Friday, May 29, 2015

MORE CHANGES... and problems (Part 132e)

MORE CHANGES... and problems (part 132e)

As you can probably imagine it was an awkward situation. Even though Sabrina had somewhat relaxed after getting into our kitchen her tenseness returned as when she started talking. She started pacing as she talked and told us that she’d driven in to her parents house to spend the day with her mother. She’d planned to connect with Martin and to drive back with him but somehow their plan failed so she ended up having dinner with her parents. The one thing she emphasized was that she wanted to be back before dark because she feared entering a darkened house. She didn’t go into detail but had left way later than she expected and got caught up in weekend traffic (Remember... our area was a Summer destination and this was a Friday night). She went on to say that when she pulled up the driveway it was very dark out and she sat in her car for a bit before “making a dash for it”. Once inside she turned on the kitchen lights. As soon as she did she heard something and went into a panic. When the phone rang it scared her again but she answered it. It was her mother calling to find out if she’d made it back. But, after hanging up she heard more sounds and that’s when she called the police and then ran back to her car to wait for them to arrive.

While telling us this she started pacing back and forth which seemed strange to me. Elle spoke up at that point and told her she was welcome to stay overnight and then Sabrina started to cry. Elle, who is not a “hugger”, went over to her and  put her arm around her. At the same time she told me to go watch TV or something... so that’s what I did. I heard them go upstairs and just waited for Elle to return to find out what was happening.

It took Elle about a half hour or so. I remember seeing her eyes roll as she walked up to where I was seated. It was obvious to me that she had something interesting to say but was somewhat hesitant to do it. It took some persuasion for her to open up and, as usual, I had to promise something (a bribe?) to get her to respond. Sabrina ended up in Kaye’s room which was right across the hall from ours. Initially, I thought that a bit strange as the bed and mattress in there had been left behind by the previous owners. We hadn’t bought a new one for Kaye waiting until we were sure she could make it through the night without wetting. So when I gave Elle a quizzical look I remember her smiling back at me. That’s when it got interesting. Elle decided to come sit in my lap and since I’d already given up any hope for our private evening I couldn’t figure out what was going on. It wasn’t for any sexual reason but rather so she could whisper in my ear and not have Sabrina hear her.

The first thing she told me was that Sabrina had admitted that she sometimes wet her bed. When Elle had offered her one of the older girls room and bed she declined saying that she was concerned that she might “make a mess”. Elle then told me she, point blank, asked her how. That’s when Sabrina told her that she sometimes had nightmares and when she did she would usually wet her bed. With what had happened earlier she was afraid it would happen that night. That’s when Elle said she offered her Kaye’s bed saying that there was a plastic sheet already on it. Elle went on that she wanted to change the sheet before Sabrina used it but she said it wouldn’t be necessary.

I have to admit I found that news interesting as I’d thought Sabrina had quite a few panties for the wash when I’d fixed her washing machine back when she’d moved in. But Elle’s news didn’t end there. The whole time we’d been talking with her she‘d been wet having had an accident when she first heard the noise in her kitchen. My mind immediately went back to when we’d walked from her yard into mine and I hadn’t noticed anything. Thinking quickly I remembered that she’d been in the patrol car when I arrived which meant she’d been sitting and there should’ve been some signs of wetness on the back of her skirt... but I hadn’t seen anything. Of course, thoughts like that weren’t on my mind at the time. The final piece of “news” was that after Elle had given her towels Sabrina asked if she could borrow something to wear to bed that wouldn’t get “ruined” if she did wet. Hearing that I couldn’t wait to hear what Elle had given her. I didn’t much care what she’d chosen for her as a night gown but wanted to know which panties she’d chosen for her. However, I knew I had to be careful how I asked. I tried skirting the obvious by saying I hoped that she didn’t give her something “ratty”, meaning panties that were stained. Elle never paid much attention to the individual characteristics of the panties she wore as I pretty much picked them out for her with the exception of her night time “package”. So. I didn’t get an exact identification but I got a general idea from where in her panty drawer she’d taken them from. I wasn’t sure but hoped they might have been a pair of her fancy panties. Almost all weren’t stained so it made sense for her to chose from that area.

By then the late news on the TV was over and I was ready for bed. Elle wanted to make sure Sabrina was asleep before we went upstairs. When I asked why she told me that Sabrina had almost pleaded for us to leave our door open. Elle tip toed up the stairs and looked in her open door and motioned for me to come on up. When I got to the top Elle wouldn’t let me turn the light on afraid it might wake Sabrina. So, I got undressed in the dark. It wasn’t until I was trying to get to sleep that I realized that if Sabrina was in a pair of Elle’s panties that meant her panties had to be somewhere... but where. I thought about getting up and checking in the bathroom. I quickly dropped that thought because I never got up during the night even when Elle did. If I did and she found me missing I knew I couldn’t come up with a reasonable excuse. I fell asleep hoping for a chance to see them in the morning.

Once in bed I never gave a thought to the information that Elle had passed on about the possibility of Sabrina wetting during the night. I'd promised to hand out Bob's election flyers at the local strip mall so once I awoke my mind was on that. I'd actually forgotten that Sabrina was in the room across the hall... until I started for the bathroom. It was a simultaneous shock to both of us. She had just gotten out of bed and was standing beside it. Elle had given her one of her knee length short sleeved nighties and as I took that first glance it looked to be transparent as I could see her panties through it. We both stood there for a few seconds before I headed down the hall. As I shut the door to the bathroom I realized that the reason for the transparency was that the material was wet. Wearing a pair of boxer shorts there was nothing to stop the immediate erection. It took a wash cloth soaked in cold water to remedy that problem. I made a dash back to our room and shut the door, waking Elle in the process.
She wanted to know what was wrong and all I could answer was that Sabrina was awake.

To be continued...   


badside said...

Sounds like Sabrina had some head issues. Wouldn't be surprised if the noises turned out to be nothing at all. At least you got a little thrill from the turmoil!

Pantymaven said...

BS... go back to Part 129f and read your comment again. You were on to something way back then. :-)