things together and Milly loved the kids but Lil turned out to be more of a ”loner“. She had two pre teen aged boys and we had two young girls. Elle had a college education and Lil hadn’t even finished high school. Elle liked to be active and Lil preferred to lay out in the sun. But, it was obvious that Elle had empathy for her plight. Dora had suggested that the two of them pick a time and go visit to see if there was something they could do to help her out. I thought it was a neighborly thing to do. As I thought about Lil I realized that I’d never had what could be considered a ”conversation“ with her. It had always been limited to a few words, usually as to when she expected Andy home. The whole situation caught me pretty much by surprise. However, I did remember situations where Andy had been mean to her. My conclusion was that you never know what’s really going on behind closed doors.

With her mind on Lil, Elle had pretty much forgotten about her perceived embarrassment downtown earlier and although not as ”lovey“ as I’d hoped we did get together that night in bed. I had to ”give“ a bit to get what I wanted and that was that I promised to play tennis with her the next day. Not worried about the upcoming exam and about a job I was able to get a good night’s sleep.

Elle was up early and immediately got dressed in her tennis clothes. It was her idea that by getting to the courts early it wouldn’t be so hot. While I was feeding the girls she went about collecting the rackets and thermos bottles. One of the things that was holding me back about the whole tennis thing was the white clothes that most everybody wore. I certainly loved seeing the females in their short white dresses with the chance of seeing panties under them but me in white was an anomaly. I’ll admit I was dragging my heels when it came time to put on the white shorts. Elle had the girls and equipment loaded into the station wagon and, impatiently, called for me to get outside.

She drove and when we got to the courts were surprised to see no one there. I was happy, for sure. We all got out and Elle proceeded to set the girls up with some toys to play with, promising them that we’d let them chase balls after a while. As she did I could see her panties and noticed that she wasn’t wearing fancy panties but two pair of her old stained heavy cotton panties. My first thought was to tell her hoping that she’d be embarrassed and want to go home. But, with no one there I decided to enjoy the view myself. After all, a panty peek is a panty peek.

Even though it had been almost a month since I’d had my tennis lesson, some of what Elle’s teacher friend had preached at me seemed to have stuck and we were actually hitting balls over the net to each other. I especially enjoyed watching her bend over at the waist to pick up balls the she’d hit into the net. The dress she’d chosen was one that rode up when she did and it was kind of exciting to be out in public and to see her panties.

I have no idea how long we’d been there when Jean, my oldest, came running onto the court. She was bored and wanted to chase balls. I knew it would be useless to argue with her so, for all intents and purposes, our ”tennis game“ such as it was, was over. We ended up rolling balls for her to fetch. I’d actually begun to enjoy myself and was somewhat disappointed, especially when the first real tennis players showed up and they were women, all with short skirts. I’ll admit trying to sneak a few peeks as we loaded the kids into the station wagon.

Back at home Elle was definitely in a good mood and I was determined to keep it that way. I told her that I was willing to give it another go the next day. She gave me one of those ”did I really hear that?“ looks. It was easy to persuade her to leave her tennis outfit on and to get her to put on a pair of the Plymouth nylon satin panties over the cotton ones. It was a combination that I liked when we were ”playing“ when going to bed but I was hoping to get a few private moments during the rest of the day and she responded favorably. That night I got my real ”reward“.(zz)

I spent the next two days being as solicitous of Elle as I could wanting desperately to get well embedded into her good graces. It appeared to be working as she let me choose her clothes and, even better, her panties. I created a number of panty combinations for her to wear and found that one of the best was two pair of the Plymouth nylon satin ones. It wasn’t until I was picking out my clothes to go to the city that it came to me that when I was in the city for the accountant test I’d gotten directions for a place where I might find Plymouth panties. Rooting around in my wallet I found the paper with the address. I knew that the exam was only two hours so would have ample time to see if I could locate some. Later, in bed, I found myself thinking more about that than the exam.

To be continued...

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

SUMMER... My day of infamy (Part 84f)

With the “damage” done she stood up and peered into the bag. When she pulled the shorts out her reaction was the same as mine when I’d felt the ones in Cat’s trunk. It was something like “They’re different.” I used the moment to suggest that she go in and get washed up and to put them on. At just about any other time I would’ve gone inside with her. Even though I saw she was pleased with the gift and that she seemed happy with my having a job again I wasn’t convinced that she was over the fact that I had yelled at her. As she went inside I went over to my older daughter to see what she was doing to wait for Elle to return..

When she came back outside I could see that she absolutely loved the clothes, especially the top. She always did like pastels and bright colors. As I watched her approach I could see that the shorts did not fit as snugly as the one’s I’d seen on Cat. I wanted her to turn around so I could see her from the backside but before I could she asked if the store had shorts in the yellow that would match the top. I shrugged my shoulders because I didn’t know. I’d been so focused on getting the white shorts I never looked at the other clothes in that section. I’d left the price tags on and she’d noted that they were on sale. Then, doing something that she almost never did, she asked if we could go back downtown to see if they did. Silently, I exhaled deeply. I’d just spent almost half of the money I’d gotten from selling my old sails and she was asking me to spend more. I did some quick thinking and my head said “no“ but my heart said “yes”. The clothes had bought me some goodwill and right about then I sure needed it. I figured I needed to build up some more “brownie” points and since she wanted them it would be smart to at least go take a look.

I changed my clothes and we all headed downtown. I’d been lucky to find a parking place on the street the first time but no such luck this time. I pulled into my grandfather's yard and the first thing I noticed was some clothes hanging on the wash line from the small back porch over to the apple tree. Even though Elle was with me I was a bit excited, hoping to see some other items that belonged to Jan, the young nurse who was now watching over my grandfather at night. But all that was there was a white uniform and a full slip. We went in to say hello and to let my grandfather see the kids. I told Elle not to say anything about the girl or the moving of his bed to him as my father had said he was still upset. We didn't stay long as the kids were a little restless so it was an excuse to leave.

As we walked down the street to the store, Jean, my oldest started fussing about ice cream. They didn’t get to go downtown all that often but whenever they did we would usually buy the kids ice cream. I remember thinking that this little trip was going to be expensive. We stopped at the store first. In a way I was hoping that they didn’t have the yellow shorts but they did. I convinced Elle to try on a pair marked small. When she came out of the changing room my eyes bugged out of my head. They fit her just like the one’s I'd seen on Cat. WHEW! It was quite a sight... complete with a camel toe. But Elle felt that they were a bit too tight and that, with her pregnancy, she’d be able to wear them longer if she got the medium one's. I couldn’t argue (and didn’t) as the medium size still offered a pretty fair VPL. She really liked the color and felt she had a number of tops that would go with them. She liked them so much she even asked the saleslady if she could leave them on. As I paid for them I was already thinking of how good things might go that night.

The next stop was the ice cream parlor (that’s what they were called, back in the day). We were almost there when I heard Elle swear. Anne, the youngest hadn’t wanted to walk so Elle ended up carrying her. She had a habit of kicking her feet when being carried and my thought was that dirt from her shoes had gotten on Elle’s new clothes. It was worse, at least to Elle. As often happens, time gets away from us and it had for Elle. Just as we were about to go up the steps Elle felt a spurt and that’s when she cursed. When I realized what was happening I took Anne and Elle dashed inside. It was about noon and the place was filled with people there to eat lunch. Neither Elle nor I wanted the kids eating ice cream outside but there were no booths open. I knew the kids wouldn’t be happy without it so, reluctantly, ordered a couple of cones for them. We had the ice cream and yet there still was no Elle. I had my hands full trying to keep the ice cream from dripping onto their clothes so didn’t see Elle approaching. She was definitely not happy as we left the store.

