Tuesday, December 03, 2013

MORE ON AND ON... June (Part 118f)

MORE ON AND ON... June (Part 118f)

When Johnnie noticed the same thing he broke away from the game and went over to Sandy and kneeled down beside her. He then rolled her over on her back and started whispering to her. It took a few seconds for her to compose herself and when she did she sat bolt upright. Her laughing had stopped and, at first, there was a blank look on her face. Then she turned away from the rest of us and said something to her husband. He immediately got up and put his hands under her armpits and lifted her up. I couldn’t see any wetness as Johnnie tried to steady her but it was a front on view. Then, and this sort of funny, she started backing away from us with Johnnie right beside her. Once they were out of the direct beam of the floodlights they both turned and sort of jogged towards their back yard. If there had been any doubt about her being wet, turning her back to us proved it. The back of her shorts were wet but they were also wet up the right side of them. I figured that must’ve happened while she was lying on her side.

Their departure pretty much ended the party. Elle and I said goodnight to Bob and Phyl and told them we’d see them at the sailing club in the morning. On our way home I very much wanted to mention Sandy’s wetting but decided against it. I knew how embarrassed Elle had been just a week earlier and, at the last minute, thought it best to keep my mouth shut. Instead, I focused on the fact that we were going home to a house without children... and what that would mean.

At the sailing club the next morning it was sort of bittersweet for me. It seemed like I didn’t know over half the guys who were there. Of the dozen or so people I used to race against there were only five there. The debacle of introducing the Windmill class sailboat to the club had had serious repercussions. A number of my friends stopped racing at the club because of the discord that resulted. A number of them were, like me, new fathers and that added to their decision. A couple had changed affiliation and were still racing but not at this club. One thing hadn't changed and Rex was still the facilities manager and very active in promoting the club. At least a half dozen of the guys who were there were new members that had joined because of Rex and his sale of Sunfish sailboats. After brief introductions we started in on getting the storm windows off and attacking the repairs that were needed.

As had been the routine in the past, the women showed up around noontime to  make lunches for us workers. After we'd all eaten, with the clubhouse opened up and the water turned on, they set about cleaning the interior while the men built racks for the new Sunfish. When I bought my Sunfish I had no intention of racing it. The whole reason for the purchase was so that we, as a family, could enjoy sailing with a lot more comfort (and safety) than on the Sailfish. However, the whole time I worked with the guys I was being pressured to join in with the racing. I’ll admit I was being swayed but I still wasn’t ready for it. I was under enough pressure with the new house that I didn’t really need to add racing to it. I wasn’t saying that I wouldn’t race but I didn’t want to do it on a regular basis.

There was one notable absentee... Sandy. Her husband explained that she was under the weather. I figured that was partly true, probably a hangover, but there was also the embarrassment factor what with both Phyl and Elle witnessing her “accident” the night before. I’d tried to keep her off my mind but I truly wanted to see her at the club. Of the women who showed up there was only one that held any interest for me. A 30 something with a real nice figure and  tight fitting clam digger pants. I’d picked her out when the women were cooking the hamburgers and franks. I watched her as she bent over a cooler and I targeted in on a very noticeable VPL. She definitely showed promise.

We left before all the work was finished as I just had to get home to mow the lawn. Sunday was out of the question for doing it. We’d been invited to Peggy’s graduation and although we hadn’t seen her since we moved I felt that we should go. Being a friend of her father’s and the fact that both Elle and I, as well as our girls, had become close to her the previous Summer and Fall warranted our attendance. The graduation ceremonies had actually been postponed a week due to construction problems at the school which worked out better for us.  Elle (actually my mother) had picked out a nice overnight bag as a graduation present for her. Speaking of my mother, she’d taken Jean, our oldest, clothes shopping for her birthday and had bought Elle a cute summer dress which she was looking forward to wearing.

The graduating class was over 300 which made for a long afternoon. Elle had, reluctantly, worn a “package” and was glad that she did. We were invited to Peggy’s parent’s house for a party. If it wasn’t for giving her the present we would’ve gone home. Elle was positive someone would notice but with a dress on I told her there was no way unless they lifted the hem of it. I knew a few people who were there but most were relatives. The guests had been at the house a short while before Peggy showed up. James had told me, somewhat disappointed, that Peggy had a boyfriend. He’d graduated a year before her and was in the Coast Guard. When Peggy made her grand entrance he was there with her all dressed up in his uniform. James had her stand on their small back porch to receive her gifts. But, before she did she said she had an announcement to make... and what an announcement it was! She let everyone know that she was now engaged. I don’t really know how to describe the look on James’ face, but it wasn’t a happy one.

To be continued... 


oldblue said...

How I miss the good old days with a VPL on almost every ass when the movement was right.
Too bad about the heavy leakage. I would assume the game will be history, no more uppies from her.

Pantymaven said...

OB... you are so right about the good old days! Every so often I stumble on one though (other than my wife's... :-) )

As to the game... stay tuned...