Monday, August 10, 2015

HOT, HOT, HOT.. in many ways (Part 135i)

HOT, HOT, HOT... in many ways (Part 135i)

I tried to get Elle to tell me what she, Ginger and the other lady were discussing when I’d walked into the living room but all I got was her stock answer... ”Girl talk“. Because it was fairly early and our kids with her mother I was contemplating some serious ‘amour’ when we got home. I backed off my questioning so as not to upset her. To make conversation I asked how Ginger’s recovery was going. She hesitated at first but then stated that Ginger was upset by the fact that she was missing out on most of the Summer activities. I reminded Elle that she’d made that observation when contemplating having the same operation. It elicited a positive response and she continued on, saying that her dribbles and occasional wetting weren’t bad enough for her to make that kind of sacrifice. I was glad to her re-affirmation. But she didn’t stop there. For some reason she went on about the other lady that had been with them. It turned out that she was an old friend of Aurelia’s and she (Aurelia) had introduced her to both Elle and Ginger because she had a somewhat similar problem to theirs. But that was as far as she got because we were in our driveway by then. 

To save time I didn’t even put the station wagon into the garage. As she got out she, proudly, let me know that she’d made it through the evening with only the normal dribbles after using the toilet. That was nice for her but my thoughts were about changing that condition in just a matter of minutes. I followed her towards the house but was a bit distracted by the light shining from the Southwest corner bedroom over at Sabrina’s. That was the room where I’d assembled the bed the bed supposedly for Bebe. I stopped and looked and, because there were no shades on the windows, I could see the light fixture in the ceiling. I couldn’t help but wonder if she’d been able to persuade her to move in... but there was no way to follow up on it right then and there.

The ‘amour’ followed soon after we arrived arrived upstairs but without the normal wetting ritual that we followed. Elle was so proud of herself for making it through the party dry that she wanted to see if she could stay dry for an extended period of time including the overnight. I put my priorities in order and bent to her wishes. As I nodded off I did wonder just how far she’d take it.

Saturday morning broke cloudy with the wind out of the East. That usually meant a storm but at the least, rain. I’d deferred inspecting the panties I’d pilfered the evening before and was anxious to get to them. However, Elle, even though she could stay in bed for a while, decided to follow me downstairs so that killed that idea. Looking out at the yard there was no doubt that the grass needed mowing so I told her I wanted to do it before it rained and headed for the garage. I had managed to transfer the wad of toilet paper, with the panties inside, to my work pants so as soon as I opened the garage door it was in my hand. As I peeled the damp paper away I tried to remember what the woman had looked like but the visage was more of her breasts and nipples than her face. When I finally got to the panties I held them up and was truly surprised at how plain, yet fancy, they were with lace around all the elastics. Nylon satin, for sure, they almost looked like a panty for a child. I turned them inside out looking for a label but all I saw was a small tag with the numeral ”5“ on it. I was disappointed not to be able to know who made them. I decided to hide them temporarily in the ‘bump out’ in the garage where the front bumper of the station wagon went and then pulled the vehicle inside.
I was over half way through cutting the lawn when I saw Sabrina headed my way. Seeing her reminded me of the light in the window from the night before so I hoped her visit would clarify that. I didn’t have time for another ‘mini crisis’ on her part. The best way to describe her attitude at that time was ‘feisty”. She wanted to let me know that I’d been wrong when I’d blown up at her after fetching the bed and finding out that she didn’t have a commitment from Bebe about staying with her. I apologized and made the mistake of asking about Bebe’s parents. It turned out to be somewhat interesting in that, after the news broke about the bomb, the parents were deluged by reporters as well as some irate people. They decided to leave the area and leave all that behind. Sabrina told me they headed towards the city where some relatives lived. Bebe didn’t want to go with them and when Sabrina caught up with her and presented the idea of “hiding out”, she went for it. When Sabrina was telling me this she had a 'Cheshire cat' look about her. She could’ve stopped there but continued on saying that Bebe wanted to be near her boyfriend, Pete. When I heard that I know my face broke into a big smile. Bebe had stumbled into a ‘win win’ situation. Out from under her parents and now with a naive ‘landlord’ (of sorts). What more could she want? Sabrina did see my smile and asked, but I wouldn’t tell her.

Sabrina’s interruption caused me to end up getting wet as I finished up the lawn. I was supposed to go to the sailing club to meet with Rex about a plumbing problem at 10am. I figured there was no reason to get changed when, in all probability, I’d get even more wet while there. Sailing lessons had started and our girls had taken to them in good fashion. However, with the influx of new members, there had not been a good comprehension/acceptance of the supervision that the instructors were applying. Basic club rules called for a minimum of two parents (read that “mothers”) present at all times when lessons were in progress. It was supposed to be done on a voluntary basis where parents would sign up for specific days and times. With only three days of lessons it had become readily apparent that something was wrong as the instructors had to scramble to get people there. A special meeting was called for 11am at the club for the parents of kids in the lesson program. Telephone calls were made to all with the admonition that failure to attend would mean no more lessons for their kids. I knew Elle was attending as she was one of the ‘house mothers’. My hope was to get done what needed doing and to get out of there before the hoard of kids and parents arrived. It didn't happen.

To be continued...


oldblue said...

Nice, no frills, panties.
No curtains, you need to keep an eye on that window. Maybe star gazing is in your future.

Pantymaven said...

OB... As you know from reading my posts, one of my favorite things was to put a face with the panties. On these all I really remember is the 'perky breasts' she had. Oh, and she did have dark hair...

badside said...

Love those panties!

Pantymaven said...

BS... Me too! That's why I still have them... :-)