As I mentioned, the store was crowded with lunchtime customers. There was a line for the restrooms and when Elle saw it she also saw the phone booth in the hallway. She ducked inside and... if you’ve been reading this blog for any time now... you know what happened. She waited until the line went down and finally got into the restroom. She took a whole bunch of paper towels and tried to soak as much of the wetness up as she could. What I thought was funny was that the deep yellow of the shorts pretty much masked the “damage” she’d done to them.

After the kids finished their cones Elle carried Anne which pretty much covered her from the front and I walked closely behind her. When we got back to my grandfather’s there was a car parked right behind ours. I hadn’t thought to move it down to the carriage house before we left. As we got to the station wagon I saw Jan, the girl who was staying at night, coming down the steps of the back porch. Elle was putting Anne into the back and bending over. She was wearing her usual band leg cotton panties and, for me, the VPL was a good one. It had been at least a half hour since Elle’s “accident” but I could hardly see the evidence. When Jan walked up to her I could see Elle blushing. After the introductions we were off. And so was Elle. It seemed like all the good I’d done with buying her the clothes was gone. She would not be convinced that she’d totally embarrassed herself, not once but twice.

To be continued...

Sunday, January 22, 2012

SUMMER... My day of infamy (Part 84e)

Behind her desk Mrs K leaned forward and, for the first time, wasn’t smiling. She stared right at me with a bit of a frown. Being as serious as I’d ever seen her she proceeded to tell me that my “downfall” was that I had been insubordinate and, because there were witnesses to it, there was nothing that could be done to “save me”. She said she knew exactly how I’d felt and that I was probably justified to “blow Leo off”. But, disobeying the order to get out of his office was clearly of the magnitude that could/would lead to termination. She could see I had gotten the “message” and then leaned back with her smile returning. Then she said “How would you like to come to work for me?” My mind went blank (and, as far as the next few minutes are concerned, still was). I think she had to ask me a couple of times. I wasn't really sure that I'd heard the words "work for me".

The position was at the same grade level (pay) as I’d been in and was for the position of Personnel Technician (PT). She had two vacancies and if I was interested all I basically had to do was take a test. Of course from the monetary standpoint I wanted the job. But, before I did anything else I asked what a PT did. She gave me the briefest rundown possible and then, with that huge smile, told me I’d “love it”. Still trying to “sell” me she told me that she could guarantee that I’d stay on the same step level (same pay) even though it would be a different position. The only thing was that I’d have to wait a year from the actual date of hire before I’d go to the next step (get a raise). My head was swimming by then. It was very obvious that she liked me... a lot. So, without knowing what I was saying yes to I told her I’d like to work for her.

Before I left she had me fill out an application for the exam. It was a statewide exam held monthly and she said she would “pull strings” and get me registered for the upcoming one that Thursday. It was to be the same kind of exam (multiple choice) that I’d taken for the position of Accountant and in the same place in the city. Mrs K told me that it was a “common sense” type exam and not to waste time trying to study for it. Before I left she pointed out to a row of desks along the window saying that’s where the PT’s operated from. There was no one there so I asked why. She laughed and said it was CT day. That meant nothing to me but I let it slide. By then all I wanted to do was to get home to tell Elle of my good fortune.

Once in my car I realized that I was wet with perspiration. I just sat there trying to process the past 20 or so minutes. All of a sudden it came to me that it would probably be a good idea to bring Elle a present. I had the $40 from the sale of my old sails so headed downtown. I’d thought about getting shorts like I’d seen Cat wear but didn’t have any money until then. I got to thinking about what store might carry the Aileen brand. The only clothing store that carried current styles, especially for the younger woman, was right in the middle of town. Usually when shopping downtown I’d park at my grandfather’s house. I knew if I did that it would be a while until I got home. I got lucky and found a parking space right on Main Street. As soon as I walked into the store I saw a top that I knew Elle would love. It was sleeveless with orange and yellow (goldenrod) horizontal stripes. If I could find the white shorts I had my mind set on the two would really make her happy. I found where the tops were hanging and was pleased to see the Aileen label. I found medium top and then went looking for the white shorts. I knew that Elle usually wore a size 10 for her pants and shorts but the sizes I found were only large and medium. Normally, I didn’t like talking with salesladies but when one approached me I was happy. I asked her to translate a size 10 the the sizing on the shorts. She smiled and said it was usually a small but that since all they had left a medium should do. I really didn’t have a choice so I took them. As I checked out she mentioned that all the Aileen Summer wear was on sale for 1/3 off. I hadn’t even checked the price tags. When she told me the total was a little over $18 I was a bit surprised but that was because I/we hadn’t bought any new clothes in a long time. It didn’t really matter because I was convinced that Elle was going to love them... and I hoped that they would help put me on the right side of her for a change.

She was playing with the kids out in the lawn when I drove up. I had the clothes in a bag and was trying to figure out how to hide them from her finally giving up. By the time I made it to the patio she had Anne in her arms and was headed inside. She stopped and said “Well?” with the trace of doubt in her voice. I didn’t fool around and told her I had a job at the same salary. I could see the tension abating as she had the start of a smile forming. She again started for the door and I gently reached for her arm to stop her. As she turned towards me I handed her the bag. She put Anne down and peered inside. I heard a little squeal as she pulled the top out. “ I love it!” was her response as she held it up in front of her. She was wearing an old pair of khaki shorts and the orange and yellow top, even with the dull color of the shorts, looked good. I told her there was still something else in the bag. That was when I realized why she had been headed inside. I saw her do a “dip” with her legs crossed at the knees and then start for the door. She didn’t make more than a few steps before she squatted down. As I watched the puddle grow I felt a rising motion in my pants. She looked up at me and for the first time since I’d called her from the town hall on Friday I saw the familiar smile that I loved.

To be continued...

Friday, January 20, 2012

SUMMER... My day of infamy (Part 84d)

I had to stuff a hand in my pocket to control a very excited lower member of my anatomy. It was the best thing that happened to me in the past 48 hours. I stopped about three steps up to allow myself to regain control. A couple of the guys were discussing what we should do as there wasn’t anywhere near enough wind to hold a race let alone two. After canvassing all the skippers we decided to hold off starting until later in the afternoon and then try to get at least one race in. By that time I was happy for that decision. Even though my name was first on the board I still didn’t have a crew. Most of the people there were swimming or trying to say out of the sun. I saw Frank, one of our better racers, talking with Cat and her husband. I went over to join them and found him telling them that they needed to get a new set of sails. They had bought the boat from South Jersey. That area had much stronger winds than our area did. Frank was telling them the sails that came with the boat were too “flat” for our area. They needed a set with a bigger “pocket”. Cat’s husband looked distressed. When Frank walked away I got talking with them and they volunteered that they really hadn’t planned to buy the boat in the first place and that a new set of sails was, money wise, out of the question.

When I’d picked up my sails and gear I saw my old sails still up on the shelf. I didn’t really put any thought into them but hearing all the preceding conversations I spoke up and offered that I still had my old sails. After explaining my reason for getting new ones I told them that for light air sailing they should still be OK. Cat spoke up and asked if they could borrow them to see if they would help. There was still enough time to retrieve them and to get back in time for a 3pm start.

