Monday, May 21, 2012

FALL... October (Part 91g)

The kids were used to eating around 5pm or so and it was well past that. It was probably the reason for their restlessness. Going back in time to when my father still worked in the city, we’d sometimes go home for the weekends and there was a diner we’d stop at. We were fairly near that town so I decided we’d stop there and get a bite as well as to let Elle use the restroom. To appease the kids I promised them ice cream for dessert. I remember Elle asking, more than once, how much further. I don’t remember how long it took but when we were getting the kids out of the back seat I could see Elle wasn’t happy. When I walked around the back of the car I could see why... a growing puddle between her feet. I think this was one of the first, if not the first, times that Jean, our oldest made a comment about Elle’s wetting. It was something along the lines of “Why is Mommy going tinkle?” Of course that made Elle even more upset.

At first she said she wasn’t going to go inside. I shot that down right away saying that there was no way anyone would know since she was wearing a skirt. She pointed to her socks. When I told her to take them off she relented, somewhat. Then she said she really didn’t want to be sitting in wet panties, out in public, for the rest of the night. I immediately thought of the new panties I’d just gotten from Ali. While we were standing there in the kids were tugging on us to go inside. I’d really wanted to give the panties to Elle on her birthday but felt this was really a better time. I went to the rear of the station wagon and opened it up, grabbing two packages of the larger size teen panties. I walked up, handing them to her. She, of course, was surprised and proceeded to ask where they came from. I gave her a push towards the diner entryway and told her I’d explain later.(xX)

I got the kids seated and ordered them some macaroni and cheese. It took Elle about ten minutes before appearing at the booth. With the kids digging into their food Elle proceeded to "grill" me on the panties. She started off by stating that they were too big. I smiled but probably shouldn't have as it seemed to upset her even more than she was. I started to explain but she kept interrupting me which got me upset. I finally told her to shut up and to let me explain. At least I tried. I think I told her that she was going to need new panties for later in her pregnancy and that I felt that these would do. I went too far when I mentioned that my plan had been to give them to her for her birthday. I don't think she spoke to me the whole way home.

I helped get the kids to bed and hoped that she'd calm down some before we went to bed... but she hadn't. I'd hoped to get a peek of her in the new panties but she had taken them off and put on her night time "package" soon after the kids were asleep. One thing I remember was her telling me, as she turned out the light, that the panties had better NOT be her birthday present. It sounded like a warning.

I'd picked up the Winter coat that I'd promised her and had it hidden in the trunk of my car. My original plan was to lay it out on the sofa so she'd see it first thing in the morning. But I was still a bit upset at her attitude so I ended up hanging it in the coat closet instead. I hung it so that she'd see it as soon as she opened the door when she went to get a coat to go to church. She was still in a bit of a snit when we got up and although I had a birthday card for her she was looking for more. I was glad I'd hidden the coat.

We usually left for church around 9:30am. We'd been up for over two hours and all she'd seen was a birthday card. I had the girls in their coats and was just going down the steps when she discovered the coat. That changed her attitude immediately. She appeared in the doorway with the coat on and it really did look good on her but the smile on her face looked even better. At that point I was hoping that the rest of the day would be good as well. Her mother and father came at supper time bringing a cake and we had a small party. By bed time she was in a good enough mood for me to go into the detail about the panties. I did convince her to model them for me and she had been right... just a bit big for the moment. But I did convince her that it wouldn't be long before they would fit. However, I did decide to hold off on telling her about the rest of the new panties that I'd gotten for her from Ali.

To be continued...

1 comment:

badside said...

She shouldn't have gotten so mad at you. Actually she probably wasn't, just took it out on you, then was maybe too proud to admit it after. Sounds like the new coat fix it all anyway.