Tuesday, December 24, 2013



Here’s a picture that will hopefully get the readers of this tome into the holiday spirit. However, it was not taken in the period that I’m presently writing about. Be that as it may, here’s hoping that the season is a happy one for you and all the members of your family. May the New Year bring with it good health for you and your loved ones. PEACE!

FYI; I'll be away until the New Year.

Look what I found under my tree!


oldblue said...

Some people have all the luck.
Be safe and I hope you don't stay dry :-)

badside said...

Love the pic PM! Hope the holidays were great for you and your loved ones (and you too OB). BTW, been watching the latest installments of "This Old House" and they've been covering the Jersey Shore that was hit by Sandy. I picture this area as the same as you describe in your postings. Beautiful area.

Pantymaven said...

BS... You're pretty much right about the area we were in being much like the Jersey Shore. We were on a bay and not on the ocean but a lot of the jersey Shore has bays as well. In the period of time that I'm presently writing about the area was just starting to become more populated by year 'round folks but it is still a Summer "destination". Back in the 60's the "Shore" was the same.