When I returned I had a crew. A very inexperienced, but enthusiastic lad, who couldn’t have weighed more than 85 pounds. I had to convince his mother that, with little to no wind, he was perfectly safe. I was excited because we would be one of the lightest skipper/crew combinations in the fleet at around 245 pounds. Elle and I weighed right around 300, the supposed perfect weight.

One race it was. To some degree I was kicking myself for having offered up the sails. Cat ended up finishing a very close second in spite of her and her husband’s combined weight being about 25 to 30 pounds over the desired sailing weight of 300 pounds. I and my young crew ended up a respectable 4th but seeing the results from my old sails I was back to wondering if my new ones were really any good.

On shore Cat and her husband couldn’t have been any happier. The first thing he wanted to know was if I was willing to sell the sails. The question caught me off guard. Since buying the new ones I’d worked hard to make them work for me. Frank had offered up some tips the Summer before and, although not as competitive as I’d liked to have been, they looked good. I remember standing there in the water, holding onto my boat, and asking myself if I really thought I would use them again. When I couldn’t come up with an answer I told them that, yes, I’d sell them. The “how much?” was the hard part. The sails were now ten years old but had only been used for three full seasons and parts of three others. The problem was that the material that had been used to make them had a tendency to “break down” and stretch out of shape after a point in time. The last time I’d had them measured they were right on the edge so... I asked for $40. I remember the two of them looking at each other and then sort of laughing both turned to me and said it was a deal. I remember thinking that it was money that was going to come in handy in the up coming weeks.

It was the silent treatment, again, when I got home and another night on the sofa. A day in the sun had pretty much wiped me out so I did get some sleep. But by daybreak I was awake and the stress level was high. At 9am sharp I was on the phone to Mrs. K at the civil Service office. As I’ve mentioned before, Mrs K was a special person and one of the most upbeat people I’ve ever known. That came across as soon as I heard her voice. It was like “Hi! How are ya?”as if I was a long lost friend that she wanted to catch up with. She asked if I was up to coming in and having a “chat” with her. I still had no idea why she wanted to see me so I said “Sure!” and got dressed in a suit and headed for her office. I could see Elle was tempted to ask what was going on but, being the stubborn German that she was, kept her lips sealed.

As soon as I was ushered into her office she got up and closed the door. That looked pretty ominous to me but the perpetual smile on her face tempered my anxiety. Then, after offering me a seat she proceeded to sit in a chair along side of me instead of behind her desk. With the smile still there she asked me to tell her exactly what had happened. There was no doubt that I was nervous but she let me talk and the more I did the more relaxed I became. She did finally cut me off when I got to the part where the police arrived. The she asked me to listen to her and to wait to talk or to ask any questions.

Long story short (again)... when Leo had told me that I was no longer allowed to run the payroll process he was flat out lying. It was true that the audit of the Data Processing job positions called for a “Machine Operator” (for DP) to have two years experience. BUT, she had decreed that the results of the audit there were to be no negative changes for the people who were presently doing the various jobs meaning I was to be “grandfathered”. Then she went on to say that if he had tried to enforce my removal I had recourse through the CSEA (the union). As far as not having a place for me because the Accountants position had been filled I had seniority over my replacement. Hearing this I became agitated all over again and Mrs. K noticed. To calm me down she then stated that what she was going to tell me could not leave the room, under any circumstances. That got my attention.

She proceed to say that in all her many years of public service she had never had to deal with anyone as "unctuous" as Leo Bumpus. She told me that the sight of “that slime” made her stomach turn. But, as a political appointee there was nothing she could do about him. She went on that the last time he came down to see her it was about some petty matter. She said she told him to get out of her office and not to come back unless she “invited” him and then, with a sly grin, said “That ain’t gonna happen!” Then she got up got and went to her chair behind the desk. Her last remark got me to relax a bit.

To be continued...

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

SUMMER... My day of infamy (Part 84c)

As soon as I walked in the door she demanded to know where I’d been. When I told her she started in calling me names all over again. This time I wasn’t going to take it and started yelling back at her. Her complaint was that I was totally insensitive to our situation and going off to work on a ”stupid race car“ when we didn’t have all that much money and I didn’t have a job. She just made me mad so I told (yelled) her that there wasn’t much I was going to be able to do about a job until I’d seen Mrs K at the Civil Service office on Monday. Then I grabbed the other set of keys for my car and stormed off, still without eating. When I got back to Eric and Cal they were sitting and staring at one side of the axle. Eric had discovered that the kingpins (I won’t bore you with the explanation of just what they are) were worn and he said I’d be crazy to try and race with them the way they were. The problem was that they were ”frozen“ in place and the only way to get them out was to heat them up with an acetylene torch and drive them out. They’d already removed the ones from the bent axle so they were stymied until we found someone with a torch. I didn’t need the aggravation so suggested that we all get something to eat and asked Eric to drive me to the County Center to get my car.

Mad at Elle and frustrated with the race car I decided to just take a ride to look at the water on the bay. My thoughts kept coming back to the call to Mrs. K on Monday. Because things were going so wrong at the time I wouldn’t let myself think positive thoughts. I decided that in a worst case situation I’d go to the brothers who owned the mobile home parks and ask them for a job until I could find something. A little above minimum wage would at least keep food on the table.

I was calmed down when I got home. I didn’t say a word and neither did Elle. I went in to take a shower and when I came back out there was dinner on the table. No words were spoken but I made a silent offer of ”peace“ by offering to wash and dry the dishes. I remember silently watching TV that night but when Elle headed for bed I decided it would probably be best not to follow and, again slept on the sofa.

I was awake at daybreak and found it oppressively hot for being that early. When Elle appeared I made a stab at conversation. I asked if she was going to sail with me that afternoon. The look I got could’ve killed and that ended the ”conversation” such as it was. Here it is almost 50 years later and I still don’t know what it was that she expected from me at that time. I was trying to find things to do to keep me from dwelling on the situation. There was nothing I could do to undo what had happened. So, I got in my car and headed for my parents house to get my sailing gear and then to the sailing club hoping that I’d be able to find a crew.

At the club there was quite a bit of activity for being so early (around 11am). There was a blackboard on the porch for skippers to post that they needed a crew. I was first and felt good about my chances. I got to talk with quite a few of the other skippers as they arrived. I was a bit disappointed that Cat had chosen not to wear the tight white shorts that she’d worn the previous weekends. With the heat a number of the ladies had worn bathing suits so they could go for a swim before the races began. It was pretty obvious that’s what Cat had done as she was wearing a printed bra like top. That left me to concentrate on Willie’s wife, Merry. My past observations of her had indicated that she was very modest and wore loose fitting clothes. I truly wasn’t expecting to see what I was looking at as she and Willy approached the clubhouse.

