Sunday, May 26, 2013

MORE SUMMER FUN... August (Part 110c)

I sat in the car for a few minutes trying to take it all in. There was no way that I thought I’d win a feature race with the motor I had. It was pure and simple luck. Once out of the car Seeg slapped me on my back (almost knocking me over) and told me to go  over to his son’s pit stall after his race, that he had a surprise for me. We probably would’ve headed that way anyway but it was nice to be invited.

It was also nice that Chet, Seeg’s son won his feature race. The two winners were together and the mood was certainly upbeat. I’d mentioned that Chet had a group of fans (mostly female) who would show up at the track dressed all in white, the color of his car. On this night they had shown up with T shirts with Chet’s number on both the front and back and they set up a table behind the grandstands and had solicited members offering a free shirt if they joined his fan club. By the time Chet pulled up there had to have been 25 or so girls gathered around wearing the shirts. I’d not seen anything like it before. Chet was a bit overwhelmed when he climbed out of the car. But that wasn’t the end of it.

One of the women was co-owner of a local bakery and had made up a cake to commemorate the official beginning of the fan club. Everybody but Chet knew about it. Initially, I thought that’s why we’d been invited. However, Seeg took me aside and showed me two racing tires in the back of his pick up truck. The only thing he said was “They’re yours.” I tried my best to offer to pay for them (which, with the winnings for the night I probably could’ve.) but he just walked away. He did call back to me that if I didn’t take them he’d give them to somebody else. I looked at Darren and we shrugged out shoulders as we pulled them out of the truck and headed for our pit stall.

We did go back to the “party” such as it was and by then the soda and cake had given way to beer and chips. Darren took advantage of the party atmosphere and managed to get close enough to cute girl that he (and I) had had our eyes on. He tried talking to her but found she spoke very little English. At least she acknowledged him so to him it was also a "win". It was midnight when they track turned the lights off. By the time I got home it was after 1am and I was pretty “happy”. I woke Elle up to tell her about my win but she didn’t appreciate being awakened by someone who was drunk.

She was nice enough to wake me up early enough the next morning for me to get to the ferry to meet Willy for the last race. On the way over to the island we assessed the wind conditions and they didn’t look good for us. It was light air, just about the same as the prior morning. Between my head hurting, bright sunshine, and no wind I wasn’t looking forward to the race. Since I’d not stayed around after the race the previous afternoon I had no idea who had done what as far as finishes were concerned. If we’d had more wind I would’ve given us a chance for a trophy. 

By the time we launched we knew we were third in the standings. I couldn’t figure out how that was possible. However, we noticed that there weren’t as many boats as the day before. I asked Herb, in my old boat, what had happened to them. As I’d mentioned, the main reason that we’d won was the extra weight we had in the strong wind. He told us that the heavy wind conditions had caused damage to some of the competitors. Hearing that I told Willy to pray for the wind to pick up.

It didn’t but sometimes it’s a combination of luck and knowledge that prevails. The course they gave us was what we called “the inside” which meant knowing how the tidal currents worked was critical. That was the reason Willy had asked me to crew for him in the first place. Not to bore you but we were really slow because of our excess weight. On the last leg, going for the finish, we saw that the leaders were headed out into the strong incoming tide. I told Willy to follow the shore line and not them. It looked like we were going the long way but it paid off and we ended up beating about four boats that had been ahead of us. I wasn’t thinking of getting a trophy. It was just my competitive nature, wanting to beat as many boats as possible.

Willy’s wife, Merry, was at the dock waiting for us. The tide was low which meant we had to look up to see the people standing there. She was wearing a pair of wide leg shorts and as we grabbed the dock I looked up and got a very nice view. It had been a number of years since I'd last seen her. She was a nice looking woman but could’ve lost a few pounds. She was busy talking to her husband which kept her from noticing me looking up the legs of her shorts. There was something about the panties that looked somewhat familiar. I could see lace around the leg elastics but there seemed to be lace or some very sheer material that ran into the crotch area. In any case, seeing her panties was like my reward for having sailed that day, especially considering how I’d felt starting off.

Neither of us gave any thought to having done well enough to garner a trophy, even with the win. I was anxious to get going but Hank got our attention, waving is over to where the prizes were being handed out. When the called our class I heard Willie's name called for third place. We looked at each other and couldn't do anything but laugh.

The sight of Merry's panties reminded me to ask Willy about sending me the catalog for his company before we parted. I’d driven myself that day as I’d promised my mother to stop by to say hello to one of her old friends who was visiting her. He promised he would and also told me to pick a few things out of it for Elle. That wasn’t expected... at all. However, I knew that I would surely take advantage of the offer.

To be continued...        

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