Sunday, September 22, 2013

LIFE GOES ON... at home and work (Part 115i)

LIFE GOES ON... at home and work (Part 115i)

I have to interject here that even though Bret and I had the perception that Jerene was an “opportunist”, it was based upon her actions at work. My perception of her outside of work was that she was very naive. So, when asked the question about nylon panties she just turned towards me and had a one word answer... “No” and didn’t seem ill at ease in giving me that answer. Emboldened, I then asked if she’d like to try a pair. Now, if she was more “worldly“ she probably would have been concerned with a question of that nature coming from her ”boss... but she wasn’t and immediately answered with a very innocent ”Yes“. I didn’t expect her answer to be that quick and certainly not a positive one. I’d already formulated something to say to allay her possible concerns... so I went ahead with it anyway. I told her about my friend Willy and that he owned a lingerie company and had sent me samples. It wasn’t completely true but it was true enough that I wasn’t uncomfortable saying it. As I explained it to her she stood there somewhat wide eyed. I told her I’d bring her a pair in on Monday. In spite of the excitement of her willing responses the ”real world“ was right there facing me as well and I knew I had to leave. I put the key in the door and we both exited, Jerene to the left and me to the right.

The reality of what I’d just done hit me on the way home. You’ve heard of ”buyers or sellers remorse“ and what I was experiencing was remorse of a different kind. It was like a bit of paranoia hit me and all the things I shouldn’t have said came to mind. But, they’d been spoken and all the things I should’ve said to ”cover“ myself were also there to contemplate. The main one was in not making sure to tell/remind her not to mention our conversation with anyone. The primary one I was concerned about was the new girl, Laura, as she and Jerene had become somewhat close. Taking that thought a bit further, Trish and Laura, as cousins, were very close and as I pulled into the driveway my mind was conjuring up all kinds of potential problems if it got back to her.

However, over the weekend I did pull out a pair of the Evette, size 4, panties and put them in my briefcase. I have no memory of the rest of it at all what with the fear of repercussions kind of hanging over my head. Jerene was there before me Monday morning. I saw her wearing a ”knowing“ smile as I walked across the lobby over to my desk. During the morning when I tried sneaking a look at her I found her already looking at me and with the same kind of smile. I didn’t want to walk up to her without having a reason but I desperately wanted to tell her to stop looking over at me. Finally, she needed a check to be countersigned by me and came to my desk. That finally gave me the chance to tell her and to ask that she hang around a bit after the others left at 5pm. Talk about a ”knowing smile”!

The routine at 5pm was that Hank, the messenger/custodian would man the back door and let the employees out. He’d stay there until 10 minutes after and then would go upstairs and give out a “last call” meaning that he was on his way home and it would be up to anyone still there had to find their own way out. Then he’d come back down, walk across the lobby, and do the same thing. I was usually the last to leave and that was usually around 5:30pm or so. So, once Hank made his last call I motioned to Jerene to come on over to my desk. She had her coat and handbag with her and set them on the side chair. The look on her face was more of anticipation than anything else. I’d come up with a scenario in which I thought she’d take the envelope with the panties in it, thank me and then go home. It didn’t happen that way.(z)

She took the envelope, ripped it open and held the panties up in front of her. I was so shocked that I didn’t say anything for a few seconds and then I remembered that there were probably still some people on the second floor. I don’t remember exactly what I said but it was along the lines of taking them home and looking at them there.

At this point I need to describe the area we were in. It was called the “platform” where Hobie, Bret and I had our desks and waited on customers. They were all in a line along the outside wall and we all faced the work area behind the tellers counter. Trish also had a desk and hers faced the lobby so she could fulfill her role as receptionist. On the wall to our immediate left was the men’s restroom along with three chairs for customers to sit in while waiting. We’d made it a habit to leave the door to the room open but it could only go about 90 degrees from the wall as it stopped against one of the chairs. It was somewhat like a partition. On the back of the door was a full length mirror. From behind my desk I had to turn about 120 degrees to partially see into the room.

No sooner had I made my suggestion to Jerene than, without saying a word, she turned and walked towards the open door. My first thought was that she was going to try them on inside. But, as I turned to follow her path I was shocked to see her stop about halfway into the room and then start to step into the panties. I could only see a part of her right side as she did and I watched her pull them up while her skirt sort of draped over her the hand I could see. I’d seen Elle do this many times but this was different... it wasn’t Elle. As shocked as I was for what I’d just seen Jerene do I was totally unprepared for what happened next.

To be continued...


oldblue said...

NO FAIR!!! Leaving us hanging, this is just not the way to play the game. I can't wait!!!!
On the serious side this could be the biggest can of worms yet. I know sexual harassment was not yet the big deal it is now, but you are treading on dangerous ground. Never shit close to your own nest.

Pantymaven said...

OB... You are so right! But... stay tuned... :-)