To me it was a cross between a very short robe and a mini dress. The reason I thought of it being a robe was that it had buttons down the front and had a larger than usual (for a dress) collar. It was a pale yellow with little flowers. Mini skirts still hadn’t come into fashion as every day fashion in our area as yet. But, Merry lived in the city and if there was one thing I really appreciated in my last few visits to the city was the “view” that the mini afforded. I really don’t think I was drooling as she approached but my concentration was solely on the hem of whatever you wanted to call what she was wearing. I was at my boat as she walked by with a wave. I waited until she was about ten to fifteen feet ahead and then quickly fell in behind her. She was headed straight for the steps of the clubhouse and I wanted to be right behind her but not too close, if you know what I mean. There were ten steps up to the porch and by the time she reached halfway I saw exactly what I was looking for. The only thing that would’ve made it any better was if there had been a breeze blowing. But... with the heat there wasn’t any and the prognosis for the day was that there probably wouldn’t be any. As my gaze followed her up the steps I was sure I was looking at the same style of panties that I’d found in the sand. I could clearly see a good bit of the crotch and could see the lace inserts that had completely encircled the leg openings. OH MY HEART!

To be continued...

Monday, January 16, 2012

SUMMER... My day of infamy (Part 84b)

I guess all of it hit at once. I jumped out of the chair and was up against the desk and was screaming at him. I think I was yelling at him that he couldn’t do that. He finally got up and told me to shut up and to sit down. By then I was livid. I have no idea the order of what I yelled at him but I demanded to know how he could do this to me and why. He yelled some things back and I have no idea what he said. I vaguely remember his secretary, Gina, sticking her head in the door and Leo telling her to do something. When she appeared I stopped yelling. When she left Leo started in on me again and I remember him listing off a number of “violations” that I’d committed including being late to work and leaving early. Hearing that I went ballistic. I came around the desk and was in his face yelling at him as loud as I could telling him that he had some set of “balls“ to call me out on that since he seldom arrived for work until noon or later and that he was often gone soon after 4pm. But I didn’t stop there and in spite of him yelling at me to shut up and to get out of his office I kept going. I know I called him a cheat and a fraud for running his potato chip business out of the county offices. He was yelling something back at me and I honestly never heard him. But I did hear him yell that I was fired and to get out of his office but I kept on screaming at him and I never saw Irwin, The Chief Auditor, and a couple of other auditors come in the room. The thing I do remember was having two Policemen grab my arms and, more or less, carry me out.

The next thing I knew I was out in the main hall. The policemen told me that I had to leave the building. My jacket and some personal things were still in the data processing office. I wanted to tell Jay what had happened and to go get them but they insisted that I leave. So, they proceeded to take me out of the building by way of the main entrance. By then I’d calmed down and was incredibly embarrassed. Outside, they asked where my car was located and I led them to it. They told me I had to leave the parking lot but I couldn’t because my keys were in my jacket pocket up in the DP department. Plus, I wanted to talk with Jay to tell him what had happened. When I said I was going to wait for him they told me that if I didn’t leave they’d have to arrest me for trespassing. That set me off again. I remember telling them the parking lot was public properrty owned by the resident taxpayers of the County and as such I was entitled to be there. When I wouldn’t get in my car they grabbed me by the arms again and put me in a patrol car. Thankfully, there weren’t many people in the parking lot.

The cops took me to Town Hall and arraigned me. The Town Justice was there and I was led into his office. He was the Uncle of the brothers who owned the mobile home park and when the Judge saw my address at the park he had me sit down and explain just what had happened. Long story short... after hearing my side of it he asked me to wait outside the office while he made a phone call. About fifteen minutes later he appeared at the door and told me that I was free to go. Then he told me to call Mrs. K, the Director of the Civil Service Department, first thing on Monday.

The problem was that I was now downtown and my car was over a mile away. I was allowed to make a call to Elle and that was a very difficult call. It was while I was waiting for her that the reality of what had just happened started to hit me. Here I was with two kids, a wife and another child on the way and I no longer had a job. It seemed like forever for Elle to get there and she was a wreck when she did. Of course I hadn’t told her any details when I’d called and she’d conjured up a whole series of events in her mind. Her state of mind had the kids all wound up and I was in no mood to pay any attention to them so the trip home was rather tense.

To get my car we had to go home to get the other set of keys. When I told Elle I wanted to go get it she said we weren’t going anywhere until I explained. As you can imagine it wasn’t very pleasant scene. Over the years I’d seen her mad at me for any number of reasons but this was the maddest I’d ever seen her. She called me names that I had no idea she even knew. After that she headed for the bedroom and shut the door leaving me with the kids. They knew something was wrong and my having to focus on them for a while helped cool me down. It was dark when Elle finally reappeared. She didn’t say anything except to ask if I’d fed the kids. Then she made up a batch of scrambled eggs for each of us and headed back to the bedroom.

I slept on the couch. Having the night to think about the whole situation kept wondering why I was to call Mrs K at the Civil Service office on Monday. I was up at daybreak and at around 7am I saw Jim headed my way. I met him outside and he said he’d gotten permission to use the town wrecker to use to get my axle. He went on to say that Eric and Cal were coming as well. I hadn’t seen Andy since the night of the 4th and I wondered what was up with him and asked Jim. He just shook his head from side to side but didn’t answer. The surprise of going to retrieve the axle got my mind off the ”situation“ and I actually left without saying anything to Elle or even leaving her a note.

Having the wrecker more than made up for not having Andy to help. We got the axle out in no time and were back at the race car by 10am. Eric was really eager to get started. We pulled the car out from the lean-to and Eric, Cal and I started to remove the damaged axle while Jim returned the wrecker to the town work yard. I hadn’t had anything to eat for almost 24 hours except for the scrambled eggs so I told the others I’d be back in a short while. At least that’s what I thought.

To be continued...

Saturday, January 14, 2012

SUMMER... My day of infamy (Part 84a)

At work on Monday Jay indicated that the audit of the data processing department was finalized and that the results would be released sometime during the week. Among other things he was hoping that it would show that another machine operator was needed. The rest of us were pretty much disinterested. Friday arrived and when we got to work we could tell that Jay was in a very good mood. I thought it was that he’d found out that we were going to get another employee. But that wasn’t the case. There was still no news on the audit. He came around to most of us and told us that we were going out for lunch. Rena, being the newest, was left out because someone had to man the office. I didn’t give it much thought at first but was definitely looking forward to it. We’d always had fun when we’d done it in the past.

When noon came Jay told us to go to a small restaurant on Main Street. I’d been there a time or two and it wasn’t special in any way. I was on my way out the door when Rena called to me that I had a phone call. I really wasn’t going to take it but me getting calls was a rarity so I did. Because of the call I was the last to arrive. Jay told us to order up either a drink or cocktail. That was different, for sure. As soon as they arrived Jay stood up and said he had an announcement. My first thought was that he was going to tell us that he was resigning. I’d caught him mumbling to himself a few times about how hard it was to get the needs of the department met and thought that he’d given up. It wasn’t that at all.

With his drink in his hand he told us that his divorce was now final. I remembered that he'd told me a while back that he had filed for a divorce but never mentioned it again. Everybody knew that he and Jo were and “item” but no one in the office made anything of it. As I've mentioned he was very tight lipped about his private life. As I looked around the table I could see various stages of surprise. That is, with everybody but Jo. But the real BIG surprise was what he said next. He announced his engagement to Jo and then grabbed her left hand and held it up for all of us to see. There was a diamond ring. We all cheered and Lucy, who was seated next to Jo, reached over and hugged her. It really was a happy few minutes.

