Thursday, November 30, 2006

EVEN CLOSER... (Part 14a)

The next day was Labor day. Elle had asked if it were possible for me to take her sailing. We hadn't sailed together for almost exactly a year when we'd gone on a sailing picnic. I'd left the boat at the sailing club the previous day for that very purpose, hoping to find some help in getting the boat in the water. Whenever I was racing it was easy because there were plenty of willing hands to lift the boats from their trailers into the water. They weighed 300 pounds and 4 men handled the job easily with two lifting bars. In a pinch only three were necessary. When I went over to Elle's I'd warned her that finding enough people might be a problem and when we arrived at the club there wasn't anybody in sight. Elle had worn her new bathing suit since she'd taken notice of my approval the previous day. I appreciated it as she really looked good in it. We rigged the boat with the sails and then sat down and waited. We got to talking about how much fun she'd had with Carol, my sailing friend Buddy's girlfriend. A "light" immediately came on in my brain. Buddy lived right behind the club and it might be possible that he'd be available. A quick trip up to the house and there was Buddy and Carol, ready willing and able. We quickly figured that Carol and Elle could take one side of one of the bars and Buddy the other. I'd carry the bost from the skeg (part of the bottom in the very back of the boat) and we'd be on our way. It was a little tricky for the girls but we managed to get the boat in the water without damage to it or ourselves.

It was a perfect wind for what we wanted to do. Elle wasn't all that comforatble when the wind blew hard enough to make the boat tip on its side. We took off and headed for the same place we'd gone the year before. It was a sheltered area and quasi private. However, when we got there I was disappointed to see three boats anchored in "our" area and there were people on the shore as well. So much for privacy! This was only the second time I'd sailed as far West as we presently were but I decided to press on. We sailed for about a half hour and found a long sand bar sticking out into the water. We actually sailed into it (not paying attention to business). When trying to get unstuck I noticed the there seemed to be a protected area on the other side of it so we, eventually, headed there. Once ashore Elle discovered that the bushes that were growing in the sand were actually beach plum. She and her mother had gone beach plum picking many times when she was younger. Her mother made beach plum jam which was really good. Elle was really excited at her discovery and insisted that we go beach plum picking so she could surprise her. I was able to convince her to wait until later as we really didn't have anything to put them in. I suggested that we could go on a walk along the beach and possibly find something acceptable. I was hungry (as always) and ready to eat at that point so we brought the sandwiches, fruit and lemonade that her mother had packed, ashore. We found a small sand dune and set up there. After I'd finished eating my things I was just lying there staring at Elle and when she leaned over to catch one of the sandwich wrappers I noticed something white peeking out from the seat of her bathing suit. It was so quick that I couldn't really focus on it. As she finished up I heard her say "Ooopps!" and then smile with an impish grin. I know I didn't say anything but I looked up at her with a puzzled look on my face. She giggled again and then told me that she'd "leaked". Now it was my turn for an "Ooopps". Mine was an instant bulge. She couldn't see it though as I was lying on my stomach on the sand. Before I could say anything she whispered "I'm going..." and, again, said it with a little impish grin. I immediately looked at her crotch. She was sitting with both her legs folded in front of her with her feet off to her right. I had an open view and was dumbstruck as I watched this golden liquid flow forth from the dark blue material of her suit. By that time I wasn't capable of saying anything. My eyes were totally focused on the spot where her "tinkle" (her word) was leaving her body and being swallowed up by the sand. I heard her say she was "sorry". I surely wasn't!

To be continued...


ross said...

simply amazing...

Annes test beta blog said...

Darn it - a cliff hanger! I can't stand the suspense! (Good story.)

badside said...

PM, I don't have a pee fetish, but your writing makes me very interested, well done!