Monday, September 30, 2013

SETTLING IN... or down, or something like that (Part 116c)

SETTLING IN... or down, or something (Part 116c)

The first chore I had that morning was to build and set Elle's clothes line. She wanted to be able to use it right away but I’d set the posts in concrete and it needed to set. Being the middle of April the grass had already started to grow. It was obvious that the previous owner, being a farmer, had put lots of fertilizer on the lawn. I walked the property imagining what it was going to be like when I mowed it. I was actually concerned with the slope of the hill where the cut for the driveway was. To be truthful, I wasn’t looking forward to it. As I did my walk I noticed someone on the neighbors property. I’d still not seen the man and only seen his wife, from a distance, a few times. I walked over to the hedge, which was way overgrown, to get a better look. There were some parts of it that had died and if I stood in one of those empty spots I could see a fair amount of their property. When I first peered through the opening I didn’t see anyone. I wondered how whoever it was had managed to disappear so quickly. For the first time since I’d bought the place I stepped through the hedge and saw a young woman hanging clothes on on a rather unique clothes line. I’m not sure I wasn’t as interested in the design of it as much as I was in the person.

It was attached to the side of the garage and had no vertical poles to hold it up. From where I was standing it looked like there were extensions to a couple of the roof rafters which were attached to two boards that protruded and were attached to the side of the garage. The lines were attached to them. I don’t know why it caught my attention. In any case the female didn’t see me as I peered at her. I knew they had a daughter that had some mental/intelligence problems and assumed that it was her. As she finished up I stepped back so that the hedge shielded me. As she walked back towards the house I took a close look at her. In spite of what I’d been told she looked normal to me. She was wearing what appeared to be a cotton dress and an oversized wrap around sweater. Once she was inside I stepped back through the hedge to peer at the clothes on the line. There wasn’t much, mostly sheets. I was hoping to see some panties but there didn’t appear to be any. Back on my own property I got the idea to walk along my side of the hedge back to where their garage was. Because it hadn’t been trimmed in such a long time the lower part didn’t have much in the way of greenery. It was mostly on top. I found a place where I could see the clothes line and, although the angle was poor, I could see some smallish white things hanging behind the sheets. Unfortunately, there weren’t any dead areas that would let me through. However, I was really curious so walked all the way to the back of my property and around the end of the hedge. From there I couldn’t see the neighbors house as the garage was in the way. So I slowly walked towards it. I had a bit of a problem with the junk piled up behind it but finally got to where I could see the clothes. Those closest to me were mens T shirts and I wasn’t sure what was next to them. At first I was afraid to come out from behind the garage but I was so close I decided to take a few steps. There was a bit of wind so the things were waving back and forth which made it a bit difficult to get an exact read on what was hanging further on down the line. Then I saw something lying on the ground. I hesitated for a second and then took the necessary step to be able to reach it. Wet, I stuffed it in my jacket pocket anyway and made it back to my property as quickly as I could.

Even though it was probably only 50 something degrees out, by the time I made the turn at the end of the hedge I was perspiring profusely. Before I could calm down Elle appeared from behind our garage looking for me. The kids were still at her parents house and she wanted me to go get them. She was in the process of doing cleaning and didn’t like to leave it once she started. Elle had actually startled me which added to my discomfort. She handed me the keys to the station wagon which told me she wanted it done now. That upset me a bit and, believe it or not, I completely forgot about what was in my pocket.

As I mentioned I was perspiring so when I got in the wagon I took off my coat. By the time I’d gotten the kids, all their stuff and back home it was lunch time. It had warmed up considerably and I never gave a thought to my jacket. After lunch I went to purchase the power lawn mower. I’d done research and knew exactly what I wanted. Because of the slopes on the hill I’d decided on a fairly small mower so I took my car to get it. I’d forgotten all about my jacket still in the station wagon... and what was in the pocket.

Returning home, I put the mower together and was set to start mowing. Then I remembered... I needed both oil and gas... and a can to put the gas in. Aside from being upset for forgetting about that stuff I was also upset that I had to go spend more money. It just didn’t seem to end... a dollar or two here and a dollar or two there. It was mid afternoon before I finally started to mow. I remember it like it was yesterday. The slopes were brutal and by the time I was done I was exhausted. I think if Elle had been in just her panties and bra when I walked in it wouldn’t have revived me. I headed for the recliner and took a nap.

To be continued...

1 comment:

oldblue said...

I have a bad feeling.