It didn’t take long for the “toasts“ to go around the table and for our glasses to be emptied. Mike, the owner, had overheard the cheering and came over with another round of drinks. We were on our third round before we started eating. By then I was getting light headed. We were all in a really good mood by then and I felt that I had something to announce as well. The call I’d received was from Elle and it was to tell me that she was pregnant. There was a big cheer and a call for another round of drinks. Thankfully, Jay stood up and reminded us that we had work to do. It was approaching 2pm and we’d been gone for almost two hours.

I don’t think anybody wanted to go back but I certainly didn’t. Being a Friday I didn’t have anything that really had to be done that day. If I hadn’t offered to take Andre and Lucy back to work I would’ve gone right home to see Elle. But, since I was in the parking lot I decided to go back upstairs.

Rena told me that Leo, the Deputy Controller, wanted to see me right away. That was never a good thing. When I walked into the Audit and Control department I headed for Leo’s office. As I approached I saw Gina, his secretary, and she gave me a funny look. I didn’t know what to make of it. When I knocked on his door Leo opened it and pointed towards a chair in front of his desk and then shut the door. After sitting he folded his hands in front of him and then just stared at me. I knew this was not going to be good.

I knew I wasn’t going to be the first to speak. It was weird. He had the look of a cheshire cat... just a bit of a smile in a strange sort of way. When he finally spoke the words hit me like a blow to my gut. ”You won’t be doing payroll any more.“ I took a deep breath and couldn’t exhale for a few seconds. When I was finally able to speak I remember leaning forward and spitting out something like ”What did you just say? I think he repeated himself and again, I took a deep breath and then, and I remember this vividly, yelled at him “WHY?”

I’ve had years and years to look back on this and I’m convinced that he was really enjoying himself. Very calmly, with his hands still folded in front of him, he said “You’re not qualified.” I couldn’t believe what I was hearing. Somehow, though thoroughly shocked at what I’d just heard, I managed to stammer out something that, in essence, asked what he meant. Without changing the expression on his face, he calmly stated that for me to “be qualified” I needed to have two years of data processing experience and that I didn’t have it. I sat there in complete disbelief. After hearing those words I just couldn’t speak. I do remember shaking my head as I quickly went into a somewhat defensive mode. When I did speak I started out by saying that every payroll I’d run over the past year and a half had been done on time and that there had never been a problem. He shook his head and said that there had been two that weren't. I was so upset that I didn’t respond but by then I was way forward on the chair, almost on his desk. He told me to get away from the desk and then started off on another topic. I tried to say something but he continued talking over my protests. I didn’t comprehend what he was saying for a few seconds but then I thought I heard him say that the Accountant’s position that I’d been hired for had been filled. I was still concentrating on the fact that I was being removed from the payroll process so I didn’t process on the import of that. Then he said that he didn’t know what they were going to do with me.

To be continued...

Thursday, January 12, 2012

SUMMER... Hopefully, fun ahead (Part 83h)

I didn’t think I’d taken that long for my peek but when I turned around to go back to the car Rena was standing there. Talk about embarrassed! I’m sure I was as red as if I’d been lying out in the sun all day. There was nothing I could say so Rena said it... ”Bra, 34B and panties size 5”. That made me even more uncomfortable. A we got into the car she made another statement... “you REALLY are a panty man!“ Again, what could I say so I didn’t say anything and let the silence and my blushing be my answer. I didn’t look at her until we were back at the attorney’s office and when I did she had this sly smile.

Rena didn’t take very long and when she got back in the car she was still wearing that same sly smile. I kept my mouth shut all the way back to the County Center. As I was turning off the engine she reached over and took my hand. We’d never been ”touchy/feely“ so this was a complete surprise. I looked at her and could see her expression had changed to one of seriousness. Before I could say anything she asked if I could keep a secret. What was I going to say? When I agreed she told me that when her case was settled she was going to leave the area. Surprised by the announcement I asked why. She shook her head and again, asked that I not tell anyone and started out of the car. As the door opened and she slid off the seat she took the hem of her skirt with both hands and flipped it up. It wasn’t much of a peek but it did serve to break the tension that had built up.

Saturday morning was reserved for helping my father and brother to move the furniture at my grandfather’s house so that a new bed could be placed in the back parlor for him. When I arrived my grandfather was giving my father a lot of grief about what was about to happen. Unmoved, my father had my brother and I move most of the furniture out of the parlor. While we were in the process the new bed arrived. It was a hospital type that was mechanized so that it could be raised and lowered, something that even I could see would be helpful for my grandfather. Next, we had to clean out some of the things stored in the room where the girl, Jan, who would be staying with my grandfather would be sleeping. The room had significant history for my family as both my grandmother and my father had been born in there with a midwife present. I’d slept in there when, as a teen and away at school, making a visit. It was a small room to begin with and having a bed, chest of drawers and a small table which served as a desk in there left hardly enough room to turn around. There was no closet either. The house had been built around 1840 and the only true closet in the house was located under the stairs to the second floor.

We were just about set when Jan showed up. As I had observed when I saw her for the first time she was pleasant looking and when she smiled could at least be called somewhat cute. My father, brother and I chatted with her, giving me a chance to get some background. She had just graduated from nursing school and had been hired at the local hospital. One of the first people she met was Cammy, one of my grandmother’s nurses. When my father had asked, casually, if Cammy knew anyone who might be willing to spend nights with my grandfather she immediately suggested Jan. She’d only been working at the hospital for a few weeks and still hadn’t found a permanent place to live. This situation, on the surface, appeared to be the answer but also a big help to her. Not only would she would have a rent free place to sleep but would get paid for doing it.

As we helped Jan move her few things into the house the lack of a closet became a bit of a concern. She had her nurses uniforms (dresses) all on hangers and needed a place to hang them. My brother, in one of the few times I can remember him using his brain, came up with the suggestion of the closet under the stairs. When we looked it housed mostly my grandmother’s coats; things that she would probably never use again. With my grandfather being totally grumpy, my father tried to explain the reasons for it to Jan telling her that he really was a nice man. As my father talked it gave me the time to study her.

A little shorter than Elle, she appeared to be very similar in build. She was wearing a pair of yellow and white clam diggers but, to my disappointment, were sort of baggy which pretty much eliminated a VPL. Free to let my imagination go I fantasized visiting my grandfather in the future while Jan was at the hospital and her wash out on the line. It was a nice thought even if she wasn’t a raving beauty.

That night Jim, Eric and Cal went to the races with me. Even though Andy had been the first one who had promised to help me get the front axle, the three of them pledged to help me do it soon. Eric was the real motivating factor. Even with his country bumpkin looks, Cal was proving to be enthusiastic addition to my small circle of friends as he asked if her could be included. The offer helped to revive my fading hope of racing that Summer.

The only memory I have of the Sunday sailing races was that I spent what free time I had watching Cat’s bottom. She arrived wearing the same shorts as the week before and the view was incredible. Not only for the VPL of the crotch of her panties but also showed the indentation of the leg elastics of her panties. I just knew I had to find a few minutes to go downtown at lunch to see if I could find them for Elle. I also managed to visualize Willie’s wife Merry wearing the panties I’d found. It was a nice thought.

To be continued...

