Wednesday, May 14, 2014

FINISHING UP... the year (Part 124i)

FINISHING UP... the year (Part 124i)

There was no way to inspect Sandy’s panties until Elle took the lead to do so. If I’d made the suggestion she would’ve been upset with me. I suffered through supper and a period of playing with the kids. When Elle finally sent them upstairs and followed soon after I had my first chance. I’d figured they were probably on the dining room table as that’s where we worked on the prototypes. However, I didn’t dare turn on the lights because Elle would see the additional brightness when she went to put Kaye into bed. So... I walked in from the kitchen and saw a nice, neat pile on the table right where Elle liked to sit. I grabbed it, careful not to disturb the order and fashion they were in. I went back into the kitchen and laid the pile on the counter by the door carefully taking the top pair off. I could feel that they were also nylon satin and actually a better grade of nylon than the Evette panties. I quickly flipped them inside out and found the label... ”Modern Globe“, size 4.

I smiled to myself because it was the same company that made all the Lollipop cotton panties I’d seen through the years and had bought for Elle and the kids. It took a few seconds for me to realize that I’d bought some of the very same ones just a few months earlier in the town where my brother worked. I’d bought three pair and hadn’t really integrated them into the rotation that Elle drew from. Now I was really excited but knew I had to get the pile of panties back on the table before Elle returned.

I retreated to the den where I’d been when Elle  sent the kids upstairs and hoped she’d suggest that we go to work on the panties. No such luck. There was something coming on the TV that she wanted to see. I’m not the most patient person in the world so it seemed like the show moved along in an excruciatingly slow fashion. By the end of it my patience was gone. I got out of my recliner and was just about to bring the subject of the panties up when Elle asked if I wanted to take a look at what Sandy had brought over. I’m also not a very good actor so my attempt at being half interested failed. I remember her making a comment along the lines of her never knowing me to pass up a chance to look at panties.

There were six pair in all. Elle picked one up and I remember her commenting on how nicely they were made. She also made a comment about how it seemed to be a waste to cut into brand new panties. We’d used her stained ones to make up the prototypes. I scanned down the pile and swore I  could see some discoloration on a few near the bottom of the pile. I pulled the bottom pair out and spread them out on the table. Nowhere near as stained as the Evette panties that we’d used, there was a somewhat golden hue in the crotch. I immediately suggested that we start with them. I made the hole in the crotch but then I realized that to put the same cotton crotches that we’d previously used we’d have to cut up some more of Elle’s stained Spanky Pants. It wasn’t that she didn’t have enough... there were probably over a dozen still in her panty drawer... but it was that they’d be going into Sandy’s panties and I wasn’t sure that was proper. Elle sat and thought about it for a minute or so and then came up with a solution. She'd buy some new cotton fabric to insert into Sandy’s panties.

Right before Thanksgiving a new store had opened in our town. Located next to the post office, a combination sewing, knitting, fabric store had started operating. It was owned and run by the wife of the man who’d driven my racecar when I was still in high school. I knew and liked JoJo but had no real reason to go in the store. Elle knew her from the racecar days and said that she’d stop in and ask her advice. Immediately I had a concern about that idea and told Elle of the reason for my concern. I suggested that she ask about a heavy, absorbent cotton that might be good for hand towels. Elle agreed that that might be smarter and that was it for the night.

The mood at work the next day was positively upbeat. I could see a few small wrapped packages sitting under the tellers counter and on a few desktops. The ”small talk“ during the coffee break was all about the ”get together“ and the Secret Santa idea. As I mentioned, I’d drawn Laura as the recipient for my gift. I wanted it to be meaningful and useful so asked Trish, her cousin, for an idea. She gave me an immediate suggestion of a toilet water fragrance that Laura liked and even went so far as to tell me where I could buy it. At lunch I made my way to the drugstore across the street and, although the cost was more than the suggested range that had been put forth, I not only bought it but paid a little extra to get it gift wrapped.

At 4pm all the employees gathered in the lobby. As part of the costume that I’d gotten from the Chamber of Commerce for Bret there was a decorated gift sack. He'd slipped out around 3:30pm or so and a little after 4pm there was a rapping at back door. Hank, the messenger custodian, immediately got an annoyed look on his face. He absolutely hated it when anyone, be it a customer, salesperson or deliveryman, arrived after 3pm, the closing hour for the bank. I watched him amble towards the door and when he saw Santa he yelled out ”It’s Santa.“ and the affair was underway. Bert, the bank president, had to say a few words to greet Santa and then Bret took a seat on the stairway to the second floor. He called out a few names and gave out their gifts but it was a bit awkward. The bag of gifts was located in front of him with the recipient having to lean over it to actually get the gift.

The bank would often allow various charities and civic organizations to set up displays in the lobby and sometimes they would be manned. To save them the trouble of lugging tables and chairs into the bank we’d purchased a few and stored them under the stairs where Bret (Santa) was sitting. Surprisingly, it was Hank who suggested getting one of the folding chairs out for Bret to sit on. It solved the problem as the sack of presents was now by his side. It went pretty smoothly until Jerena’s name was called. As previously written, she could be unpredictable and this turned out to be one of those times. Not everyone knew that Bret was playing Santa but Jerena did. After her name was called she kind of sidled her way over to him in a provocative way. Then she promptly sat on his lap, such as it was with all the stuffing inside the costume. Bret didn’t know what was going on and just sat there as she made a pass at him. When she tried to kiss him he pulled away and Jerena ended up on the floor.

To be continued...

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