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

SUMMER... Hopefully, fun ahead (Part 83g)

I made sure all the sand was off them before going inside. I checked on the kids and then headed for the bathroom knowing that if Elle returned that I’d have enough time to hide the panties. The light in there was better as well. When I spread them out on the counter I was surprised at just how sheer they were. I hadn’t noticed that when I’d looked at them right after I’d found them. I was absolutely taken by the lace treatment and the different waist elastic. They truly were fancy panties and, without getting some others to compare them to, thought they were the nicest of all. The one concern I had was that they looked a little big and I remembered looking at the label for the size when I’d found them. My memory said they were a size 5 and when I checked the label again I was right... Evette Size 5. I went to Elle’s panty drawer and took a couple of her fancy panties to compare them with and the Evette panties I’d found were definitely larger. I figured that they had been mislabeled but then I remembered the Munsingwear panties I bought for Elle in the city a while back that were larger than the other size 5's Elle had. It was puzzling, for sure. However, as I looked at the fancy panties on the counter I knew I wanted to find some exactly like them.

I took a sniff of them and could tell they had been in sea water. I put them in the sink and washed them out with fresh water but then didn’t know what to do with them now that they were wet. By then I was concerned that Elle wasn’t back and wanted to go check on her. I decided that the trunk of my car was probably the safest place. After depositing them there I went over to Andy’s. Lil was out cold in a lawn chair and Elle was sitting on the lawn. With both Andy’s trucks there I guessed that he’d probably gone looking for beer and took a chance that he’d gone over to Jim’s. I told Elle I’d try to find him and if I couldn’t get him to come home I’d at least get his keys so we could get Lil inside.

My guess was right. Andy, Jim and Dora, Jim’s wife, were sitting on their patio. When I arrived I told Andy that Lil needed his help. I happened to be looking right at Dora when I said it and I remember her rolling her eyes as if to say “Thank you”. Back when Andy left Elle and I he was fairly steady on his feet but now it was a different story. He almost fell when he stood up but wouldn’t let me help him as we headed for his unit. As soon as we walked in the yard he started yelling at Lil, waking her from her stupor. He told her to get her ass inside as she was embarrassing him. Lil was incapable of standing on her own, let alone going up the steps and inside. I went over to help her and with Elle standing behind her, pushing, we got her to the door. Andy then bulled his way up the steps, passed us, and grabbed Lil’s arm and pretty much dragged her inside. I looked at Elle and put my hands up indicating that we’d done all we could.

We were on the walkway in our yard when Elle squeezed my hand. I was more than a little upset at how what had been a good day had turned sour so quickly so didn’t respond. When I didn’t she proceeded to yank my hand and arm turning me towards her. When I did she asked why I hadn’t given her bottom a feel. Still fuming at the way the night had ended up when it had held such promise I didn’t answer. Then she took my hand and put it between her legs. She wasn’t damp. She was wet. That discovery changed my demeanor immediately. As I stood there in the yard rubbing her panties and trying to get a finger inside she started to giggle. She proceeded to tell me that just before Andy and I arrived she’d wet herself again while sitting in the grass along side Lil. She thought that was funny. I didn’t know about the funny part but it was obvious that she was amenable to further “play” and that changed my attitude. When I finally went to bed to sleep I had to admit to myself that it really had been a fun day, even with Andy and Lil’s “interruption”.

Going back to work Friday I expected a rather easy day. Payroll had been the focus prior to the 4th so most of the other work was deferred and Jo and Andre would have priority for the equipment. Jay had been lobbying for an additional machine operator but with Civil Service doing their audit he was told he’d have to wait until they created the job descriptions. Almost every day the computer was in use the whole day as was most of the peripheral equipment. We hadn’t been able to take group lunches as we had in the past and we pretty much took individual time when we could get away. On that day there wasn't much keypunching to be done which left Rena with little to do. Seeing me sort of wandering around she asked if I could do her a big favor.

There was still some uneasiness between us since she’d started to work in the department. She was still the “tease”, every so often giving me a quick peek of her panties, but it was nowhere near where we’d been at when she worked across the hall in the purchasing department. We seldom talked except for work related things. Because of that I was a bit surprised that she’d approached me. A bit wary, I asked want she wanted. She was still without a car because she didn’t have any money to replace the car destroyed when she got hurt. The lady who had hit her didn’t have insurance (it wasn’t mandatory back then) and now Rena was suing her. Rena's attorney needed her to sign some papers and she wanted me to drive her downtown to do it. It seemed harmless so I agreed.

At the attorney’s office it was discovered that Rena had left some paperwork at her home (if you could call it that) in the ground so needed me to drive her there as well. As we pulled in I saw sheets on a clothesline and hoped there was something more interesting behind them. As Rena ran down the steps I quickly got out and ducked under the sheets. Not quite a "bonanza" of panties, but enough to create a “stirring“ down below.

To be continued...

Sunday, January 08, 2012

SUMMER... Hopefully, fun ahead (Part 83f)

Sitting there, mostly observing the girls interact with Elle, I couldn’t help but feel a little guilty. I really didn’t give my kids much time. We’d been there for a while and, pushing my luck a bit, I put my hand under Elle’s chair again. In almost a repeat of earlier, I soon felt warm liquid running between my fingers. The way I was sitting showed my positive reaction to it. However, with the proximity of the kids, that was all I got. The ground where we were sitting was mostly sand so there was no puddle. When I heard Andy’s voice I was certainly glad for that fact. The decibel level told me that he’d had more than just a few beers. I hadn’t seen him to talk to since the morning I’d taken the pictures of Lil and, immediately, feared that in his current state, he would ask me for them. Before I could even turn around I heard Lil’s voice as well.

It was somewhat funny in that when Andy was drinking his voice got louder and he became more animated. Lil, on the other hand, got quieter and even more laid back than usual. Andy’s loudness indicated to me that he was drunk or close to it. With Lil, it was obvious when I looked at her. Her eyelids were drooping and she was having a hard time standing up. I’m not sure that Elle had ever seen her drunk and when she saw her she immediately got up and guided her to her chair. Lil's tongue was so “heavy” that it was hard to make out just what she was trying to say. Andy had two beers in his hands and promptly gave one to Lil. As she tried putting it up to her lips she spilled some down her front. She was wearing a sleeveless cotton blouse and a pair of possibly cream colored shorts. They both became slightly yellowed. Andy thought that it was funny and came over and offered to “even her up” and threatened to pour some of his down her other side. I remember thinking that he was really pretty mean to her. I managed to get his attention and started pressing him on when he was going to help me get the front axle for my race car. Even though he wasn't sober he knew that he’d promised to do it but still hadn’t. I had to listen to a whole bunch of excuses and when he’d finished his beer he asked if I had any. Thankfully, I didn’t. He abruptly turned around and left. Lil was almost totally passed out with my kids asking what was wrong with Auntie Lil. By then it was time for them to get bathed and ready for bed. As Elle was leaving with them I gave her damp bottom a gentle swat.

That left me alone with Lil. Actually, she was sort of cute. I tried to talk with her but there was no use. I’d get a few mumbles and then her jaw would go slack. In one way I was hoping that Andy wouldn’t come back and yet I wanted him to come back and collect her. I finally left her and walked over to an open window at Andy’s place and called for him. I didn’t get a response and wondered where their kids were. There were no lights on but it was still light out so went back to where I’d left Lil. I found her lying on the ground and crying. Again, I tried to talk with her but to no avail. My guess is that she probably weighed between 125 and 130 pounds. I gave a quick thought to trying to pick her up and to carry her home but the memory of my previous back problems jumped to the forefront. I did untangle her legs which had folded up under her as she fell. In doing it I got a pretty fair look up the leg openings of her shorts. It appeared that she was wearing plain white cotton panties. While I was doing that I heard Elle call me from inside asking if everything was OK. I told her about Lil’s condition and she said she’d be out as soon as the kids fell asleep.

Just before Elle arrived Lil woke up. She didn’t know where she was but was able to mumble out that she wanted to go home. I told her to wait for a few minutes but she tried to get up. Not wanting her to hurt herself I tried to help her up and was able to get her standing... for a few seconds. I remember wishing that Elle would hurry up. When she started to fall I guided her into the chair that was right there. She continued to babble but I couldn’t make out what she was saying. It was about then that Elle finally appeared. We got her up and with Elle on one side and me on the other we started walking her home. It took quite a while but when we got her to the door it was locked. I, again, called for Andy but, as before, there was no answer. Both his trucks were parked out front so I didn’t know what to do. All the way Lil had continued to mumble but neither of us could figure out what she was trying to say. There was a lawn chair right there so we decided to sit her down. Elle and I were both pretty tired from half dragging her home. I was ready for both of us to just leave her there like that but Elle would have none of it and said she would stay. I remember being upset with her, telling her that Lil would be OK, as I headed for home.

Walking home I remembered thinking about my first thoughts when I found out that Lil and Andy would be our neighbors. Up to then it had been OK but I was a bit upset about what had just happened. It had been a pretty good day up to when they showed up. I was almost in the door when I remembered the panties I’d retrieved from my boat and doubled back to get them. With Elle next door I had a perfect chance to inspect them.

To be continued...

Friday, January 06, 2012

SUMMER... Hopefully, fun ahead (Part 83e)

I was disappointed when I saw Elle’s teacher friend. Her dress was longer than most I'd observed and the woman was in her 40’s. I hate to say this but she looked like a stereotyped teacher. Almost painfully thin with glasses, she looked anything but like a tennis player. I remember standing there during the introduction (her name was Joy) and telling myself that an ugly panty peek was better than no panty peek at all.

My first impression about her being a tennis player was quickly shattered. Elle and I were on one side of the net and Suzette was on the other and it seemed that she could return all of our errantly hit balls. We only did this for a few minutes before she started the “lesson”. Although Elle was a decidedly better player than I was, the lessons were for both of us. In spite of my opinion of her looks she was an effective teacher. She decided that she would work on my “pitty-pat” serve and, by paying attention, I found myself improving. While I practiced by myself, Suzette worked with Elle on her back hand shot. Before long Elle and I switched places. I quickly realized that having someone who knows what they’re talking about does make a difference. Joy and I were hitting balls back and forth and, much to my surprise, I was enjoying it. After a while I looked over to where Elle had been practicing and saw her squatting just off the court. I knew immediately what was happening.

When we left home Elle had decided to wear a pair of heavy cotton panties under a pair of her fancy panties because, as we had discussed, there would be ample opportunities for a toilet. She and Joy had agreeed on an hour of lessons which still would give Elle adequate leeway. However, as the saying goes, “the best laid plans oft times go astray”. Elle had gone when we were leaving Buddy and Carol’s but we’d spent quite a bit of time saying our good byes. We had to drop the kids at her mother’s house and she didn’t go when we were there. Then, there was the introductory time when meeting Joy. But the real problem was that once into the lessons we’d completely lost track of time. It was now approaching 4:30pm. Two hours between bathroom visits was pretty much the outside limit for Elle and we were definitely there. That, and Elle had been drinking iced tea at lunch, something she normally didn’t drink, created the problem.

After seeing Elle I looked at my watch and called to Joy that we were late in getting the kids and it was time to stop. Walking over to where Elle was squatting I noted that she was playing with one of her sneaker laces. Joy picked up on it and asked Elle if her shoe was bothering her and, to her credit, she said yes. Joy then told us both to make sure that we had good fitting shoes if we were serious about playing tennis. We thanked her for her help and made a vague promise to do it again as we headed for our cars.

I dug a towel out for Elle and had a big smile on my face as I handed it to her. Surprising me, she smiled back and moved her legs apart. My hand was there in a split second. On our way to get the kids I told her that she’d done a good job of keeping her secret from Joy. Smiling, she said that it certainly was a good thing that she’d been by herself because after the first spurt, she’d left a trail while walking off the court. With her talking about it I found myself with a nice bulge in my shorts.

By the time we got back home it was close to 6pm. Elle didn’t feel like cooking so I offered to do hamburgers on the hibachi while she made a salad. It didn’t take her long and I was pleased to see she still had on her tennis clothes. When she was setting up the picnic table I went over to her and gave her bottom a feel and it was still damp. Instant bulge. When we were finished eating I asked what was for dessert. I remember her smiling as she looked at me and asked me what I wanted. It was obvious that she was in a very good mood. The kids were playing in the yard by then so when I reached under her lawn chair and tickled her bottom she hardly hesitated before I felt her warm pee flooding over my fingers. We were on the patio so there was a big puddle under her chair. Normally, she would’ve made me clean it up right away but on this night she got up and came and stood by my chair so I could get a really good feel. This part was really unlike her because if anyone were home at Andy and Lil’s they could’ve seen what we were doing. Actually, if anyone had walked by on the street they would’ve seen it as well. I was truly enjoying the moment.

My “fun” stopped soon thereafter. Jean, our oldest came running up and wanted us to play with her in the playhouse. The presents for her birthday had been things like cups, plates, utensils and play food. I’d half-heartedly promised that I’d do it but still hadn’t. When Elle, wet panties and all, headed out back with her lawn chair there wasn’t much I could do but to follow.

To be continued...

Wednesday, January 04, 2012

SUMMER... Hopefully, fun ahead (Part 83d)

The timing of my arrival turned out to be perfect. She was the person who’d been hired to stay with my grandfather and when I walked in he was all fired up about it... and the other changes my father was making. That meant I didn’t get chastised for not coming around. All I had to do was listen to his complaints that he was still capable of taking care of himself. I was able to elicit the fact that her name was Jan and that my father was in the process of having a bed put into the back parlor so that he wouldn’t have to use the stairs as much. There wasn’t much I could say so I just kept quiet. It was definitely to my benefit to do so. I think he was looking for me to agree with him and my silence only made him madder. When I asked if he was ready to go to the hospital he said he wasn’t going and told me to go home. He was really upset.

On my way home I was trying to find something positive about my upcoming tennis “lesson”. There was nothing I could do to get out of it as I’d recently promised Elle that I’d play at least once a week. As I’ve mentioned, about the only positive I could fine in playing tennis was the hope for a decent panty peek from other women who might be there. I decided the best I could hope for was that her teacher friend was decent looking and was wearing a super short skirt.

Elle was surprised to see me back so early. She was on the phone and, excitedly, let me know it was my good sailing friend, Buddy. He let me know that he and his wife, Carol, and their new baby were spending the day with his parents at their bungalow and were wondering if Elle and I could stop by to see them. With him not sailing this Summer it had been over six months since I’d last seen him. He was in a new job in the city and with the new baby just couldn’t find a way to sail this year. In hearing the offer I figured it was the perfect way to get out of tennis... plus, since the cottage was right behind the sailing club, I’d have a decent chance to retrieve the panties I’d hidden in the boat. With Elle excited to see the baby I, of course, said “Yes” and he immediately invited us for lunch. I was a happy man.

The happiness was somewhat short lived as Elle told me that her teacher friend lived in the town next to where the sailing club was located and that we could still have the lesson at her old high school courts. I probably made a feeble attempt to derail that plan but, in any case, when we left for Buddy’s, we were wearing tennis clothes. I fully expected the teasing that Buddy laid on me because, when we had played the previous Summer I had made a comment that it was the last time he’d see me in tennis clothes.

Elle and my kids were totally involved with the baby right from the time we arrived. Buddy and I went down to the club so that he could see the boats, especially the new ones. All I knew about the red boat was that it was the newest one built by Rex and that the owner was Chuck’s cousin. Like all of Rex’s boats the workmanship was excellent. I showed him Cat’s boat and that surprised him. She’d crewed for him in the area championships but had never let on that she was interested in buying a boat. He confessed to me that if he’d known that he would’ve offered her his boat for the Summer. I told him that Will wasn’t sailing and that it had been leased to a guy who had sailed with the club many years before. Buddy knew about that and offered up that Will was going through some hard times... loss of his job and going through a divorce.

The whole time we were on the beach I was trying to figure out how to get my hands on the panties without Buddy knowing. As we started up the stairs to the house I heard someone call my name. As I turned to look Carol was at the top of the stairs calling us for lunch. I didn’t recognize the caller but started down the steps anyway. As I did Buddy said he’d see me back at the house. I didn’t recognize the person who’d called my name but he knew me. It turned out that he was Cat’s father. He told me that Cat had pointed me out to him as the person who had turned her back onto sailing. He shook my hand and said that he had been a racer when he was younger and that he was so happy to see his daughter back into it again. I would’ve liked to talk with him more but I knew lunch was being served and that I, as a guest, was expected to be there. I started for the stairs again but, just as I hit the first step, remembered the panties. Fortunately, the weather had been good since Sunday and the panties had dried. Discreetly, I shook the sand off them and stuffed them into the pocket of my tennis shorts and then ran up the stairs. I was really excited about having them in my possession but was disappointed that I’d still have to wait to inspect them closely. Before going inside I ditched them under my seat in the car.

Elle called her tennis friend around 2pm and agreed to meet her at the school at 3pm. Buddy, being the joker that he was, threatened to come over to watch me get my “lesson”. I told him that if he did it would be the end of our friendship. Carol had lost most of the weight she’d gained with the baby but it was obvious that the shorts she was wearing were from a previous Summer. I had my fair share of VPL’s (visible panty lines) but the best was saved for last. As we were saying our good byes she wheeled the baby carriage out to the driveway. The movement of the carriage had upset the baby and when she cried Carol bent over and into the carriage to pick her up. Not only was there a vivid VPL but there were two peeks of her panties from under her shorts. Elle saw me ogling that and gave me a kick. I just couldn’t help myself.

To be continued...

Monday, January 02, 2012

SUMMER... Hopefully, fun ahead (Part 83c)

The most memorable thing was that we were out on the water for the first time. Late for the start we ended up last. It didn’t matter in the long run as the races were only “tune ups”. Elle and I used the time to practice some of the maneuvers that we’d been weak on the previous season. I really don’t remember how we did in the second race but what I do remember happened after we were all ashore. Ruthie, Jimbo’s wife had shown up with their new baby. Of course, that got the attention of most of the females. I was left to unrig (take the sails off, coil all the lines etc.) the boat by myself as were most of the guys who sailed with their wives. Because I was the last boat to arrive at the sailing club that morning I had to wait for the hose that was used to wash the salt off the boat. It also meant that anyone going to the parking lot had to go past. A couple of the guys stopped by to chat including Willy. He had some clothes in his arms and I recognized the shirt on top of the pile as the one he’d been wearing while we were racing. He put them down on the deck and then asked me about one of the fittings I used to adjust the jib (the small sail at the front of the boat). I went about explaining it to him until someone handed me the water hose. Continuing to talk as I sprayed the boat I finally reached where his clothes lay. I asked him if he wanted me to rinse them off and he quickly grabbed then up. By then, Merry, his wife walked by and they soon left. Elle was right behind her. I gave her the rudder and tiller to take to the car and finished up with the hose. When I came back to the boat after putting the hose away I had to put the tie downs straps on. As I was doing it and walking around the boat I saw something white half buried in the sand. When I pulled on it with my toe I saw that it was a sock but there was something else down there as well. For this I bent down and pulled it out of the sand. By the feel I could tell it wasn’t a sock. As I pulled it up I almost couldn’t believe my eyes. I quickly looked up and around to see if anyone was nearby and saw no one. It wasn’t just a pair of panties... they were truly “fancy panties”.

I was on my hands and knees as I spread them out on the sand. To start with they had a waist elastic like none I’d ever seen before. They looked huge as I looked down on them. The very first thing I did was to find the label. It read “Evette” and said they were a size 5. I remember thinking that it must be wrong. They had a really delicate lace around the leg openings but that wasn’t the only lace they had. About an inch and a half above that was another 1/2 inch of lace. That lace was not an overlay on the nylon but was separate and went all the way around, even down through the crotch. When I put my fingers on it I could see right through it. Speaking of the crotch, it appeared to be larger, from front to back, than most that I could remember. Because they were wet and covered with wet sand I couldn’t really get a good feel for the material but they were mind numbingly beautiful. My “inspection” probably lasted for no more than 30 seconds, if that. I knew Elle would be back looking for me so I balled them up and stuffed them under a floorboard in the boat.

Walking back to the car I was excited. I figured that the panties had to belong to Willie’s wife and that he’d dropped them when he grabbed the clothes off the deck of my boat. Driving back to Elle’s mother’s house to pick up the kids all I could think of was how to get back to the boat to get my hands on those panties.I came up with a couple of ideas but they were pretty hokey so I didn’t even try. That night, in bed, as I went over the beauty of the panties, I tried to reconcile the actual size of the panties with the size 5 label. I even remember pulling out a pair of Elle’s fancy panties before going to bed and they seemed a bit smaller. I couldn’t wait to get my hands on them.

With 4th of July on a Thursday I had to have the payroll done on Wednesday. I’d continued to find ways to speed up the process and with that, and a minimum of (still unpaid) overtime, I managed to deliver the checks to Mrs. G in the Treasurer’s office in plenty of time. I was pretty proud of myself. It meant I’d have all of the 4th to get caught up at home and, possibly, get a few minutes to work on the race car. I even had a thought about going to my sailboat to retrieve Merry’s panties. However... as soon as I got home I pretty much knew that wasn’t going to happen. Elle was wearing her tennis clothes and immediately figured she wanted me to go play after we ate. But I was wrong. She’d already played with her tennis playing teacher friend. I thought I was home free but then she dropped the “bomb” on me. She’d arranged for me to get a lesson the next day. NOT what I wanted, for sure.

There was one thing I had to do without fail on the 4th and that was to go see my grandfather. It’d been a few weeks since I’d taken him to the hospital and he’d complained to my father. When my father told me about it he mentioned that he was in the process of arranging to have someone stay overnight with my grandfather. He’d fallen but, luckily, it’d been during the daytime when the man who worked for him was around. I expected to get an earful from my grandfather but when I pulled into the driveway I saw an unfamiliar car. I no sooner got out when I saw this pleasant looking young woman headed towards me. She waved as she headed for her car. My eyes followed her to her car as she was worth a close look.

To be continued...